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kilroy the nerd

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Everything posted by kilroy the nerd

  1. kilroy the nerd

    Some comments on the new pistols

    I hope instead of lowering ACP, they raise power of the 9x21mm. Seem at some point in Arma 2, in 1.62 or 1.6 I think, they weakened the pistols, and they brought it to arma 3. Which is a little lousy, because now 9mm is worthless without a headshot. I can understand with body armor, but for soldiers wearing no more than uniforms and bandoliers, it's a little silly to need to put off 5 rounds to the chest.
  2. kilroy the nerd

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    In the banner, that's the Commanche, already ingame. Nothing new there.
  3. kilroy the nerd

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    So, guess what I found while checking out the tactical guide for sale on Sprocket? "Bulldog" (the KSG) and the AA-12! How about that? Link: https://store.bistudio.com/images/screenshots/a3_tactical_guide/a3_tactical_quide_5.jpg EDIT: https://store.bistudio.com/images/screenshots/a3_tactical_guide/a3_tactical_quide_13.jpg Also shown in the guide is an F-35, thought to be lost as part of not bringing in any old content, so who really knows what's in.
  4. kilroy the nerd

    Tipping point mission

    Frankly, I made it past the arty first try (though it did wreck everyone in my squad except one guy), with a short period of healing before running off again. If you bob and weave as if they have a visual, and make it to the trees on the other side of the hill where the paratroopers land, you should be safe.
  5. kilroy the nerd

    Rate the first episode!

    Pro- Fun Human-ish characters Tense gameplay Con- Terrible mortar aim when you need to call it in (Charlie got drunk trying to deal with the situation they were in?) And two that are somewhat excused by not being the whole thing yet... Very short Ends on a cliffhangar, leaves a lot of questions. Overall, I still enjoyed the campaign a lot, and it seemed to go by so fast it left me hungry for more, like when you eat a sweet treat too fast instead of savouring it.
  6. Should first post maybe be updated to reflect the new updates on Armaholic? It says the last update was 0.29 while the mod on Armaholic is 0.85. Glad to see this mod keep going though. The new stuff looks fantastic, the CH146 with it's miniguns mounted on the side.
  7. kilroy the nerd

    when will new arma 3 content be out?

    I doubt any high tech military would still be using Su-34s or Harriers, which scratches off CSAT and NATO. In base arma 2, before Eagle Wing, there was no Apache, just the AH-1Z and Mi-24 variants for a gunship as far as I'm aware, which is parallel to our current situation with a Commanche and the Kajman. I would enjoy more old weapons, considering modern insurgents will still use No. 4 Lee Enfields, but frankly I don't see that coming for a while. Development time is also worth noting, as has been said on this forum before. On the bright side though, more content is supposed to come with the other 2 campaign episodes, possibly including that CSAT CAS concept.
  8. kilroy the nerd

    favorite thing to do in arma III (arma 3)

    Tough one, so many fun things to do in Arma. The one I like most is probably working together with friends or at least friendly people, though.
  9. kilroy the nerd

    Invasion 1944 V3.0

    Better. Though, sadly, his uniform is now clipping in his elbow. :p Torpedo boats would be pointless without ships large enough to need them. As for midget subs, those would be good, yeah. For recon or deploying small teams on the coast, a midget sub would do the job, I think.
  10. You'll also note that the guy who did that video said he likes it better this way, as an ex-marine weapon instructor who was stationed at Okiniwa.
  11. kilroy the nerd

    Invasion 1944 V3.0

    Mmmm, battling in Tripoli would be fun as well. Though, we're supposed to have proper parachutes instead of having one spawn on your back as you jump out, so I'm feeling paratroops would be nice. So many possibilities! What was the stance on large ships like U-boats, cargo ships, and destroyers again, though? Since the Mediterranean involved cutting off enemy shipping at large because of the supplies needed in North Africa, it would make sense (if it weren't for how Arma deals with big boats) to have navies.
  12. kilroy the nerd

    Where are the old objects?

    Arma is supposed to be getting more and more content throughout the campaign episodes post-release. I'm fairly certain we will see fairly close to the amount of Arma 2 content, only with more quality.
  13. I think you mean T-100 is wrong caliber, says it's standard 135mm and then has a 120mm gun like the Merkava. Still, doesn't the Merkava MK4 have a 120mm gun as an upgrade over past Merkavas?
  14. kilroy the nerd

    Invasion 1944 V3.0

    The model looks fantastic, though I notice his hand surprisingly cleanly is clipping through the magazine. All the same, this is looking pretty good. Good to see some progress coming.
  15. kilroy the nerd

    Do you like humor in mission? Cool or intense?

    Intensity of story and humor should be proportional until a point where it's just really terrible to try to joke even. Like said, it's a coping mechanism, but after a point you really can't joke about things.
  16. Fake names and realistic vehicles then. The vehicles of A3 aren't terribly unrealistic, but they could probably use some tweaking. Some day I'd like to see a good Arma: Kavala Drifter, just for fun.
  17. By realistic vehicles, do you mean they behave realistically, or they are like real life vehicles in what we have right now?
  18. kilroy the nerd

    Development Blog & Reveals

    New truck? What new truck?
  19. kilroy the nerd

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    Just speculation, but maybe it's being able to join any servers and download the mods to get on there. Or maybe it's something about user interaction. Hmmmmm.
  20. This, so far, seems to be beating the Arma 2 and OA campaigns by a long shot. Though, gotta say, the choosing missions reminds me a lot of how you chose a mission in A2 campaign and had the Huey fly you in where you had to look for evidence, only now you look for targets. Though, the random white blocks popping in here and there, combined with the blocky digital turning grass makes it feel like I'm playing a half-broken simulation of "What to do if you're abandoned with limited resources and the magic ability to turn back time". Otherwise, I'm loving it. Can't wait to see how it improves.
  21. kilroy the nerd


    http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nationalism Nationalism - a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries. I'm guessing that's what Helari is referring to, though I'm not sure how any of this relates to the mod this thread was made for.
  22. kilroy the nerd

    I miss the Armory !

    I liked the multiplayer armory at any rate. It was always fun to just run around and blow everything up. As much as I miss armory though, it's not like we have a shortage of custom made missions, though I do miss that driving course and detecting mod content instead of having a set in stone amount of weapons and vehicles.
  23. AAF Riflemen dropping into the field of battle. You may not be able to see it though, but it seems they all forgot their parachutes... Got lots more pics on my Steam account, but they're mostly too big on file size: http://steamcommunity.com/id/medicroe/screenshots/?appid=107410&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall
  24. kilroy the nerd

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I think that a mod converting Arma 3 into an RTS would be very interesting. Though, not sure if the scale would be capturing small outposts across the map, securing cities, or securing entire regions with coal mines to fuel your war trains.
  25. kilroy the nerd

    From the creators of Stratis Life: ArmA 3 Life

    Any prerequisites we should know for joining the beta? Like you must be testing every saturday, you must have certain specs, etc? Anyway, this mod is looking fantastic. I especially like the old cars you got, I'm hoping for an El Camino or some stuff like that. Maybe a Volkswagen Beetle or a Volkswagen Thing, heh. The hats are good too. So are the fish a sort of gear item now, thrown like a grenade except lands as an item to pickup? I'm curious how that works.