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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. It's not ASR_AI... most likely LOP faction. We've had numerous reports of issues when using that mod.
  2. Zriel that is a great idea (HC auto-detect script) - I would be happy to host it on my Github.
  3. SavageCDN

    ASR AI 3

    I haven't tested them myself just reports from other users - checking now to see if I can get a specific list (sorry for offtopic) edit:
  4. SavageCDN

    Init.sqf structure help

    // is for comments - anything on a line after // will not be read by the game engine for your init.sqf example just make sure each entry is separated by a ; AIsoldierFlare_units = []; finishMissionInit;
  5. SavageCDN

    ASR AI 3

    ALiVE and ASR_AI work great together - just don't use the ALiVE AI skill module LOP units are a problem... something about EHs not working on these units
  6. Persistent DB setup is in my post above. The colour PDF manual for MSO - I have a copy somewhere will dig it up. Filedropper link for 2 x MSO PDF manuals http://www.filedropper.com/mso
  7. Not sure if it's coming back either... need a hand setting it up?
  8. SavageCDN

    Ambient battle sounds Module

    No problem!! When you said the addon version worked but not the script version a light bulb turned on!!!
  9. as per The Master: tupolov [11:14 AM] yup, doesn't write to DB until end of session use a delayed per frame handler (something that waits 5 secs before setting the data), not a while loop (on server) http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Database
  10. SavageCDN

    Ambient battle sounds Module

    Dunno how you are using the sounds but this might be the issue: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?192742-Play3D-sound-what-am-I-doing-wrong&p=2953769&viewfull=1#post2953769
  11. AI groups will not move to civilian objectives unless you use a civilian placement module. You could use a CQB module instead set to civilian areas which would spawn guys in buildings in the city. An easy way to lower the number of objectives is to filter out small or low priority ones in the module.
  12. ^lol nice Zriel also pointed out that the LOP unit configs on github need some correction - driver, pilot, teamleader format was not followed properly - will be fixing this later in the week.
  13. SavageCDN


    Thanks for the .bikey :) For the life of me I can't remember how to do this... IIRC in Arma 2 there was a Kju addon that removed the stock BIS missions from the rotation list... but not sure how to specify a mission in an addon for server.cfg rotation.
  14. If you are getting groups spawning outside of the TAOR marker you specificed (ie: they are spawning across the entire map) then most likely you've mis-spelled the marker name in the placement module
  15. SavageCDN


    @Jezuro - .bikey file makes server admins happy :p
  16. If I'm not mistaken it's a pathing issue for custom 3d sounds... see KK's blog: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-mission-root/
  17. Linked on ALiVE forum: http://alivemod.com/forum/1148-grube-s-excellent-tutorial
  18. Of course!! Check the DAC_Config_Units file to make these changes. Better yet see the link in my sig for my config files: https://github.com/SavageCDN/DAC_A3/blob/master/dac_configs/dac/DAC_Config_Units.sqf _Unit_Pool_S - these are for infantry units - the first three entries here are for vehicle crew, heli pilot, and team leader (note there must be at least 3 entries here). The rest of the units are randomly chosen to form the group.
  19. SavageCDN

    Ambient battle sounds Module

    Looking great nice to see you still in action.
  20. Hmmm that sounds odd with the arty behaviour - are you using vanilla BIS units/assets? If not I would try with a default faction like BLU_F and the BLUFOR mortar or arty piece. Perhaps post your RPT file and DAC arty settings for me to look at. Getting the AI into buildings is difficult - they will search them on regular patrols (this is configurable in DAC_Config_Behaviour) but they don't do a great job of clearing buildings even if there are known enemies inside (this is a BIS AI problem more than anything else). If you use the ALiVE mod it has a great CQB module that will populate an area - use DAC for the patrols and ALiVE CQB for guys posted up in buildings. Unfortunately this will not help out with searching/breaching but you could look at an AI mod for that (AISS, VCOM, etc). There was talk of this a while back from the AMT guys but haven't seen anything concrete yet. https://github.com/AMT85/A3-DAC-GUI You can run a script on units spawned by DAC - see DAC_Config_Events for more info. The problem will be that you cannot use DAC to spawn the units inside the buildings.. they would need to spawn and move to building positions.
  21. Most of the improvements to OPCOM and ASYM will come post 1.0 .. devs are aware of it but priority now is just bug fixing and map indexing for the 1.0 release. Suggestions for those types of improvements are welcomed however, so keep posting!!
  22. SavageCDN

    Experience WW2 Road Map

    Great ideas hopefully you can get some assistance.. this type of thing is a LOT of work and will probably take years. Interesting I've never heard of Experience WW2 and I was a huge fan/player of Forgotten Hope for BF2 (the biggest WWII mod for BF). For ALiVE compatibility make sure you follow standard BIS convention for cfgGroups - see the ALiVE wiki for more info on this. With regards to maps ALiVE depends on detecting map infrastructure (civilian and military) so for best results be sure to include these assets in your map.