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Everything posted by chrisb

  1. chrisb

    Cosmos Engine; This Mod Blew Me Away

    I'm happy this got into the competition. I see the similarities to Space Engine too. But there again there are soo many space games coming forward, its not hard to get some that look similar. But it is striking the look of Cosmos to Space Engine. I hope this gets noticed for MANW, I'm sure it will...;) Oh, is it working now, had an issue with some fighter that was needed (required), can't remember which one. Should I just remove that from the mission config and go with any plane..?
  2. chrisb

    Elite: Dangerous

    Excellent news.. Is he then working on this space project for BI (mod), or is that a different space engine type thing.. I certainly see the similarities. Great that he gets updates out, but considering I have the latest, I believe, dates from around 5 months ago 0.971, he hasn’t got much out in the past 5-6 months. There again if he has been busy on this other project, perhaps that’s why. That’s of course, if it is the same person.. ;) Prize money would come in handy for his project, good thing to team up with BI if its the case. Anyway good to hear he is still working on the project. I look forward to another update in the future sometime. Its ambitious and certainly puts many other games to shame, hope he gets it released, although it was greenlit on steam a while ago, but I haven't seen it up on there. Space Engineers on the other hand is a different game. Which I do occasionally refer to as SE, that could be a little misleading to those that follow Space Engine. But it is Space Engineers I am referring to. I have both and each have their merits, so as not to down play KSH in-house engine, which isn't bad either.
  3. chrisb

    Elite: Dangerous

    Space Engineers (KSH) = game, early access on Steam Space Engine = playable tech (free) you can donate to help, I believe. Last I heard, although not checked for a while, I was told he had halted work, not sure. I certainly hope he is still moving ahead, its a great project. Last time I tried to update space engine, I got nowhere, then again I haven't tried for a while now. Good to hear he might still be at it concerning Space Engine, will have to check it out again.
  4. chrisb

    Elite: Dangerous

    Yeah, its a shame he seems to have stopped working on Space Engine, it was a really good project.. Better than ED tech at the moment. Limit Theory is along the same lines as Space Engine, well he has the same ambitions, perhaps.
  5. chrisb

    Cosmos Engine; This Mod Blew Me Away

    Space Engine, as someone has already said, looks very much like that. If it is the same guy making it, they should snap him up, could be great. However, Take on Mars would benefit better from this more, imo, with the current space game explosion, it may put TOM on the map a little more.
  6. Backed both of these SC & ED, plus StarForge :( and a few others. SC, as said in my earlier comment, FPS is bad, but its early days. Not sure how they connect high tech force field barriers with guns that still fire bullets and have iron sights... 1000yrs ahead.:confused: I have the Constellation (Phoenix) and a Freelancer (can't remember which model), plus an Aurora LN. Deluxe hangar with acces to the others beneath that (not the asteroid hangar). Its money badly spent really, I'm not sure this will come out right at the end. It will come out, just not as it was intended. Graphics for the ship cockpit displays have already reduced from the 3d swirling stuff we had at start. More like the flat ED cockpit displays now, good thing really, or we would have been playing on our own in mp. I hope it will be good SC, but really they shouldn't have bothered with the FPS side of things. Mainly because it will get judged on its worse part/module, that will probably be the FPS side. The game/universe they are creating, is really now out of control, saying yes to more or less everything is not a good idea, watch 10 for the chairman. He's got to learn to say 'no', more.. ED: Backed this with an early Beta buy, this is just Elite as it always has been. It won't have much longevity, too large, with little to do. They need to make it more than just a case of reaching Elite status. Not played now for a while, after earning millions of credits, with little to do with it. (only briefly looked at Beta3) Evochron Mercenary does it better with seamless planet landings, although the planets (PG) are pretty bad to be fair. But it is a few years old now. I'm watching Limit Theory plus I've backed Empyrion and also have early access Space Engineers. Space Engineers is a great sandbox, but may be limited later, with what you can do. But really its all about building, survival etc. Empyrion (copy of SE) takes it to the next step, planet landings etc. But not sure it will reach its target on KS yet. StarForge .........:butbut::mad::( where's the rope.. Space Games.. There are going to be many, which to buy... 'None', wait a little. For me now, probably the cheaper SE or Empyrion (if it gets made). SE being the best buy of them all so far, game play hours and interesting, wise. Limit Theory will be for hardcore space sim players I think. ED will fade after a year or so, like the others in this run. And of course we will still be waiting for the PU in SC until 2017/18 probably, I'll be knocking on 60 when that comes out. Waste of time and money, both of these games, even at the lowest early in price. Don't do it wait till release, better still leave it for a few months, into spring next year maybe.. See what happens to both these SC & ED. Get SE, happy hour only £14.99..:D:p My only advice is, reminiscing about old space games from the glory years (were there any :j:), can be costly..:rolleyes:
  7. I watched this fps demo over on the CIG/RSI forum. It plays to the COD, BF4, TF, etc crowd, but certainly at the moment its not looking great, fps wise, graphics of course are great. I thought the fps part of SC would probably be a pretty basic run and gun affair, its looking that way. Other teams could make this different, if played in another way, more tactically. But the general way it was shown, is pretty basic shooter stuff. Not really very impressed, yet. But it is early days and we're yet to see the AI side of things, but I'm not keeping any fingers crossed, it sort of shows where its heading.. Disappointed, but not that surprised..
  8. chrisb

    Virgin Galactic News

    Sad news that. Will set them back somewhat.
  9. chrisb

    New Zealand Army Troops

    Could try AH: http://www.armaholic.com/index.php :)
  10. chrisb

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    I would imagine the only people to take legal action (if any), will be dev's. It could be pretty costly to chase. Very interesting thread this, but really the only ones going to get anything done, are those with the deeper pockets, I fear.. That's of course if any laws have been broken, or terms violated, proving that could be difficult too. Getting a chargeback from PP, well yes, that will clear a problem for some, that's for sure. Maybe more surprising than the thread issue, is someone getting a responce from PP, that has to be more or less a miracle, that's if it was a human responce, that is..;)
  11. chrisb

    Space Engineers

    I agree with what you say. I think the devs need to step up and decide exactly which way they want it to go. It has sold huge amounts so they have a waiting audience, especially on the mp faction making, empire building side. But we can only wait and see. They have done great things with it and the weekly updates (on the dot every Thursday), are a credit to them. They have paused at the mo for some optimisation tweaks, which some players are really wanting badly. It runs great for me, silly high frame rates, but its just one of those games I guess, some players are on 10fps, ouch... Its going to xbox next year, so it may change direction a little, not sure.
  12. All very much appreciated. Thank you.:)
  13. chrisb

    Door Kickers

    Thanks for that I will have a good look at the videos and see.:)
  14. chrisb

    Door Kickers

    The editor alone could make me want to buy this. Only thing I'm not sure of is the tactical part, ie how good are ai etc, or is it more of a rapid shooter type thing..
  15. Your work is much appreciated. As is all work done for A2 at present. Thank you.:)
  16. chrisb

    Squad (PR:BF2 Devs)

    To begin with this subject is getting high jacked by us all, also I’m not arguing about anything, it’s a discussion not an argument, well certainly from my point of view. When I say pvp = player v player, tvt = team v team etc. Bots, in arma, when using the right mods are exceptional. They are really needed in my view, if only to help fill out a large scenario. We use AI heavily in our game-play, but others don’t. I think this is either because they don’t either know what mods to use, or what mix of mods, to make the AI really good. Or, don’t have access to mods that do, which is unfortunate. However, yes I concede, it sounds like you have had problems with public servers for Arma. O.k. I don’t use public servers so can’t really comment, however, you found PR :confused: which is a group that uses Arma (plus, we know BF2). There is a contradiction from yourselves, if Arma is so bad for MP, why does PR use it ? I would think (and its only my view), it is mainly because Arma offers a better solution than BF, more assets wider range etc. But I’m not arguing that some players prefer BF in PR than Arma, but PR is a group using a modified game-play, so you found your group.. no.. Anyway.. Enough said for me on that subject, we could argue all year about groups, mp, etc. If you can't find what you need for your game-play, then unfortunately, its never going to change for you.. _ Anyway back on topic. Squad, will be a whole game built more or less around the PR concept. That being the case, how will they make the game any different to PR using Arma or BF ? The video looks a lot to me like PR/BF2. So what will be the pull for players that have used PR/BF or Arma, towards ‘Squad’ ? So back to my original question, what does Squad offer that is different, to what is already available. Or. Is it just more of the same, the difference really being the use of a format i.e. PR (modded game), simply being made into a stand-alone game. In which case its simply a copy of what exists now.. yes/no ? The graphics don't look terribly advanced, but its early days yet. The game-play, or what it offers, as said exists now, if you look for it. The only difference is at the moment, what is on offer now, has hugely more assets than Squad will be able to offer for some time, I would imagine. I want Squad to be different, offer something that pushes forward the genre. I would like to see it succeed, but it has to be offering something, for me, that is not already here and freely available. Squad can't guarantee PR game-play, if that is what players think. Because it will be freely available to the public as a 'game'. So all will be invited to play it, then you come full circle back to your issues now. Finding a server that fills your needs, what will that be 'Squad Project Reality'..
  17. chrisb

    Squad (PR:BF2 Devs)

    Private server..:D Actually we don't use that many mods, depends on the game setup, but its nice to have them to choose from.. Arma MP is great, can't beat it really, just got to find those likeminded players. However, that will probably mean a private server & group. But isn't that the only way to really enjoy the game in MP. Public servers are a non starter for me, don't bother with them at all. So perhaps, with me not using public servers, I will have to bow out. But never think Arma can't be played MP at the highest quality of teamwork, it can, just depends who your playing the game with. Same goes for any game really. 'Squad' can't guarantee you a good game, its going to be a commercial release, I think. Anyone and everyone can buy into it, so your going to need likeminded players anyway, to enjoy that. Its all about getting a group, spending some money on a decent server and setup, choosing your mod/addons, then saying goodbye to the rest of the MP crowd. Sad but true.
  18. chrisb

    Squad (PR:BF2 Devs)

    You really know very little if PR gameplay is all you can compare to, its not the best game-play out there, that's for sure. Regards the terrains, I have a little over 300 arma terrains, covers every scenario plus some.. Arma is way ahead of BF2 where pvp is concerned, always has been. Regards polished content, no win for anything other than this series, really. With around 2500 mod/addons on my HDD's, there are plenty of the best quality assets you'll find in mil/sim style gaming, all come from this series. I've played BF2, that's why I play the Arma series..:rolleyes: Really get yourself into a decent war-gaming group, you won't look back, possibly open your eye's some. That's if you can A/ get into one, then B/ find a really good one, they don't advertise much, its not PR or Ace, long way away from that type of game-play..;) FPS, never had any problems with this or any other game regards frame rates. If your playing PR or anything else with poor frame rates, then you have a problem. PR use Arma series too, don't they, how do you get on with that, or is it all BF2.. PS, I'm only referencing BF2, mainly because that's what this 'Squad' looks like. Anyway, back on topic, who are all these Iconic people they mention in the second video. That isn't a great way to advertise, would have been better saying talented devs rather than iconic..
  19. chrisb

    Squad (PR:BF2 Devs)

    I wasn't aware I said that, in-fact I didn't say that. So not sure what your talking about. :rolleyes: If you think that's what sensible players, playing tactical games in decent war gaming groups do, then you've been watching too much YT. Groups using rank structures are trying to be soldiers, war-gaming groups are trying to beat the game (AI), or each other. Using the best tactics you can come up with at the time. That’s team play, friends you’ve had for years playing a casual but very tactical game. Possibly you haven’t experienced that, yet.. These war-gaming groups are not easy to get into, so finding a spot is hard, once your in, players tend to stay for years. I've been in a war-gaming group since, well the early 80's, hex games. Playing tactical game-play tends to be nothing like you see on YT, you know..;)
  20. chrisb

    Squad (PR:BF2 Devs)

    I would say first of all, you can't sell someone a group of likeminded players. Everyone can have likeminded players in a group and then have the best immersive, tactical, game-play you can get, in whichever game you play in this genre. PvP is never a problem, provided you have likeminded players. PR2 is simply likeminded players. I already have that, not PR2, but better game-play in my view, in the group I play, but I'm biased. ;) But its not about that. Its about what the game 'Squad' can offer, that is different to other games in this genre. It seems to me, but its only from what is in the OP, that they are trying to sell a playing format i.e. group game-play with likeminded people. That's not a game really, is it... However.. I really wish them luck, I'm all for competition and we need it in this genre. I hope its more than just PR2 '+1', it will have to be a game, not simply a terrain and a few assets. The competition here in this series, is way too great to try and compete. Better to make it different, especially to what we've seen in that video, which just looks like every other video of BF2 or this series, with team game-play at the forefront. I will keep an eye out for it though, hope it turns into something worth supporting. :) Edit: did I mention 'likeminded players'.. just checking..:p
  21. I am pretty disappointed about StarForge. From the early days I thought, yes, that sounds great, building, survival, exploration etc.. Seamless PG planet and universe. Sounds good, sandbox fun.. What I didn't realise at the time was, PG in this case, didn't mean what I thought, what we all think when they say PG (Procedurally Generated) but instead it was 'PG' Pathetic Garbage... :( Not my biggest disappointment, but reasonably recent.. ;)
  22. chrisb

    Squad (PR:BF2 Devs)

    What will it offer that this series can't, if its coop team based ?
  23. chrisb

    GLTH Compass

    Thanks for this, many will find it useful.. :)
  24. chrisb

    Minihattan Island

    Looks great, how is it for AI in buildings etc ?
  25. Yep, a great looking game, look forward to it developing more through the coming months. Will be playing, for sure.