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About jst

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  1. Hey...this is a great tool...thank you! I also get some kind of message but it doesnt bother me (i just ignore it),because server run smooth when i need it.When first cheater come on the server,then usually something happend.Lag become unbearable or vehicles go in the air,....what kind of anti-cheat are other admins using? I also like to use your respawn script-its easy and its working :) Thank you!!! Kind regards
  2. Hello I have a problem...i have original arma 2 dvd but since i changed pc i cant play online except for few lucky servers i occasionally find.I didnt want to bother since i can play with arma free when i want to go online and use arma 2 only for editor.But now i want to host a dedicated server sometimes and i have battleye problems ( dont know what it is and what it does,but if i run server without battleye it works fine) i upgraded both server and client .dll...now i dont know what could be wrong...hope someone can help me.Please,if is there anyone who have same problem and managed to fix it,tell me how.Customer support issue? Any suggestions,tips? Regards jst
  3. hello i was trying to run this script on the Utes map and have no idea what is wrong.Can someone point me in the right direction? thanks this is how it came out...i used respawn instead and some field hospitals
  4. hi guys first i would like to ask you to forgive my english-im not native speaker,but i will try to explain my point. Quality better than quantity...there are some cheaters online playing arma . i will not put 1 euro in this game only because of cheaters.And i have only this account...if something happend to it,i will change the game or return to the Battlefield,COD,....Sometimes is impossible to do jobs only because of cheaters. i have intention to buy and play arma3...im just testing arma2 now and is fantastic...well if there were not some noobs with nukes....And sometimes there are raining tanks,.... please dont even develope something like that,exclude it from game...please tell the programmers not to build any bugs or codes...there are some without knowing (i belive that happens sometimes)and people will find and abuse them.Please dont make things even more eazy for noob players-abusers,cheaters,glitchers,...whatever you may call them. i realy,realy,realy wish all the cheaters will vanish from surface of the earth......forever.... Please help me to live my dreams Kind regards jst p.s. For the finish i would like to propose me for game administrator with possibility to ban players.I will respect all restrictions from you (ban only people who make unbeliavible things and 100 % abuse the server.If you are interested,please contact me-you have all the data you need.I have a lot of experience-i was 4 years administrator in the Medal of honour game,rifle only server. I was also forum moderator and clan leader few times. p.p.s. Congratulation for the game and the development of it.Please keep it doing. P.P.S I have now arma 3 alpha supporter edition...and i love it,great game.