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Everything posted by On_Sabbatical

  1. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    If you're seeking a realistic game,this is the way to go ... each aspect of warfare should be included ... nothing shocking about it !
  2. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    EPIC fail ! Not agreeing with something doesn't give you the right the attack the person (in a civilized discussion) ... if you fail at discussing something ,you shut up ! Besides ,this is just a game ... don't get too horny about it
  3. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    In what way ? no one is giving arguments ... ---------- Post added at 12:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ---------- "Add possibility to kidnap and torture soldiers !" Please read before making wrong statements !
  4. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    I was really serious with my suggestion:for example you torture a soldier until he tells where a target is ,then it gets added to the map as marker ... imagine a team coming to rescue hi,with all the possibilities the map offeres (scuba diving,enterable buildings,small UAVs ..) ... this can create many SP missions scenarios and situations ! this could be a complement to the surrendering module !
  5. On_Sabbatical

    [Beginners guide]: Arrays

    thanks for replying ;)
  6. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    I am not sure if it has been already asked for ! Add possibility to kidnap and torture soldiers !
  7. On_Sabbatical

    [Beginners guide]: Arrays

    Will this kind of statements work ? _restypes =["Air","Static"]; _target = cursorTarget; _targetype = typeOf _target; While { !isNull _target && ({!(_targetype isKindOf _x)} forEach _restypes)} do { code lines .....};
  8. Thanks,but i solved my problem with the easiest way possible :D Just adding sleep 0.001; to the loop,this way if the guy in plane flares fast enough he can catch that moment when the script is sleeping and dodge the missile :D I tried to make the missile detect the flare the way you explained above but it didn't work by then !
  9. Well the question is on the title,but i would like to know how to set the flare as a new target ?
  10. i have already checked that ... and i start thinking that there is no other way to do it than creating my own flare :( ---------- Post added at 05:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 PM ---------- if only i could get the classname of that thing spawned when plane uses flare ,it's not the flare ammo anyway :( Gonna add incomingmissile EH to the target, i guess ! But,thanks all for your help ;)
  11. Well, i explain you what i am trying to do ! I am reviewing the whole missile behaviour in the game, i've redone all the missiles but now they just don't miss the target ... and as a temporary solution,i created a safezone in which the missile will keep only it's speed and stop the guidance script i created, and in which BIS flares would work normally ! but it would be better if i could grab the flare and make it the new target !
  12. I need help adding a cross the HUD of all planes in the middle of the screen i have the .paa file and i don't really know how to proceed ! Thanks !
  13. Thank you samatra for your help :),this is awesome !
  14. What's the classname of those flares shot by planes ? i dont mean this "CMflare_Chaff_Ammo",i mean those particles ! I want to make a custom missile to get jammed by them ,but seems that _flare = nearestObjects [_rocket,["CMflare_Chaff_Ammo"],200]; is not working !
  15. Hey guys, I was working these days on a script that makes a missile never miss its target even if the target is moving or throwing flares. I want to let you know that this script was made for fast missiles in the game (like Vikhr,R73,sidewinder,attaka etc) and that it's better to use it only for AA :P.(i have no idea on how it works for the other missiles) Thanks, Here's the script: Private ["_unit","_weapon","_limit","_ammo","_rocket","_distance","_pos","_vel","_speed","_at","_launchers","_t","_bombs","_init","_target"]; _unit = _this select 0; _weapon = _this select 1; _ammo = _this select 4; _limit = 600; _init =getNumber(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "inittime"); _pos=getPos _unit; _speed=1500; _rocket = nearestObject [_unit,_ammo]; _distance = _rocket distance _pos; _target = getpos cursortarget; if (isNull _rocket) exitwith {}; //--- KH29 Handle if (_ammo isKindof "M_CH29_AT") then {sleep _init; if (isPlayer _unit) then {_target =cursorTarget}else{_target = assignedTarget _unit;}; _firepos = getPos _rocket; _distance = _firepos distance (getPos _target);hintsilent format ["%1",_distance]; While {!isNull _rocket && _rocket distance (getPos _target) > 0.5*_distance} do { _vel = velocity _rocket; _velnormed = [(_vel select 0)/(_vel distance [0,0,0]),(_vel select 1)/(_vel distance [0,0,0]),(_vel select 2)/(_vel distance [0,0,0])]; _rocket setVelocity [(_velnormed select 0)*410,(_velnormed select 1)*410,(_velnormed select 2)*410];}; While {!isNull _rocket}do{ _nvector =(getPos _target) distance (getPos _rocket); _vector2 =[((getpos _target) select 0)-((getPos _rocket) select 0),((getpos _target) select 1)-((getPos _rocket) select 1),((getpos _target) select 2)-((getPos _rocket) select 2)]; _vectornormed = [((_vector2 select 0)/_nvector),((_vector2 select 1)/_nvector),((_vector2 select 2)/_nvector)]; _rocket setvectorDirandUp [[(_vectornormed select 0),(_vectornormed select 1),(_vectornormed select 2)],[0,0,1]]; _rocket setVelocity [(_vectornormed select 0)*410,(_vectornormed select 1)*410,(_vectornormed select 2)*410];hintsilent format ["%1 -- %2 --%3",_vectornormed,(velocity _rocket) distance [0,0,0],worldtoscreen (getPos _target)]; }; }; //---R73 if (_ammo isKindof "M_R73_AA") then { if (isPlayer _unit) then {_target =cursorTarget}else{_target = assignedTarget _unit;}; _firepos = getPos _rocket; _distance = _firepos distance (getPos _target);hintsilent format ["%1",_distance]; While {!isNull _rocket && _rocket distance (getPos _target) > 0.8*_distance} do { _vel = velocity _rocket; _velnormed = [(_vel select 0)/(_vel distance [0,0,0]),(_vel select 1)/(_vel distance [0,0,0]),(_vel select 2)/(_vel distance [0,0,0])]; _rocket setVelocity [(_velnormed select 0)*900,(_velnormed select 1)*900,(_velnormed select 2)*900];}; While {!isNull _rocket}do{ _nvector =(getPos _target) distance (getPos _rocket); _vector2 =[((getpos _target) select 0)-((getPos _rocket) select 0),((getpos _target) select 1)-((getPos _rocket) select 1),((getpos _target) select 2)-((getPos _rocket) select 2)]; _vectornormed = [((_vector2 select 0)/_nvector),((_vector2 select 1)/_nvector),((_vector2 select 2)/_nvector)]; _rocket setvectorDirandUp [[(_vectornormed select 0),(_vectornormed select 1),(_vectornormed select 2)],[0,0,1]]; _rocket setVelocity [(_vectornormed select 0)*900,(_vectornormed select 1)*900,(_vectornormed select 2)*900];hintsilent format ["%1 -- %2 --%3",_vectornormed,(velocity _rocket) distance [0,0,0],worldtoscreen (getPos _target)]; }; };
  16. Kju has enough scripting skills to make that,maybe we should convince him of submitting the feature to BIS devs :P
  17. You BIS guys are weird :D You fix a 3 years old bug ... :D Thanks ! :P would be cool to fix KH29 too ^^
  18. CCP is a half project in itself ... no one is going to develop alternatives !
  19. On_Sabbatical

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    Guys , i need help with something not related directly to this mod ! I want to influence KH29's trajectory in the vanilla game to give it more agility,i have managed to give it more speed,but what i want is making it find its direction to target (after launch) easily ! any ideas where to start ?
  20. Hi, Is there a way to change a missile's maneuvrability using setVelocity /setVectorDir ? If anyone has some script on this,i'll be happy to get it :D
  21. 2 SMAWs will kill a T90, and 3 SMAWs will kill M1A1 ,4 Will kill a tusk (but if you know where to shoot,you won't need more than 2)
  22. Thanks guys, - Elsewise,when the HC should join the server for better effect,is it dependent on the mission or it doesn't matter ? does the HC needs to be in a certain position on the map for better results ? But why no one is talking about this awesome feature here on the forums ?
  23. On_Sabbatical

    Warfare BE

    In initJipCOmpatible.sqf,add HCName = "yourHCclient"; But there is no documentation about it !
  24. Need to get an object to hit the ammo,but script lag make it a bit difficult not to see the object EDIT: I've done it this way : Deleted my rocket,created a vehicle called "bomb" (check cfgvehicles) then setdamage to the vehicle and boom :D You can play with the epicness of the explosion using setFuel ;)