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Everything posted by greywolf907

  1. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    K so for test purposes how would I call the script with the line ["mrkName",200,5,EAST] execVM "JSHK_patrols.sqf"; on the tasks mission you threw together so they are linked and fire with the objectives?
  2. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Ah I see thank you. Now can we implement this into the random objective script along with the secondary task? Some how I would need it to fire only one AO at a time and the rest are not present until called up by the random objective script. Prob easier said than done though right :)
  3. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Looks good going to try this when I get home. So in the line _AOmarker in between the first set of "" I would add marker name right? And the second set off "" what go's there?
  4. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Yup have edited many of Domi and Invade maps trying to create a new co op mission from the ground up a bit different from whats out there we need some more variety Arma has endless mission scenario possibility's as far as good large scale co op missions we need more in my opinion. JShock I would be interested in trying out your patrol script if you want I'm not stuck on DAC as the AI create script just a method that works and can hide the inactive AO'S and cache units to save on lag for the players. Thanks for the examples Persian I will try it out.
  5. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    So jShock how can I make a opfor unit spawn in with the tower at these locations? Also do you know what condition line I can use in a trigger to make it fire when opfor unit is detected in trigger area? I tried your adjusted script above everything seems to be working as you wrote it but since I have no Idea how to fire of the DAC zone in each objective script and have units spawn in with the objective and tower its hard to test fully, I posted in the DAC thread to see if someone can tell me how to fire the zones along with the random objectives.
  6. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Yeah my unit has run a Invade map I modified as our default public server mission for a long time but its gotten repetitive and boring I have made many missions for my unit to play on op days but never tried to make a large scale dynamic co op map so I thought I would give it a try and the outcome was my <advanced operations> mission. But can't have the same AO at every start so then I have to get my head around this scripting stuff to make it all come together like I want it to be. Plan on releasing it on Armaholic when I get the finished product. Thanks for your contributions your the man.
  7. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Same type of objectives to start but trying to get the basics down then I will change them up. Invade and Annex has way to much crap in it and all the restrictions they love to put in causes a bunch of lag for people kind of takes the fun out of it, my mission is challenging and yet still enjoyable to play by simplifying it to where only one AO is active at a time and not all the rest of the junk put into the mission cuts out a bunch of chop for people. I already have the mission made but with task modules to fire the DAC zones so to eliminate all the sync lines on the map and streamline it I would like all the tasks and objectives to fire within scripts. Lucky for me jShock has been patiently guiding me through how to do some things.
  8. greywolf907

    DAC Arma 3

    So I need help with how to make the DAC zone only fire when the random objective is activated. My co op mission has 10 objective locations that fire randomly each time the missions starts so how can I link the DAC zone with the objective so it will only fire when that certain objective is activated? Thanks.
  9. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Oh yeah I see that I did not need to change anything after looking at your example mission. The tower did spawn in one place twice but like you said prob because of only 3 markers so I would need some kind of trigger to end the cycle or it just keeps going forever right? This works like a champ Thanks a bunch for walking me through it now just need to figure out how to link this to my DAC zones and make them spawn with these objectives. Since this is a drop the tower objective how would I make this the secondary objective and the primary objective to clear all enemy from the town or location area?
  10. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Thanks man I made some proggress since my last post in the init.sqf I put execVM "objectiveInit.sqf"; that little tidbit made a whole lot of difference lol duh right. I will grab you mission I'm sure that will sort out the rest Thanks again man. ---------- Post added at 02:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ---------- So this is what I put in the first objective everything works but after destroying the tower it respawns in the same spot again. //example objective0Create.sqf //call line being: [(getMarkerPos _rndLoc)] execVM "objective0Create.sqf"; mrk1 = (_this select 0); t1 = createVehicle ["Land_TTowerBig_2_F", mrk1, [], 0, "NONE"]; //This is where any DAC stuff would go, assuming it can use the "_centerPos" to spawn stuff around [ "task1", true, ["Destroy the tower by any means necessary.","Destroy Tower","Destroy Tower"], mrk1, "AUTOASSIGNED", 5, true, true ] call BIS_fnc_setTask; waitUntil {!alive t1}; ["task1","Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; hintSilent "Wooo, tower down!"; //next line restarts the "randomization" process for the next mission which has the switch statement and the rest as exampled above in post #2 0 = [] execVM "objectiveInit.sqf";
  11. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Ok so I did what you said to inside objective0create.sqf and the other 2 objective1create.sqf, and objective2create.sqf I put this //example objective0Create.sqf //call line being: [(getMarkerPos _rndLoc)] execVM "objective0Create.sqf"; _centerPos = (_this select 0); _tower = createVehicle ["Land_TTowerBig_2_F", _centerPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; //This is where any DAC stuff would go, assuming it can use the "_centerPos" to spawn stuff around [ "RadioTowerID", true, ["Destroy the tower by any means necessary.","Destroy Tower","Destroy Tower"], _centerPos, "AUTOASSIGNED", 5, true, true ] call BIS_fnc_setTask; waitUntil {!alive _tower}; ["RadioTowerID","Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; hintSilent "Wooo, tower down!"; //next line restarts the "randomization" process for the next mission which has the switch statement and the rest as exampled above in post #2 0 = [] execVM "objectiveInit.sqf"; But I need to fully understand the task script to make it work because it doesn't do anything by itself like it is right. I know this is just basic stuff for you but never have done a task script only using the modules for tasks it's not just like I can write one up. What do I name the document in the mission folder tasks.sqf? And what do I add inside for the code? Also I'm not understanding what all the tower references are supposed to do is it supposed to spawn a radio tower on the marker and where you wrote this is where any DAC stuff would go where exactly on this line are you referring to? _tower = createVehicle ["Land_TTowerBig_2_F", _centerPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; //This is where any DAC stuff would go, assuming it can use the "_centerPos" to spawn stuff around What is leading each objective#create to the markers on the map since they are all the same how does it know where to put the task? Thanks for your patience man it's a learning process for me here. ---------- Post added at 01:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 PM ---------- Ok I see from the BIS fnc setTask page that you have created a task with the lines you gave me but as is in the editor nothing happens no task ever pops up or even shows at all what am I doing wrong here?
  12. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Ok so after I searched a bit I think I have it figured out for the tasks I hope anyway. This is what I have inside the Init.sqf enableSaving [false,false]; execVM "briefing.sqf"; Inside briefing.sqf waitUntil { !isNil {player} }; waitUntil { player == player }; switch (side player) do { case WEST: // BLUFOR briefing goes here { player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["*The Note Title*", "*The Note Message*"]]; //Task1 - COMMENT task_1 = player createSimpleTask ["TASKNAME"]; task_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["TASK DESCRIPTION","Example Task","WHAT WILL BE DISPLAYED ON THE MAP"]; task_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mrk1"); //Task2 - COMMENT task_2 = player createSimpleTask ["TASKNAME"]; task_2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["TASK DESCRIPTION","Example Task","WHAT WILL BE DISPLAYED ON THE MAP"]; task_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mrk2"); //Task2 - COMMENT task_3 = player createSimpleTask ["TASKNAME"]; task_3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["TASK DESCRIPTION","Example Task","WHAT WILL BE DISPLAYED ON THE MAP"]; task_3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mrk3"); }; case EAST: // OPFOR briefing goes here { }; case RESISTANCE: // RESISTANCE/INDEPENDENT briefing goes here { }; case CIVILIAN: // CIVILIAN briefing goes here { }; }; I just left the details blank for now to see if it works but on missions start I have all 3 tasks showing none assigned then of course if I set assign as current task in will set it. But no random and I don't want to see all of them on the map just the current task please help.
  13. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Ok so I need to make a task1.sqf and inside have something like this? [task#1, Boolean, mrk1, (dest, ASSIGNED, priority, showNotification, isGlobal)] call BIS_fnc_setTask; Blaaww I'm lost here man.
  14. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    So I am looking at the https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_setTask link not sure if I need to make a discription.ext to write the stuff in or where do I put it?
  15. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Lol I don't have any scripted task so I need to make one of those then right? Can you give me a simple example of one thanks. And I need to add a tower and name it or is that not right?
  16. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    K did that now since I still don't see any task pop up in the editor on my little test mission I made for this or a tower I assume that there is something else I need to put in the editor other than just 3 markers with the names mrk1, mrk2, mrk3 right? Or is there something else I need to write in the script?
  17. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Ok let me see if I have this right prob not :) So in the mission folder have a file named objectiveInit.sqf that has this inside? _locations = ["mrk1","mrk2","mrk3"]; _objType = floor(random(11)); _rndLoc = _locations call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; switch (_objType) do { case 0: {[(getMarkerPos _rndLoc)] execVM "objective0Create.sqf"};//have your task be created in this file and other objective specific stuff created case 1: {[(getMarkerPos _rndLoc)] execVM "objective1Create.sqf"}; case 2: {[(getMarkerPos _rndLoc)] execVM "objective2Create.sqf"}; case 10: {[(getMarkerPos _rndLoc)] execVM "objective10Create.sqf"}; default {hintSilent "Objective not defined"}; }; Then on the map have mkr1, mkr2, mkr3 For example objective0create.sqf inside I would have this? //example objective0Create.sqf //call line being: [(getMarkerPos _rndLoc)] execVM "objective0Create.sqf"; _centerPos = (_this select 0); _tower = createVehicle ["Land_TTowerBig_2_F", _centerPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; //This is where any DAC stuff would go, assuming it can use teh "_centerPos" to spawn stuff around waitUntil {!alive _tower}; hintSilent "Wooo, tower down!"; //next line restarts the "randomization" process for the next mission which has the switch statement and the rest as exampled above in post #2 0 = [] execVM "objectiveInit.sqf"; I'm sorry for being a script noob but for simplicity sake lets just say the mission is on Stratis with 3 markers for the locations to be then once I can get that to work I can hopefully put it to work in my larger mission. Thanks again jShock.
  18. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Thanks for the reply. I am not a script wizard so step by step instructions of how to do this would help allot as in a simple example of the objective0create.sqf and how to make them link with the DAC locations, triggers to end that objective and spawn the next Do I need a trigger at the start off the mission with something in the fields to make this happen? thanks.
  19. greywolf907

    Zero Dark Zero

    Hey Goblin first off let me say love your mods Sniper and Halo have not really messed with the others. I have tested the HALO mod with a lot of interest in getting it to work on my dedicated server, I know you have covered this issue and it is still a work in progress but disappointing to say the least that this is not a priority for you to fix because like me and my group this is something that is really needed and wanted by Arma community to use on dedicated server missions I hope that either you or some other coding guru can make this happen in the near future. I am still having a prob with just getting the reg multiplayer halo to function correctly if I have other players join with me 2 or 3 c-130 spawn depending on the players and blow up. I have only one aircraft module and one halo module placed have tried syncing them to me as group leader , trigger, other player units, also with out syncing the modules at all same effect every time the c-130 blows up on mission start because it is spawning in one for each player on top of each other. I have tried replacing the aircraft with the drone as well still no joy. How are you making this work with you and your friends on multiplayer? P.S. I got this to work on our dedicated invade and annex map but had a lot of errors in the server log but we did do like 5 or 6 jumps without issue then my buddy fell through the floor of the c-130 and got stuck in the HALO animation had to restart the server to fix. That was just using the 1.4 halo the modules in spookwarcom did not work at all no flight crew would spawn. Anyway hope the probs get sorted because I really want to use this HALO mod on some of my custom unit missions thanks keep it up man!
  20. greywolf907

    Sniper Ghillie config.cpp

    Yeah that still gives me a error something about .cfg skeletons and the unit is totally invisible like it needs some base class for the model. Sorry for being a newb at this figured out how to get all the other units in my retexture pack to work but this Ghillie is beyond my skills. Thanks again
  21. greywolf907

    Sniper Ghillie config.cpp

    Thanks for the help Slatts. Can you modify what I have above to how it should be It's not letting me load the unit in the editor now not sure what I line I messed up.
  22. greywolf907

    Sniper Ghillie config.cpp

    First off thanks for the help Locklear. Here is what I have ended up with after trying different lines about 20 times and still not getting it right and not knowing what I started with anymore its just a basic test config to at least get the texture correctly on the unit in the editor then fine tune it. class CfgPatches { class example_uniform_config { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class B_sniper_F; class T1_GHILLIE: B_sniper_F { _generalMacro = "T1_GHILLIE"; //unsure what this does scope = 2; displayName = "GHILLIE Test Soldier"; faction = "TIER1_UNITS"; nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; //class for "naked" body model = "a3\characters_f\common\data\ghillie_mcamo_co.tga"; uniformClass = "TIER1_G1"; //the uniform item hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","camo3"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\T1_GHILLIE\data\GHILLIE_T1.paa"}; side = 1; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class Uniform_Base; class UniformItem; class U_B_GhillieSuit; class ItemCore; class TIER1_G1: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "TEST GHILLIE"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_ca.paa"; model = "a3\characters_f\common\data\ghillie_mcamo_co.tga"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "T1_GHILLIE"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; }; I still have the uniform all mixed up on the unit in the editor my retextured mask ends up on his left leg and other things all mixed together :p Again thanks for the help man.
  23. greywolf907

    Sniper Ghillie config.cpp

    I want to retexture the uniform and change the color of the Ghillie itself like Massi units for example. I know its possible but could not get it to work.
  24. I have searched around and can't find a answer to my question. I have made a set of custom chopper skins for my unit and would like to have it show a category under blufor in the editor as with other mods like massi units for example where it shows the name and the small pic. this is what I have so far but no luck. class CfgPatches { class TIER1_HELI_1{ units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgMarkers { class TIER1_Marker { name = "TIER1 Flag"; icon = "T1ORCA\flag\TIER1.paa"; texture = "T1ORCA\flag\TIER1.paa"; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; size = 32; scope = 1; shadow = 0; markerClass = NATO_BLUFOR; side = TWest; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class ATACS_units { author = "Zero"; displayName = "TIER1 Camouflage"; priority = 1; side = 1; icon = "T1ORCA\flag\TIER1.paa"; flag = "T1ORCA\flag\TIER1.paa"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class O_Heli_Light_02_F; class TIER1_HELI_1a : O_Heli_Light_02_F { displayName = "PO-30 Orca (TIER1 BLU DIGI)"; faction = "BLU_F"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\T1ORCA\Data\ORCA.paa"}; }; class TIER1_HELI_1b : O_Heli_Light_02_F { displayName = "PO-30 Orca (TIER1 SNOW DIGI)"; faction = "BLU_F"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\T1ORCA\Data\ORCA1.paa"}; }; class TIER1_HELI_1c : O_Heli_Light_02_F { displayName = "PO-30 Orca (TIER1 WOODLAND)"; faction = "BLU_F"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\T1ORCA\Data\ORCA2.paa"}; }; class TIER1_HELI_1d : O_Heli_Light_02_F { displayName = "PO-30 Orca (TIER1 DESERT)"; faction = "BLU_F"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\T1ORCA\Data\ORCA3.paa"}; }; }; I have the logo pic I would like to use in the flags folder and named correctly any help would be appreciated thanks.