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Everything posted by sarogahtyp

  1. sarogahtyp

    count magazine left

    true, but what if you use a variable assignment instead? { _d = { } count array; } count array2;
  2. absolutely true for arguments u need params only and sometimes typeName is usefull.
  3. not tested but you could try to not use the alternative syntax of createUnit and set option "special" to "CAN_COLLIDE".
  4. sarogahtyp

    getobjecttextures Action Boolean

    this . . . _fullpath = toLower(getObjectTextures _obj select _n); _return = if(_fullpath == _checkpath) then {true} else {false}; _return }; is the same as this: . . . _fullpath = toLower(getObjectTextures _obj select _n); (_fullpath == _checkpath) };
  5. I don't get what u r missing. allAirports should give u all those IDs
  6. code should be okay for MP as long as it is executed on each player client.
  7. in config.sqf you can set which variable name (and nameSpace) is used for the amount of money a player has. you can easily use it to inform the players in your mission about their balance.
  8. I guess it just lands where you told it to with the landAt command. setAirportSide/airportSide is just to set/identify who owns the airfield. what the mission designer does with that information is his own choice.
  9. you could check vectorDir or vectorUp description of those vectors can be found in setVectorDirAndUp
  10. this line: {if (typeOf _x == "Land_VR_Target_Dart_01_F") then checks if the classname of the OBJECT _x is Land_VR_Target_Dart_01_F and this line _x addEventHandler ["HitPart",{ applies an event handler to the OBJECT _x. But how knows your script which object is meant? _x has to be an existing object of your mission! EDIT: maybe your object(s) are simple objects then you could get it with this command: allSimpleObjects Example 1 there shows the usage. Also please check the syntax of each command which u try to use in the wiki. there are usage examples and it's always explained which parameters are needed and what the command does or returns. Especially in ur current script u r using wrong syntax for spawn. check it in the wiki!
  11. what is _x in here?: {if (typeOf _x == "Land_VR_Target_Dart_01_F") then { _x addEventHandler ["HitPart",{ I don't see a definition of it or a loop which magic variable it is. Also check your .rpt file always ... Report File Location
  12. initPlayerLocal.sqf should be the place cause every client machine has to run it and server does not need it
  13. sarogahtyp


    @Toastee Report File Location
  14. did u read ur own thread? and did you understand the discussion in there? Now after your last statement I'm mostly sure that you are a cheater but I agree with @mrcurry what do we loose? Nothing! @relisekTherefore don't cry and ask your questions. Learn scripting and get part of this kind community. Or if the only thing you are actually able to do in this forum is crying about other peoples opinion then leave please.
  15. not my fault. you should check for invisible chars which u probably copied. this is a known forum bug
  16. if (visibleGPS and cameraView isEqualTo "GUNNER") then { showGPS false; }; but idk if showGPS is able to close the GPS screen. wiki entries state´s about closing the on-map-gps-receiver of Arma 2...
  17. no for loop needed: _pWeap = currentWeapon player; _muzzleSlot = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" >> _pWeap >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "MuzzleSlot" >> "compatibleItems"); { player addWeaponItem [_pWeap, _x]; } count _muzzleSlot; this code should do the same as yours above but without a for loop. but I don't get what u r aiming for...
  18. pls don't do multiple posts with same content. maybe you want delete this cause u opened an own thread for it now...
  19. problem could be that you are not deleting the onEachFrame "queue". Look at example 3 of the exitWith command in wiki. but I think you ll change to the MEH which larrow stated...
  20. you have a slash in the first line after condition which should throw a syntax error?