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Everything posted by sarogahtyp

  1. just a try, not tested: _group = _this # 0; if ( (typename _group != "GROUP") ) exitwith { hintSilent "Invalid Parameters parsed";}; Ex3BParaUnits = []; sleep 1; _d= { if !(isPlayer _x) then { _d = Ex3BParaUnits pushBack _x; } else { _x addBackpack "B_Parachute"; hint "Deploy your parachute!"; }; } count units _group; _d = addMissionEventHandler["EachFrame", { if (Ex3BParaUnits isEqualTo [] ) exitWith { removeMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame", _thisEventHandler]; }; _readyUnits = Ex3BParaUnits select { (getPos _x) # 2 < 125 }; if ( _readyUnits isEqualTo [] ) exitWith {}; Ex3BParaUnits = Ex3BParaUnits - _readyUnits; { _x addBackpack "B_Parachute"; } count _readyUnits; }];
  2. your code modified to get backpack on players instantly but wait until height reached for AIs: _group = _this # 0; if ( (typename _group != "GROUP") ) exitwith { hintSilent "Invalid Parameters parsed";}; sleep 1; _d= { _d = [_x] spawn { if !(isPlayer _x) then { waitUntil { sleep 0.25; (getPos _x) select 2 < 125 }; }; _this # 0 addBackpack "B_Parachute"; hint "Deploy your parachute!"; }; } count units _group;
  3. in which way? are you spawning the AI? is it placed in editor? do u have an array of the units objects? is it a group and you have the object of the leader? give details and u ll get those as well.
  4. wrong! 1. AI is not a player 2. condition is wrong. it should wait until (getPos _unit) select 2 < 150
  5. sarogahtyp


    _pos = getPosASL _oldObject; deleteVehicle _oldObject; _newObject = createSimpleObject [className, _pos] why should this not work?
  6. this does not solve the problem of the orientation.
  7. can't get done with draw3d. the only way i can imagine is to place another object on the flat screen, hide all its textures except the projection area and project an overlay texture on it. i guess it is very hard to get this work if it is possible
  8. @Marius U I don't like to hijack this thread... just use my thread then
  9. I guss you need to name the groundweaponholder which holds your weapon because a weapon is no object but that weaponholder is. the problem is the groundweapon holder. a weapon is not an object which can be alive but that weapon holder is. if u take the launcher from ground then YOU are the new weapon holder and those ground weapon holder despawns and is not alive anymore. if you lay it down again then a new ground weapon holder spawns to hold that weapon... I found a howto which shows something with the ground weapon holder. might help a bit to understand: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=248749766
  10. sarogahtyp

    Unit number

    i guess units player gives u an array of all units ordered by your desired number
  11. sarogahtyp


    tents can be found here: Arma_3_CfgVehicles_EMPTY sadly there are images of small tents only. But you could try to spawn other tents and then you ll see if it fits your needs. createSimpleObject should be a good command to work with for your purpose.
  12. Maybe there are some locality problems in your code. as u told MP scripting is confusing sometimes. You have to consider that the locality of a vehicle changes if a player enters that vehicle. The locality of the vehicle should shift from server to players client. If a player is driver then the locality of the vehicle should shift to that player. why could this be a problem? the thing is that you are using commands which arguments have to be local to work properly. in wiki look at upper left corner for "AL"- Arguments Local and "AG"-Arguments Global. those commands have to be executed on that client where the object (argument) is local. In the case of your vehicle it should be on the players client which entered the vehicle. you can use owner to get the clients ID of that client where your vehicle is local. then you can use this ID to execute the needed commands with remoteExec on that specific client.
  13. means the whole trigger is considered on server only.
  14. ok. maybe i tested in an area where most buildings are locked.
  15. afaik yes. it spawns loot in buildings
  16. sarogahtyp

    Spotting enemy at night

    you could force the unit to fire with forceWeaponFire
  17. what i found in my Fallujah tests using my own loot spawner (see sig) was that most buildings there are closed and locked. therefore you cant find the loot even if it is spawned on building positions...
  18. sarogahtyp

    HeadlessClient and Scripts

    not sure but i guess this could shift locality to server because you kick the unit out of the group and it joins its own group automatically which maybe is owned by server. you could try to create a group where the origin group is local and let the unit join that group. but as i said I'm not sure
  19. sarogahtyp

    Alive’s Caching System

    I recommend to ask this in an alive forum. But I guess it does it by near/far players cause as you stated already most caching scripts do it that way.
  20. sarogahtyp

    HeadlessClient and Scripts

    I guess you have to deliver more information then. maybe some code...
  21. Sarogahtyps Simple Crew Spawner - SSCS - 1.2 Fills your vehicles with AI on all seats you want to. This script was initially thought for creating a place where you can drive any vehicle to to fill the empty seats where can be shot from with AI. Now it has a much wider usability range. You can spawn AI at any seat maybe by a chance or absolutely random. You have various options for spawning AI for an empty vehicle or for use of a player which is inside of vehicle already. You are able to set side and faction of the AI, randomly determine it or using players side and faction. Also Pilot seats will spawn pilots and crew seats will spawn crew units. It can be used in any trigger or in an addAction or just by another script. Its intended to be executed server side. It needs the vehicle object as parameter. All other parameters are optional. Why server side? Because AI which is controlled by server uses it's AI-Mod. That means if the server has VCOM AI installed then the spawned AI will behave using VCOM AI as long as it is located on server. This way you could fly a helicopter and the AI on its guns uses servers AI mod even if your client has not installed any AI mod. Integration in addAction is described in this post: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/222484-release-sarogahtyps-simple-ai-gunners-ssaig-v-11/?do=findComment&amp;comment=3348933 DOWNLOAD SSCS 1.2 SSCS code: Usage Examples 1. vehicles init line, driver/gunner/commander spawn, all FFV seats spawn, no cargo spawn, AI has own group (not players), side west, random faction, delete AI after 1 hour _d = [this] execVM "SSCS.sqf" - if a player is inside vehicle during script execution then side will be the players side and random faction of players side. 2. vehicles init line, no FFV seats spawn, driver/commander spawn - no gunner spawn, spawn 80% of cargo seats, AI joins players group, side east, faction FIA, delete AI after 10 min _d = [this, false, 6, 80, true, east, "eastfia", 600] execVM "SSCS.sqf" - if no player in vehicle then AI get it's own group (not players) - if player of side east is in vehicle then side will be east and faction FIA - if player of other side than east in vehicle then AI spawns on players side with random faction 3. vehicles init line, spawn 50% of FFV seats, spawn no driver but commander and gunner, spawn no cargo, AI has own group, side west, random faction, no AI deletion _d = [this, 50, 3, false, false, west, true, 0] execVM "SSCS.sqf" or using nil for default values _d = [this, 50, 3, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0] execVM "SSCS.sqf" - if no player in vehicle then AI spawns as side west and random faction (NATO or FIA) - if player in vehicle then AI spawns as players side and random faction Changelog V-1.2 - added possibility to spawn AI by chance for cargo FFV seats (Fire From Vehicle) - added possibility to spawn AI by chance for common cargo seats. - added all usefull unit classes of vanilla without any DLC classes - added side and faction handling (see argument/parameter description on top of script) - added workaround for bug with CUPs BMP-3 (https://dev.cup-arma3.org/T3216) - added possibility to spawn AI (or not) on driver, commander and gunner seat (look at 3rd parameter description) - deleted spawn restrictions, AI can now be spawned in any case as long as a vehicle object is given. - renameing the script into Sarogahtyps Simple Crew Spawner - SSCS because of wider usage possibilities. Changelog V-1.1 hotfix 1: - fixed bug where AI joined players group but player was not leader Changelog V-1.1: features -added option for timout after which AI gets deleted -added option for spawning (or not) cargo AI which can fire its weapon from vehicle (FFV) -added option for spawning cargo AI which can not fire from vehicle -added AI joins players group option (may cause Multiplayer conflicts but this is not tested) -added option for suppressing hint messages bug fixes - worked around a CUP mod bug where more seats are returned by CUP as really exists in vehicle. CUP is not able to fix this bug on teir own. Changelog V-1.0: -added script If you have any questions then just ask, please!
  22. Easy to do. just change this at scripts bottom: to this: now whenever you want to delete a vehicles crew u can do: _vehicle setVariable ["saroDeleteCrew", true]; _vehicle should be the variable which holds your vehicles object.