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Kerc Kasha

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Everything posted by Kerc Kasha

  1. [_Unit, "ACE_GlassesSunglasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm"; replace the sunglasses with the class name of the gasmask.
  2. Kerc Kasha

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I personally don't mind achievements as long as they're something more than 'started up the game' and 'played the game for 15 minutes, somehow managing to survive through the opening cut scene' that more main stream games seem to have. I always found it funny when some games claim to be some sort of emotional roller-coaster and then it pops up 'achievement unlocked: some really bad pun that makes light of the so called emotional situation'
  3. I had this issue while trying to do the same thing. I fixed it by having the script run after the player has loaded, so put a 'sleep' at the top of the script of about 5 seconds. waituntil {player == player}; is the usual method of checking for this but you're only running it serverside so it doesn't work. The only other thing I can think of is using the 'reveal' command on the weapon holders
  4. Hey guys I'm having a small problem and but i'm not sure if it's something on my end. I noticed the T-80 variants don't seem to have damage textures, at least not for when you damage only certain parts of the tank such as track turret etc they all remain pristine condition texture wise... but the damage texture works fine when the tank is totally destroyed. Did I break something or was this just not implemented/a bug?
  5. Kerc Kasha

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I don't know why there's so many posts blaming dayz while preaching 'they want cod kiddies' etc when uhh, you know, there's stand-alone dayz. Why would the 'cod kiddies' buy arma 3? they want dayz, not arma. they have zero interest in arma. If this was the case steam works would only be for standalone dayz but it's for both, why would they do that? maybe the original blog has an explanation as to why. Because steamworks is incredibly easy to implement and it's powerful, yes for the end user it only means stuff like achievements but there's a lot more to it for the developer. And as said in the blog, only having to focus on a single platform or DRM means more time spent working on the actual game and less time spent making sure the game works with every DRM that other retailers online and brick and mortar. There's a lot of legit complaints here but the conspiracy theory stuff is ridiculous and boycotting a game isn't going to solve anything regarding consumer rights. And as I previously posted, if you want a refund on steam, quote your damn countries relevant law!! they will refund you! The other less-legit complaint is that it's redundant. Okay, it's an extra program you have to run, so it is redundant if you don't plan on using it but are you seriously going to turn your back on a developer just because of that? It's not like they're forcing you to carry a ton of bricks up a mountain just to start the game. It's just a program, a convenient program that's usually considered one of the advantages of pc gaming (sales, ease of use, vast library of new and old games etc) Back when steam was a one trick pony (a platform for valve games) I didn't have any kind words for it either but now it's a marketplace and it's probably the best place to buy games as I can usually get them cheaper and faster than anywhere else. I don't think I'm going to convince many (if anyone) to at least give it a try as there seems to be quite a few in this thread who are utterly convinced that steam is the literal embodiment of evil but I hope at least some can come to their senses regarding this barely even mild-inconvenience
  6. Kerc Kasha

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Most of the EULA stuff isn't as malicious as you make it out to be, the statistics and behavioural use stuff is actually referring to the game stats, the heat maps and the opt in hardware survey that pops up maybe once every 6 months. The game stats include stuff like how long you played the game (for the community page) aswell as multiplayer stats that are used for balancing, I believe there may be some stat tracking for single player too. Heat maps refer to the level heat maps that valve uses for balancing their multiplayer maps, it shows where people go most, how many people die there etc etc. It's all there to improve on their games. I know people are really finicky about their privacy but this isn't like origin where they're literally selling your personal information, the only mildly intrusive thing with steam is VAC which when palying vac enabled games, probably scans your computer for hacks. But punk buster and probably battle eye do something similar already and is sadly something we have to deal with regarding hackers.
  7. Kerc Kasha

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    If you live in a country that has law regarding refunds, you simply state this in your refund ticket and you will be refunded. I know quite a lot of people who have gotten refunds by doing this. Unlike traditional goods digital goods cannot be resold so refunds come at a high cost for the merchant especially when people exploit it to simply get rid of a game they've finished or whatever.
  8. Kerc Kasha

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Then I apologize, I realize getting a stable connection is a pain in some places and hopefully bohemia will at least have a retail version or otherwise I think the only thing left for those with crappy connections is the offline mode. The workshop is a pile of crap, that I admit. But even if the workshop is announced for arma 3(which it hasn't yet) nothing stops people from installing mods manually. I do it for RO2 as, like I said, the workshop is terrible (especially for RO2). As for stolen mods, the only reason armaholic and this forum isn't plagued by that is because people actively try to stop it (see: moderators) I believe mods on the workshop can be reported but it isn't relevant until the workshop has been announced for arma 3.
  9. Kerc Kasha

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    New version lets you choose where you install games to. OS link was the old way of doing it.
  10. Kerc Kasha

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Why do most people instantly assume that steam makes it harder to mod? you mod the game in the exact same way as you mod every other instance of arma, it's just now the game is in steam/common/ instead of program files/bohemia interactive Talk about an increase of difficulty! The reason why 'steam users' (what is this? some sort of slur?) have difficulty installing mods isnt because of the platform it's because a lot of people bought the game through steam and are having difficulties with THE GAME not the steam aspect. They could have bought a retail version and they'd still be having issues. The fact people are quoting those boring ass gifs that showed up when steam was first released and going 'haha this is my problem with steam' just shows the maturity of those complaining - if you're having trouble updating steam in this day and age it's more than likely your unstable connection than the actual program itself.
  11. Your shortcut has CBA_OA, the one six added is CBA_CO, which is the correct one
  12. It's using ace but only the operation arrowhead non-ace backpack system will allow that so I don't know what's going on in that picture
  13. That's the way I'd do it too yeah. a 'bullet' with very short range has been the staple easy way to make a melee weapon in games. edit: extra muzzle with unlimited dummy ammo that has low speed(matches the animation) and a short time to live it'd be pretty hard to get a proper 'slash' detection or w/e melee weapoin
  14. That's because the GUIDs you have currently are for the default public repos while on your repo you've only done one revision, hence the GUID is 1. If you just update it'll fix itself and everything will go green.
  15. What's you're CFGPatch? Are you putting the appropriate required addons? (aka the addon where the weapon your replacing originally exists)
  16. Kerc Kasha

    [ACE] Disable Loading Backpacks

    ace_sys_eject_fnc_weaponCheckEnabled = {false}; publicvariable 'ace_sys_eject_fnc_weaponCheckEnabled'; This also disables the loading of larger weapons(rifles etc) into cargo
  17. I'm curious about this too, it seems people are able to speak while unconscious in ace now, I'm pretty sure this wasn't the case in earlier versions. It wasn't an issue until people actually noticed they could be heard when speaking while unconscious, so now everyone does it. EDIT: To clarify, the players cannot hear other people while unconscious(as per normal) but can speak and be heard either on the radio or directly
  18. I think it was showing as closed because you had an extra }; right down the bottom, so it was technically closed (hence why you could even start the game) just in the wrong place
  19. I have this issue too, I found out the problem was having my teamspeak volume too high would cause the buzzing. it only started happening with 1.4.10 of ACRE, 1.4.9 never had the issue.
  20. Easy one class fac_falpara_m203 : FN_FAL { value = 0; model = "\fac_falpar\vil_falpara_m203"; optics = true; displayName = "FN FAL Para M203"; picture = "\fac_falpar\ico\ico_fal.paa"; UiPicture = "\CA\weapons\data\Ico\i_regular_CA.paa"; magazines[] = {"20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL"}; weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing"; discreteDistance[] = {200, 300, 400, 500, 600}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 1; muzzles[] = {"this", "fac_M203Muzzle"}; modes[] = {"Single", "FullAuto"}; class Single : Single { reloadTime = 0.09; //dispersion = 0.0017; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 250; midRangeProbab = 0.75; maxRange = 400; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; }; class FullAuto : Single { displayName = $STR_DN_MODE_FULLAUTO; autoFire = true; reloadTime = 0.09; //dispersion = 0.0017; recoil = "recoil_auto_primary_6outof10"; recoilProne = "recoil_auto_primary_prone_5outof10"; dispersion = 0.005; aiRateOfFire = 12; minRange = 0; minRangeProbab = 0.3; midRange = 80; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 200; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; }; class fac_M203Muzzle: GrenadeLauncher { displayName = "M203"; magazines[] = {"1Rnd_HE_M203","FlareWhite_M203","FlareGreen_M203","FlareRed_M203","FlareYellow_M203","1Rnd_Smoke_M203","1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203","1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203"}; sound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\cannon\grenadelauncher_1",0.1,1,400}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\flare_reload",0.000316228,1,20}; magazineReloadTime = 0; reloadTime = 0.1; optics = 1; modelOptics = "-"; cameraDir = "GL look"; memoryPointCamera = "GL eye"; opticsZoomMin = 0.25; opticsZoomMax = 1.1; opticsZoomInit = 0.5; }; [color="#FF0000"]};[/color] class fac_falpara_eotech : FN_FAL { value = 0; model = "\fac_falpar\vil_falparaeot"; optics = true; displayName = "FN FAL Para Eotech"; picture = "\fac_falpar\ico\ico_fal.paa"; UiPicture = "\CA\weapons\data\Ico\i_regular_CA.paa"; magazines[] = {"20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL"}; weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing"; discreteDistance[] = {200, 300, 400, 500, 600}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 1; modes[] = {"Single", "FullAuto"}; class Single : Single { reloadTime = 0.09; //dispersion = 0.0017; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 250; midRangeProbab = 0.75; maxRange = 400; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; }; class FullAuto : Single { displayName = $STR_DN_MODE_FULLAUTO; autoFire = true; reloadTime = 0.09; //dispersion = 0.0017; recoil = "recoil_auto_primary_6outof10"; recoilProne = "recoil_auto_primary_prone_5outof10"; dispersion = 0.005; aiRateOfFire = 12; minRange = 0; minRangeProbab = 0.3; midRange = 80; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 200; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; }; class Library { libTextDesc = $STR_EP1_LIB_FN_FAL; }; class Armory { author = $STR_AUTHOR_VILAS; }; }; You misplaced a };
  21. Just a small (but annoying) bug I noticed with the T-80. The smoke launcher addaction for them works fine but the smoke is created clientside, so only the commander sees the smoke in a dedicated multiplayer environment. It's probably because the script is only executed on the player using the addaction.
  22. Kerc Kasha

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I think they're fine but inside vehicles is awful I can't brief or talk to anyone at all. I know in reality it'd be very hard to hear yourselves over the vehicle(especially a BMP or something of such) but in reality I can also shout... can't do that with ACRE haha, at least not as well. Another crit/suggestion I'd have sound wise is maybe make the AKS-74u louder, the non silenced versions of course. As in reality they are VERY loud guns due to their short barrel. Not a big deal though, just thought I'd mention the idea.
  23. You're doing it right but you're using the wrong sound file. Right now you're using JSRS but having the fal use the vanilla arrowhead SA58 sound file, instead of the jsrs one. Here's the config for the sa58 in JSRS class CfgWeapons { class Rifle; class Sa58P_EP1: Rifle { reloadMagazineSound[] = {"JSRS_SA58\Reload",1,1,35}; class Single: Mode_SemiAuto { begin1[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s1",5,1,130}; begin3[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s3",5,1,130}; begin4[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s4",5,1,130}; begin2[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s2",5,1,130}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.25,"begin2",0.25,"begin3",0.25,"begin4",0.25}; }; class Burst: Mode_Burst { begin1[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s1",5,1,130}; begin2[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s2",5,1,130}; begin3[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s3",5,1,130}; begin4[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s4",5,1,130}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.25,"begin2",0.25,"begin3",0.25,"begin4",0.25}; }; class FullAuto: Mode_FullAuto { begin1[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s1",5,1,130}; begin2[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s2",5,1,130}; begin3[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s3",5,1,130}; begin4[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s4",5,1,130}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.25,"begin2",0.25,"begin3",0.25,"begin4",0.25}; }; }; class Sa58V_EP1; class Sa58V_RCO_EP1: Sa58V_EP1 { class Single: Single { begin2[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s2",5,1,130}; begin3[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s3",5,1,130}; begin4[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s4",5,1,130}; begin1[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s1",5,1,130}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.25,"begin2",0.25,"begin3",0.25,"begin4",0.25}; }; class Burst: Mode_Burst { soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.25,"begin2",0.25,"begin3",0.25,"begin4",0.25}; begin1[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s1",5,1,130}; begin2[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s2",5,1,130}; begin3[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s3",5,1,130}; begin4[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s4",5,1,130}; }; }; };
  24. Cool, well here it is for anyone that uses Ace alongside RHS http://www.mediafire.com/?ge4d87sj4384k33 just pop this in the replacement mod addon folder and replace the original file
  25. Edit the replacement addon. You'll need to unbinarize the config and then change the CFGpatches to this class CfgPatches { class FLv_RU_SOL_rpl { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = {"CACharacters","CACharacters2","ace_settings_external"}; }; }; I already have it done so I could post it but I think I'd wait until the addon maker gives his approval on it first