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Everything posted by ratszo

  1. Tried my benchmark under load..., no change in frames +/-. Found 'hang time' spawning in quicker --very noticeable in MP. But i don't have a ssd.
  2. Wrong again. Thanks for playing. Come back anytime.
  3. ratszo

    Speed Of Sound

    Thx BigPickle.
  4. Completely uninstall anti-virus software for a test. ---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ---------- Also, can go find the a3 temp folder, "mpmissioncache" --find the mission and delete. That will force a new d/l of the mission.
  5. Had a long session yesterday too. Once a new mission is d/l'ed, it's stored in /mpmissioncache so a quick load next time. Can d/l the mission pack to paste in /mpmissioncache so you got'em all. Were you playing opfor? Thought we had you guys til you mauled us at connor.
  6. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Console games must make your eyes bleed at 30fps. May want to see a doctor 'bout that.
  7. ratszo

    Multiplayer dying fast??

    This. I wouldn't join past 200ping, but under 200 is ok. Main problem with higher ping is packet-loss leading to server kick or drop. So, if the connection is solid, good to go. Dwarden's stress test server is up cz02 info: http://arma3.swec.se/server/data/65434 ---------- Post added at 11:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 AM ---------- cz01 info: http://arma3.swec.se/server/data/65154
  8. ratszo

    Horrible SLI Performance GTX 770 4GB

    May want to cross-post over at the nvidia sli forum: https://forums.geforce.com/default/board/50/sli/
  9. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    At the end of the day, It's about playing and enjoying the game. Today i played a long mp session with a group of guys i go back acouple years with, good frames on a steady connection. --hell of a fine way to spend a sunday afternoon. Must suk not to get to play this game and enjoy it. Sad really.
  10. ratszo

    Regulary crash to desktop

    Any anti-virus running? Problem with port scaning or something with some brands like AVG and others. Saw some post in multiplayer section on this.
  11. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Sure Nik, i agree with you. If you can acheve say, 57.5 frames steady, no need to limit frames lower. Tho my point is, if you're fluctuating from 60 to 40 back to 60fps all the time, limiting to 40 frames will be smoother. ---------- Post added at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 AM ---------- Also, i forgot to mention the benifits of "Triple Buffering". Here's a very good article explaining t-buff: http://www.anandtech.com/show/2794 Cheers!
  12. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    In regards to 'seeing' 60 frames, perhaps, maybe, but what we normally see is screen tearing, say from 60 to 40 or even 80 to 60. It's the fluctuation we see, not the frames in any meaningful way. That's why in the Sim aviation world it is very common to lock frames to 30 or 40 since each frame is a unit of time and of distance. Sixty frames a second is one second express as sixty over sixty, 60/60. But if even a single frame is lower..., time is warped, incorrect. If time is warped, distance is too. So screen tearing is time in flux -slower, faster, faster, slower. This we see in real time on our screens. Hence, i limit frames ingame using nvidia cp 'half-refreshrate' @75hrz. giving 37.5 fps. Worth noting the arma console command: L-Shift + numberpad minus, then, "fps" - limits frames 60/40/20/10 compounded. Chasing fps is a fool's game. Taming time & distance makes for smooth gameplay.
  13. Ah, sorry misread. Does nvidia have a sli forum? Maybe talk drivers?
  14. View distance. Then, if you're still hard-up for frames, lower screen rez.
  15. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Ah, yeah, it does explain your fps problem. It's not a gaming card. Nothing will change that. It's a 5 year old media-card.
  16. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Man, looking at the specs on your card.... If you run a2 ok, why not be happy with that? A2 is years ahead of a3 for content. If your cpu is the same vintage/price-point as the card ..., you're flogging a long dead horse here. It's a media-card, not for gaming, even when brand new., reference Far Cry 2. Optimization aside, you're waiting for a miracle, not a patch.
  17. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    As is true with any new release of this scope? We all know Bis is looking towards optimization on several fronts. But serial malcontents infesting the board demand instant results based on flimsy reasoning such as, "But Bis you Promised!...wha...wha...wha...!
  18. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Can Bis ever bridge the gap between optimization and certain expectations --when the loudest hue & cry is, "ULTRA or nothing!", "10k VD or rabble, rabble!", "80fps min. or...", 100% cpu/gpu or....", "1960x1420 rez or ...." If Bis had released this game with say, 2k VD max, all high setting renamed "ULTRA" --maybe even a sub-routine forcing cpu usage up? Would this thread have 238 pages of indignation and outrage? I think not.
  19. My advice about tweaking is to tweak settings under load --find a place giving the crappiest frames on your default setting. There is where testing different settings give instant results under worst-case scenarios. I use this sp/mp mission: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162385-SP-MP-Bobs-Armory-on-Altis&highlight=bobs For me, it's craptastic right at spawn in. Plus, it has easy to use ajustable VD & grass settings. It's my 'Waterloo'. Find your Waterloo and tweak it to playability. Good Luck!
  20. Yeah, 4gig installed is lean. On 32-bit isn't it: 3gb used, minus - os & running processes used ram, equals = total available ram?
  21. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Yeah, hear ya. I once did a cheap socket upgrade replacing a socket 939 +3000 venice, with a discounted +4000 sandy. +4000 sandy --last of the great amd single-cores.
  22. ratszo

    Regulary crash to desktop

    RPT? Look here, post 22: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150907-PhysX3_x86-dll-Crash&p=2427435#post2427435 "C:\Users\**YOURUSERNAME**\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha"
  23. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    The Phenom II X6 1055T @ 2.8GHz does turbo 3.3ghz. Are you pegging 3.3ghz in game?