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About Kaibz

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  1. Well Dwarden i tried your fix, and it changes absolutly nothing for me, Xsens is still twice more sensitive than Y but the real issue is still the negative moue accel which is a no go for me and trust me i tried every single setting in the controls and video options and i don't have any neg mouse accel issue in any other FPS.
  2. Bumping for negative mouse accel death
  3. Personally i just have the alpha lite and i have the same issue( X more sensitive than Y, and mouse accel even if disabled) , and i have negative mouse acceleration on top of that. So, so far it's no buy for me, unless someone can confirm it's a real bug.
  4. Just got an invite for the alpha lite and i was so sure i was going to play a few minutes and then go buy it on steam....however i have been soo disapointed that i just won't buy it. The one thing i really needed, after playing Arma2, was no negative mouse acceleration, and now i'm so pissed of that it's still there in Arma3 even after tweaking every possible settings in the game, so i realised it's actually a feature. So no buy for me but i wish BIS all the best anyway.
  5. Kaibz

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I haven't played Arma 2 much because of the controls and the negative mouse accel. But after seeing this video and reading about the controls, i want in!!! Buying the alpha tomorow. Great job BIS!!!
  6. Kaibz

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    I agree with other people that it is not that clear that we get acces to beta and full game when we buy the alpha pack, may be it's on purpose i don't know :) But anyway even if i have to buy only one game this year, i'll get the full support version cause a company that supports PC gaming and modding needs lots of support!!!!
  7. Kaibz

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    Thanks a lot can't wait!!!!
  8. Kaibz

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I suppose that nobody cares but, i like Steam and i'm really happy Arma3 will be steam only, and i'm even more happy that it will allow BIS to keep making great PC only games and just for that i'll make sure to preorder as soon as it's available. The Arma modding community is may be the best in the world, i really hope they keep making great mods though Steam workshop.
  9. Kaibz

    2 Player coop missions?

    Exellent thanks a lot guys!!!!
  10. Kaibz

    2 Player coop missions?

    Hi, i'm totally new to the Arma coop part, i didn't want to create a new thread as i am also looking for good "2 players" coop missions and i was wondering if there had been some new good ones since the last message in 2010 ? I already noted down the ones in this thread and I heard about Cipher, is it good and playable in coop for 2 players?