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Everything posted by On_Sabbatical

  1. On_Sabbatical

    Is Arma III gonna shape up?

    CRYSIS is a like a blonde ... beautiful but stupid ! :D And,besides ,as stated above CRYTEK never keeps promises with their engines ... it's always half of what's being shown on trailers !
  2. Thanks for the awesome work ! There is still one issue with gear in the game,i'm sure i've already seen the ticket :it concerns items disappearing when yo utry to move them into a full cargo vehicle !
  3. Can you guys please check the targetting system,whether it's still TAB lock or any improvements on that ! Will .50 cal or higher caliber bullets tear people to pieces :D ?
  4. This thread has lost a lot of "competent " reporters and especially after 1.60 patch ... some were less patient and've left long time ago. The best era of beta patches was the one which brought the game from 1.59 to 1.60,real changes were made a that time ! Now,it's has become a bit "disturbing" to post feedback on beta patches since changelogs come out with things out of reporters expectations ! (i.e : people reporting LOD issues and BIS works on server browser) Maybe it's time to play tetris and wait for ArmA 3 (which i will gladly buy anyway) And concerning this beta : Apparently,now the browser checks also mods you have activated and shows only servers that have them enabled ... but when i try to look for a keyword in the filter it's not working unless i disable the mod. Also,some servers make some mods optional ,so when you have those mods enabled they may not show ! since you can connect without them !
  5. On_Sabbatical

    Mouse flying: how do you handle freelook?

    This, TrackIR or Freetrack for DCS or Lockon :D
  6. What i mean by useless is : Creating a feature when the game is still full of bugs (bugs added by the new patch +ACR + old ones),and then solving this new feature's bug . And then afterwards, we come on the forums to say "Great work BIS". Besides, the browser was fine, and i personally have never found a problem getting to a server and sadly it's the case now with this beta. It's just like taking a step backwards and then a step forward. Correct me if you think that what i said is not real !
  7. 95862] Improved: Server browser now prefers "better" (connectable) servers. To be honest,this feature adds nothing to the game !
  8. On_Sabbatical

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    BIS strategy is (and saldy most of mission makers) : when you can't do it , remove it :D In my opinion,they should just remove jets and heavy AA until they come up with a 200 x 200 map which is unlikely to happen next year :D,for now they need to start working on what could make ground experience realistic and it starts by removing TAB and "SACLOS for all " thing and make some realistic alternatives !
  9. On_Sabbatical

    Render To Texture + Scopes = ???

    Why not just like racing games,things showing on the mirror have a far low quality compared to game's graphics . @metalcraze They don't have to take draw distance into account and just keep 100 m draw distance for things showing on the mirror !
  10. On_Sabbatical

    Linux 1.62.95577 alpha

    That guy is somehow Dwarden :p Good to know this,but i hope that next version will be more "advanced" than the current one,WINDS is just not satisfying on some high players number servers,scientifically it has no meaning but experience proved it to be true ! (look what happened to WASP without linux :D )
  11. More lag in other words :D But it will send a lot of hacks to soverngard !
  12. Yeah ! i was just saying ,anyway rejoining fixed it for me !
  13. kicked from server with script restriction # 140 with 95417 ... definately it's a BE problem !
  14. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3 hands on @ Gamescom 2012!

    Gamescom that expo with games and stuff like ? :P
  15. Would this mean that most of missions needs to be rewritten :) ?
  16. On_Sabbatical

    Linux 1.62.95577 alpha

    Not the case with WASP server ... how many players were on your server ?
  17. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3 hands on @ Gamescom 2012!

    He is hitting hard this time :D
  18. On_Sabbatical

    Arma2 Update

    That kinda justifies the 1% on ArmA 2 :P
  19. On_Sabbatical

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    They really have a lot of possibilities with ArmA 3 knowing the contest and the era in which is t's taking place ! unless they have some licensing problems .
  20. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3 hands on @ Gamescom 2012!

    Any hot girls for gamescom this year ? :P
  21. On_Sabbatical

    Higher altitudes?

    All you need is some engine tweaks ...
  22. On_Sabbatical

    shooting problems

    Or just use grenade launcher :p
  23. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    Guys,i really want you trash those old russian missiles :D and use this :p http://www.military-today.com/missiles/khrizantema.htm
  24. On_Sabbatical

    Higher altitudes?

    It's just that at 5km altitude or even less,the game starts looking awfully awful ! compared to sims like DCS and Lockon. And to be honest,dogfighting in arma 2 is nearly impossible ... generally it ends in less than 2 mins
  25. On_Sabbatical

    Linux 1.62.95577 alpha

    Thanks , feedback very soon :D