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Kerc Kasha

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Everything posted by Kerc Kasha

  1. Kerc Kasha

    Calling all weapon makers

    I was thinking about this a bit too, I think in order to skirt around the issue of people using attachments on servers that don't support them is to have it be addon based rather than editable in the userconfig, so the macro addon would have the default attachments set and would have the functionality for other addons to 'add' to that macro, so you could have several different attachment addons working together instead of overriding each other similar to the CBA event handlers. However CBA does this by overriding the default event handlers with a call to their own script which then applies the event handlers defined in extended event handlers, this trick won't work in this case making it difficult to make it modular but I haven't had much experience with macros.
  2. Kerc Kasha

    Kegety's Spectating script 1.05 for Arma 3

    I'm not sure, I haven't played A3 multi in awhile so I haven't had a chance to see first hand what's been changed. A quick look at the wiki suggests that you may need to change 'onPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqs' to 'onPlayerkilled.sqf' or 'onPlayerRespawn.sqf'. Although the change from .sqs to .sqf means you'll also have to remove the very first line. By the looks of things though I'll need to update this again at the very least to make use of the new respawn template system which should make life easier.
  3. Kerc Kasha

    Kegety's Spectating script 1.05 for Arma 3

    Is it a black screen when they die, does it got to the built in spectator? Or seagull mode? I'm guessing when they changed the respawn stuff that something broke I'll look into it. Sorry for not replying earlier the reply notifications still aren't working
  4. While scripting the gauges is possible I think it's better to use the in engine method as scripting will cause noticeable lag with the gauges, for stuff like the fuel gauge it won't be an issue but seeing as the speedo wont be moving at all unless the engine is on that probably doesn't need to be scripted.
  5. Kerc Kasha

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Do you have 'everyone as medic' turned on? as that will put medical supplies in peoples rucks so it might be a good idea to include: ace_sys_wounds_no_medical_gear = true; at the top of the script. Ofcourse then you'd also want to include: [_unit,1,1,1,true] call ACE_fnc_PackIFAK; otherwise they won't have any ifak items.
  6. Kerc Kasha

    AlienZ Mod

    A quick look in the zetaborn init, this might solve the issue currently you guys use: if (!isPlayer _caller) exitwith {}; but you might want to use instead: if (player != _caller) exitwith {}; Which will check if the player is the Alien the script is running on, and exit if it isn't.
  7. Kerc Kasha

    ACE for OA 1.13

    [_unit,"ACE_20Rnd_762x51_B_G3", 6] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine; Is the function I use. For the most part this site is up to date: https://dev-heaven.net/docs/ace/files/sys_ruck/fnc_PackWeapon-sqf.html
  8. Kerc Kasha

    AlienZ Mod

    Hell yes! Been waiting awhile for this release. Been plotting a few mission ideas for these guys for awhile
  9. Kerc Kasha

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Ace doesn't use addbackpack, it uses 'addweapon'. addbackpack is only used for vanilla rucks which have the issue of only working with certain units while ACE rucks work around this by being a weapon. You'll have to modify your script to use the ace ruck API
  10. Have him run the arma 2 DLCS on steam, it's usually the ACR dlc that causes the issue as it needs to install an update which is what is causing this problem. I know it sounds like a weird cause but I've known two other people who have had this exact issue and doing this solved it.
  11. Kerc Kasha

    Kegety's Spectating script 1.05 for Arma 3

    T-t-t-t-triple post, but an update: http://stug.it.cx/stuff/spectatorscript.rar Changelog: *Bis changed a variable name and was bringing back the dreaded black screen, confirmed to work with 0.54 (stable) and 0.55 (dev)
  12. Kerc Kasha

    Kegety's Spectating script 1.05 for Arma 3

    I believe I've found a solution to this, I'll post an update after further testing.
  13. Kerc Kasha

    Kegety's Spectating script 1.05 for Arma 3

    I'll look into it, I'll post a new update when I find a fix. Sorry about not replying earlier, I used to rely on the email subscriptions to alert me of replies but that doesn't seem to work anymore... Yeah you can use it.
  14. Kerc Kasha

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Haha in that case I owe you one, if you need help with scripting in another version/A3 I'll be more than happy to help out.
  15. Kerc Kasha

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    It's for Arma 2, but this is a mod i'm not intending to release or anything so it might be a bit much to ask you to make a sound just for a private mod.
  16. Kerc Kasha

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hey LJ I was tweaking my personal weapon addon for use in JSRS and I noticed there was a distant config + sounds(only distant/in room etc) for an MG3 and I was wondering if you have some MG3 sounds kicking around as the non-jsrs ones are kinda lackluster.
  17. Are you using both your PTT and capslock? as you only need to push capslock to speak on the radio and pushing both will generally make it not work
  18. Kerc Kasha

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    I think it will do the examples more justice if no post processing was done to them as right now the image has clearly been altered in some way and doesn't actually show how it would seem in game. Sweet FX/The in game colour correction etc count as post processing in this instance
  19. Kerc Kasha

    Kegety's Spectating script 1.05 for Arma 3

    And another small update... again I had it pointing to the wrong directory. I'm sure people who have used this have already noticed and subsequently fixed the problem in their own mission but I think it's better for everyone for it to work 'out of the box' so to speak. Same link as before.
  20. Kerc Kasha

    Streetlamp upgrade - alpha I

    Nice! I found it odd that the lights weren't on at Dusk
  21. Yeah I have trouble telling the difference between 5, 6 and 8 with it as they're so similar usually only having a pixel of difference
  22. Yeah there's absolutely nothing stopping someone from porting a mission over except spaghetti code, posting the mission here or at armaholic though will probably get you in trouble but it isn't going to stop people running a server one little bit.
  23. Kerc Kasha

    They better have female soldiers...

    Judging by the mentality shown by some in this thread, I'm surprised there's' not a 'No girlz allowed' banner stuck to the top of the forum. Seriously why is there so many posts so passionately against it? It doesn't effect you in anyway, if you don't want women in your missions then don't use them? Don't want to go on a public server and see someone being 'hilarious' by running around in their underwear? Well people are doing that already just with the male models so I fail to see how this is any different. Considering VBS2 has had female soldier models (US soldiers, at that) for quite awhile I think the 'realism' argument is as idiotic as this 'boys club' crap.
  24. Kerc Kasha

    RH PDW pack

    The TAR fires 6.8 with casings, so maybe that could be used?
  25. If I remember correctly the default Arma damage system will do damage (albeit very small amounts) to every body part even when they're not being hit Try using sidechat format instead of hint format, I'm guessing 'legs' is just the last one to appear.