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About Manlysloth

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    Private First Class
  1. MCC is not adding any mods to zeus. Using RHS and nothing shows up Scratch that, it's a compatibility issue between MCC and the Ares mod.
  2. Thank you, and I mean the unit initialization lines in zeus. ---------- Post added at 11:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 AM ---------- well, using the gamemaster module and logging into mcc breaks the zeus unit editor. basically I get this http://tinypic.com/r/2czalux/8 instead of this http://tinypic.com/r/2s5y1ox/8
  3. Does anyone have the download for the R11 version? I can't edit the Inits' of units any more with the new version.
  4. Manlysloth

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Sitting in the back of the Huron in first person with the engine on but not flying causes very loud distorted noises. I've tried messing around with the audio, but it does nothing. There was a similar problem with the helicopter crash noises that only a small amount of people suffered from, but that seems to be fixed with the new helicopter audio.
  5. while I was playing the instruments(INST) in the helicopter got damaged, and it produced the horrible noise. The INST were the only part damaged when it happened.
  6. Manlysloth

    Loud helicopter crash noise

    The problem still persist on the new patch, is there a possibility of getting a dev to help here?
  7. @-lordsoth- I'm pretty sure that's a problem with zeus, as i remember spawning unit in the editor then using zeus and they were uneditable.
  8. Try using chessmasters mods, he has a wounding one and a pretty nice zeus enhancement mod.
  9. I want to use the zeus fog though, as it's much more potent but i also want to use mcc's more in-depth weather. but mcc's fog overwrites zeus' fog and sometimes it causes all the fog to disappear continuously, and can only be fixed with a mission restart. increasing the max fog in mcc to the max fog in zeus would fix it, as there would be no need to use zeus for weather as mcc would have great fog and more weather options.
  10. Manlysloth

    Arma 3 - Patch 1.22 Thermal

    It seems to be a bug, if you zoom in and your close enough for the game to render the fence better, the fence loses it's brightness.
  11. Oh, thanks! i didn't even see that option.
  12. Is there a way you can make mcc fog and zeus fog compatible. Because if you change the weather in mcc, then go change the fog in zeus it disappears all at once after a second. So it's either more customisable weather or more fog.
  13. When using this mod, i notice fog disappears over time until only a small amount remains, this is when using zeus, though. It only happens on A3MP maps though.
  14. Manlysloth

    Loud helicopter crash noise

    Using AGM(authentic Gameplay Modification) and cba fixes the problem for some reason. Disabled the mods and the horrifying noises came back.
  15. Manlysloth

    Loud helicopter crash noise

    Well, it's highly unlikely that it's related to our pc's then as there's a bit of a difference in our audio devices, unless your soundcard uses Via drivers. maybe it could be our headsets, i use a gamecom 780.