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Everything posted by lordprimate

  1. lordprimate

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    Awesome mod Thanks for your work.. but of course there is another reason im posting. when i launch your mod with the latest version i get a pop up error " no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgAmmo/RH_556X45_B_MK262.model' and this is spammed in my rpt can you set it up so that if it doesnt detect that class/name of mod or weapon it will not initiate/execute any scripts? maybe not in the cfg though ... so i donno just wondering. and the second error : when ever using a map outside the @A3MP. like @MCN_Hazarkot, @Sangin_A3_public, @thirsk.. any map other then default arma 2 ones. I went in an added some maps i frequent and still got the error. any who Thanks for the mod
  2. lordprimate

    UTS-15 Tactical Shotgun

    Beautiful highly detailed and thank you for your hard work!!! cant wait to shoot'm up!!!! EDIT::: it has signatures but no Key...
  3. lordprimate

    Mag Repack

    and when did i or anyone object?? serjames said he removed it from his server... first off its a client side mod(pluss mission based script) I was saying that theres no need to remove it because it still works... aside from that i also said later that i had forgot about the script version and if that was the version they removed from their server then its an easy fix and they dont have to WAIT or remove it.. just insert the semi colon... Aside from sayin that they dont have to wait and being corrected that there is a script version ... i never once discouraged any updates... .. ....thanks and good day!!
  4. lordprimate

    Mag Repack

    sorry i forgot there was a script version. but in that case if it is the scripted version, and it is known where the error is. im confused as to why they didnt just correct the error in their mission. no need to take it off the server.. again i forgot that there was a script version sorry for the confusion on my part!!
  5. lordprimate

    Mag Repack

    umm this doesnt go on the server... this is a client side only mod... server just needs the keys... i use it all the time in MP just fine.. All the time..
  6. lordprimate

    ASR AI 3

    i agree Robalo, however, in my experience just using the admin function #monitor... i can say that i have Never been in ANY mission On ANY server that got above 40 fps consistently... most missions that i have downloaded have played around 25-35 CPS on the servers... that includes missions like PatrolOps, Domi, Insurgency. Tiny/ Small missions will of course yield you get better cps. with little scripting and few ai thats a given but the aforementioned.. yea if your getting 40 CPS out of your server consistantly i would like to know a couple things: Who is your server provider? what are their Servers specs?? how many ai are in these missions? (and are these missions available to download? ) Seba no need to dream... This is the ARMA 3 thread... not arma 2, so your argument about them not touching the ai in CO 1.62 are irrelevant here..... If you look in the Captains AI log in the dev section you will see that in ARMA 3 there have been some improvements... SOME.... Again i repeat my previous statement, that during the dev of arma 3 TPW turn off LOS by default because of the changed made to the AI in the engine.(im just repeating what tpw had stated a long time ago).. BIS's system is not perfect and im sure that if you were to enable LOS in those above mentiond mods youll see a difference. I could be wrong ill hav to check but i do believe i have it enabled on my server and client . and as for how much performance it uses, negligible.. expecially if you use it correctly. Its only needed for close combat IE inside buildings.. So if you have it set to be active >50 meters your going to get a big performance hit if your in a mission like insurgency.. I have mine set at 50 meters and i honestly dont see any difference in perf. when its off or when its on in my missions .. for tpwcas and tpw_mods. again thats because it only kicks in for those few units that make it with in 50 meters of any playable units...
  7. I have applied the changes proposed above. going to test and send to Ollem for packaging.. hopefully he can sign it and kick out an update soon...
  8. lordprimate

    ASR AI 3

    LOL ONE TINY ERROR.. and your going to bitch... LOL.... Line of site in most mods nowadays is obsolete anyways... BIS did a decent job of pumping up their abilities in CQC situations... I keep TPWCAS LOS OFF... same with TPW_MODs LOS.. their disabled by default for a reason... Get_cover= 40 fps... so your almost never using the get cover function... I have that setting at 10fps... I want those ai to take cover...
  9. lordprimate

    BIS website problems... WTF

    Nevermind.. I not going to buy the game.. BIS your website made it impossible to buy ARMA 3 while on sale..
  10. lordprimate

    BIS website problems... WTF

    i did that demon... i reset it three times... the sale is over it doesnt matter like i said ill just wait until steam has a sale on it again. next summer.. when ever.. i already have the game.. i was going to buy it as a gift.. however, as i said i had to create a second account just to access the store. oh well..
  11. The ARMA series of games is OK at best, with out mods.... BIS did a wonderfull job of creating a platform where people can modify the game to be better and more immersive!! They created a good baseline... but i bought the game s for the moddability!! Vanilla SUX ASS
  12. lordprimate

    BIS website problems... WTF

    yea, thanks..... for shareing..... the store wouldnt let me log in.......... so then i realized that you have to have a SECOND account on their STORE..... so i tried to set up a second account just to buy the game..... and well... low and behold... It wouldnt accept my email address. because it was already in use..... WELL NO SHIT BIS.... YOUR MAKING ME CREATE A SECOND ACCOUNT JUST FOR YOUR STORE... NO SHIT I MY EMAIL IS ALREADY IN USE... so instead of setting up another Email address just to buy this game.. ill just wait until the next steam sale... I look at it like this... steam makes it easy to buy.... its just to bad that BIS doesnt get all the money when you buy from steam... to bad for BIS maybe they souldn't make it a pain in the ass to buy from their web site....
  13. ill do a live stream in a few. waiting on twitch to startup.. nm not going to happen
  14. lordprimate

    Group Link 5 Core (AI Enhancement)

    who is argueing?? did i miss something? anywho as onkel said that is exactly it. All the current settings, If im not mistaken are pretty high so if you get a big perf hit then you might need to dial back some... I did that so i wasnt wasting time during testing waiting for a %50 chance of something i set it all to %100. That was purely for testing purposes
  15. lordprimate

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Where are the radios? I have everything running. I am ingame with a radio on me.. but in the editor i cannot find them... and i cannot see and radio pop up in the corner to show me im transmitting..?? Everything is in the right place.
  16. lordprimate

    Group Link 5 Core (AI Enhancement)

    onkel, i am working on the gl5_sFX version not this one.. and secondly, Lol at your comments. First off I dont care what the name. In my folders it was called "@GL4_A3" I was until zerro and i merged his work and mine. That is another subject i dont want to touch. I think that you should download the Sfx version. I did spend quit some time trying to get everything to work.. My spare time, my time... unpaid, time trying to learn more about coding... On that note if anyone does actually go and download gl4 for arma 2 and then the sfx version for Arma 3 posted in another thread you WILL see MANY changes. . not just the name... I dont know why all the names were removed from the headers.. I dont like it I think credit was shown properly and I just wanted to help the mod move foreward..... That said I object to your previous allegation... Onkel I didnt hear you chomping at the bit to help out with the development of the mod into arma 3... Why so accusative????? You could take that energy and redirect it into something more productive??? anywho i digress... I have never said I was PRO... so let me say it again.. I am A NOVICE at coding.. I took a few C++ classes a LONG time ago.. I have a good idea of whats going on.. I have made quite a bit of changes. I also have quite a array of test missions aimed at testing each little aspect of GL5 i can. theres lots i cant fix on my own.. I would love help... I will be releaseing an update soon as soon as i can figure out why the surrendering AI throw a config error. Its a simple script tells them to drop their weapons, gear, and put their hands up.. it works but you have to click your way threw an error message.. so theres an update for those that care. Onkel.. If you would like to offer any help Please do. outside of that your kind words of encouragement were appreciated..... again have a nice day
  17. lordprimate

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Wow... Just .... Wow... OS.. you have out done yourself again!! Tank you Honey!!!!
  18. lordprimate

    Group Link 5 Core (AI Enhancement)

    i am on my spare time
  19. lordprimate

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Delete this please... sorry
  20. Hello, TPW I read the change log so did DA make a new "shell" ?? because i now the last problem was that the bullets would impact and go off trajectory. WOW, DasAtttorney, Take it easy man sounds like you hit your head pretty hard. I have been there. Just relax and let your brain heal... !! that is an order soldier!!
  21. just so you know.. Anything that your NOT changing, DOES NOT need to be a part of your config... Im seeing a lot of stuff that is still default. you can remove all those and just leave the actuall config items your changing. EDIT:wholy shit i forgot.... Sorry, Thanks for the Ultra shadows Mang.
  22. just a quick thought reading your post maybe a new feature can be that if any units in a group have a fatigue of > 0.75 and the distance of that unit with high fatigue, is a certain distance away from the leader, the leader stops and waits. Good idea?
  23. lordprimate

    =MARSOC= Public Server #1

    Hello All, Our community, =MARSOC=, cordially invites you to join our public server. We have recently introduced a barrier of entry and have noticed that people are having a hard time getting in. Our community is focused on Infantry, squad tactics and teamwork. Which cannot be attained without a certain level of seriousness. All the while, trying to be as immersive as possible. Our Server is often restricted to First Person Only and is almost ALWAYS on Elite. On that note we have and are making adjustments to AI accuracy. Their bad shots for a reason. We want you to move, come into contact and react... not get one shot from 1000m.... If you have a strong desire to play as a team member, communicate and approach a target as a team. If you have Teamspeak3, a Mic, can speak and understand English. If you know how to mod your client. You just need / can use the following mods on our server!! Required mods: @CBA_A3 -Community based Addons Allowed (Client Side) Mods: @L_Mount - Weapon Attachment Animations @sthud_a3 - Shacktac Hud @st_gi - Shacktack Group Indicators @st_interact_a3 - Shacktack Interaction @st_nametags - Shacktack Name-tags @st_stamina_bar - Shaktack Stamina Bar @st_map_autobrightness - Map Auto-Brightness @saku_shake - High Caliber Weapon Camera Shake @tao_foldmap_a3 - And Ipad Map or Small Paper Map Just like any other server there are general rules. The foremost important one to remember is, "Teamwork Or Your Out!!!" Be Courteous to the other players, Remember The Golden Rule... Certain tech like, thermal scopes and the like, are frowned upon. They have been Dubbed "NOOB SCOPES", for a reason. We are Infantry focused, so if you want to fly then generally our server is not for you. There are other small other generalities but there mostly common place. So no need to list them all.. In Summation, I would like to say the one thing that I have not mentioned for one reason... This thing is something inherent in the type of game play were trying to cultivate on our server. It is Teamwork. It is Proper Coms. It is Everything that comes with ARMA when you add a Radio mod and the Clientside mods we allow. It was not mentioned because its the one thing that is Assumed And Required. Have FUN!! Server Info: IP: Teamspeak: ts3.gamersplatoon.com
  24. lordprimate

    VTS Simple weapon resting

    if its not working its because either the mod folder is not structured right or you have not put the USERCONFIG in the right place. the problem i was having recently was because, somehow my userconfig folder got wiped out... and i had to add all the mods userconfig folders back into it.....