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Everything posted by chrisb

  1. Really pleased your still doing this for A2, it would have been a shame to not have decent diving in the game.. Could you not consider staying celibate, until its completed.. ;) :)
  2. chrisb

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Thanks..:D Didn't have my glasses on..:o I'm not playing mp on A3.. Edit: Job done, thanks Nicholas & PurePassion..
  3. chrisb

    Development Blog & Reveals

    O.k pretty new to Steam, where do you go to opt into the beta's for A3..
  4. chrisb

    Mirrors on vehicles

    Its nice and smooth PIP, but I will be glad if ‘blakes_mirrors’ get ported from A2 to A3. I can then turn the PIP off, its of little use if any….
  5. chrisb

    Love the new AI firefights

    It’s a start to something that may be a mission breaker for you. But for our group building missions the way we do, it’s a big plus. Having thinking ai, is always a plus, don’t you think..;) They can of course be left to do nothing, its all alterable, or will be, hopefully. Have a look at ‘Heavy firefight’ ai test vid A2 (in my sig), two teams one waypoint each, run straight toward each other, no other orders given.. Only two forms of hard cover provided, each way off to the side, 40mtrs away possibly more. In open ground you want thinking ai, not ai that run toward each other and then just drop to the ground when they spot each other, shoot, crawl or crouch and move forward, repeat until dead, don't deviate. Instead I prefer them to think, there's cover over there, hard cover, try get to it, use it, then find a way of getting to your waypoint alive, probably by flanking..Thinking ai.. Just put it on as an example, what you use or have in A2 or here in A3 is upto you, standard ai is o.k. but not realistic..
  6. chrisb

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Seems like quite a bit is compatible with A3. Good that you can port over a little easier over time..:)
  7. chrisb

    A2/A2F/A2OA Tweak Guide

    The allocators are in your Arma 2 ‘dll’ folder. The game however uses the best one for the job I think, so it will probably be ‘ned’. If your using win7, you could try the default, system malloc, just put it in your memory line: -malloc=system Not sure if it would work however, but just worth a try if you haven’t already done it..
  8. chrisb

    Love the new AI firefights

    One thing we can be thankful for, ai can use buildings, not great yet, but they can. It had to be modded in A2 to have that happen regularly and reasonably well.. Couple of test vids below, trying to get an ‘ai pbo’ mix going for A3 using existing pbo's we use from A2, just testing out at present, but have to improve the overall ai thinking, if possible.. Just very short 1min test's. 1/ 2/ Not my mod/addons but other's that are available, just mixed them up a little.. Lots of work and testing to do, but the A3 ai have to be improved more, thinking wise, maybe not accuracy, but thinking wise 'yes' certainly for our group.. I think that Arma 3 has good movement, once its sorted out speed and glitchy wise. Stance for humans has been good for a while in A2, just need the right addons (SMK lite, is good). I play in first person mostly and therefore don't look at my own movement, but its nice to have several stance modes as standard. Looking at movements in A2 was o.k, not as good, but they weren't bad, I could easily put up with them. Arma 3 however has real potential, movements are good at standard and will more than likely be improved over time. Just have to have a thinking ai, can't have any group stood around like zombies, excuse the 'pun/reference'..:p I want to be thinking where are they when I get near to a enemy position, makes for a better and harder firefight.. Place a group in town here in A3 and they will move from building to building (see my A2 ai test vids), this is really good as they are doing their own thinking, finding positions and cover.. Early days of course..:)
  9. chrisb

    ARMA 3 FPS fix!

    I don't use it, but I have heard it can help. Don't forget though, as said above, mark the config to 'read only' or it will just reset everytime..:)
  10. OP I think you have something in some of what you say. Of course with every ‘community’ you get the idiots who think, because you haven’t been on the forum here for long, you have never tried or played the series or any games within the series. Their views therefore could be ignored, serious players of the game want it to be the best it can, for that you need an intelligent debate. A3 does not feel as good as A2 at present, for me, that’s not to say things won’t change, they will, but your right for airing your views. It is different, its aimed a little toward mainstream, I think. Fast unrealistic movements ( got to be tweaked yet) coupled with the vehicle handling/sounds are console’ish. Stances are SMK, yes but some of these are in A2 anyway, have been for a while now, they’re good, lite version is handy. There are many mod/addons in A2 that make it a different game to the standard BIS release, thats good, makes it appeal to more players, those who want slight variations or large variations to gameplay, its all there if you look. That of course will probably happen for A3, but its yet to be seen, early days. BIS will, I think, want to keep appealing to new players, so the game may change from previous versions greatly, in some respects, but that’s probably inevitable. BIS have to appeal to new players, which obviously by the popularity of this Arma 3 forum, its doing. That’s a good thing, maybe bring in new modders, ideas etc, who knows. However, by doing that you upset the balance, where some forum members are concerned, the game will and always has been discussed both good and bad by the group I play in, views vary, but that makes for a good debate. Keep any ideas or thoughts you have coming, ignore the ones, well you know..;)
  11. chrisb

    Arma III Editor Help

    The two editors for A2 and A3 are more or less identical in features (not looks), but go here and get this, it will put you on the right road, for now anyway..:)
  12. chrisb

    Close Quarter got seriously improved!

    Been going on in A2 almost since release, via mods. The above firefight was o.k. but there is no responce to smoke by the ai.:butbut: For the ai to become a serious opposition they have to respond to, smoke, gunshots/grenade sounds etc, and take the appropriate action, i.e. find and move to cover, as seen in many of my test vids, accessed below in the sig.. We need to get that into A3, granted the movement has improved, but humans could always move easily around inside or out..:p But there's plenty of time, I suppose...
  13. chrisb

    Just me or no content?

    There is already new content, i.e. mod/addons see Armaholic or here on the forum. BIS content has yet to be added really.
  14. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    Unfortunately not no. GL4 is the cornerstone to the list I have put together, none of these are anything to do with me, they were all made by very talented community members, I am not a mod maker. I make missions for a group of friends I play the game with, all missions we make are with the GL4 format (gl3 previously). SLX has an updated version (COSLX), so that may happen, but I doubt it. Zeus is very unlikely to happen either. A2 missions are outstanding when made on this format, totally different game, ai wise...
  15. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    If BIS looked back at some decent ai mod’s they could get an answer to many of the problems stock ai have. If they stuck GL3 or 4 in this game, they would have decent ai behaviour, at the moment we have nice movements, or not bad, but little content regards ai behaviour.. AI doing just a few bits of what they can do, i.e. flanking, groups communicating with one another, suppression, using buildings, engaging from windows, doorways, balconies, rooftops, finding cover, calling reinforcements, air support etc, etc. Its all been here for years in the series, but in the form of mod’s, BIS have never cracked decent ai behaviour for the stock ai. Problem we have, is the makers of the best ai mod’s, have left and moved on..:( Lots of it is below in the test vids 'Intelligent ai'.. plus 'Skirmish' etc... We will never see any of that in stock ai.. or for that matter in A3 in general I fear..
  16. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    Falling over myself with excitement, ai using buildings, wow, thats pretty new, yes if we were back in Arma..:rolleyes: Truth is the ai in Arma 3 are pretty poor..:(
  17. Is this the map from PR ? It looks great from the pics etc, looking forward to this release..:)
  18. It is a shame that, Arma 2 at present is better than Arma 3 and will be for some time I think. Would have been nice to have it for Arma 2. Nevermind..:(
  19. So if you were to take an in-game picture with say msi afterburner, it does not pick up the lines ?
  20. chrisb

    ALT+ TAB Back to Desktop

    'Full Screen Windowed' is available from the menu in Editor at least, I use it.:D Also must add, I have it set to a profile and a shortcut from desktop straight into the game as 'fullscreen windowed'.. Handy..
  21. Like the video above, it will be possible at some stage to do the same with Arma3 (1500 ai), but it only leads to a shoot fest, no real ai intelligence, too many off them to be thinking about for the cpu to cope. Just end up with a dumb battle, looks impressive, but thats about it really.. More enjoyment can be made from smaller skirmish type missions, that way the ai are pretty intelligent, provided you have the right ai mods to go with them, or mix of mods.. It will all come with time..:)
  22. chrisb

    Love the new AI firefights

    I easily prefer my old ai pbo mix for fire-fights, much more realistic..
  23. GL series has suppression, it’s the ai knowing when to stop suppressing that’s the problem. GL4 for instance, several groups engaged, some suppressed, stopping the ai from running out of ammo too quickly, whilst suppressing, is a concern.. A 'just whats needed to do the job' attitude, easy taught to humans, just teaching 'ai' that.
  24. I put A3 DDE version into my A2 pc while I wait for a hard copy for my new A3 pc, only usually have hard copies but couldn’t wait. Just wanted to have a good look around. However, not expecting it too, but surprisingly, it runs really nicely.:D I spend most of my time in the editor making missions for our group, so I thought I would test a little, so far working upto a maximum of 70 ai on the map, in skirmish type engagements, all has gone well. Graphics are pretty high, I avoid AA, instead using FXAA low, PP is off (don’t like PP), v-sync is off, everything else is very high, other than terrain detail and cloud which are standard, fps eaters I find here. 900-1200 view distance when fighting is going on, lots more if I’m just walking/driving/flying around on my own. It’s a funny game, seems to be running really well now on my A2 pc, when its optimised I can only hope my new A3pc will breeze through, who knows, when I get my hard copy, I will find out.;).
  25. chrisb

    ArmA 3 - Testing FPS while a 60 soldiers firefight

    The ai would be engaging at different times, i.e. 5v5, 10v8 etc. To really ensure 30v30 happens, you would have to put them pretty close and on flat open area facing each other. I have run smaller skirmishes, 70 ai max, provided your not in the middle of all 70 engaging at once, it runs reasonably nicely, but as above it will be different numbers engaging at slightly different times, not all at once. Having 500 or 2000 ai defeats any object, the ai will turn into useless bots, with no intelligence, cpu would run too slowly for any sensible fight/engagement to take place, just a shoot fest. There again few, if any, wars nowadays have that, it would mostly be skirmishes with low numbers of units, I would imagine the future will be much the same.. Try the 30v30 opposite each other in an open area and pretty close, see how it results. But again the open area will boost fps to start with, so still not reliable for testing really.:)