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Everything posted by tigerforce

  1. tigerforce

    3D Editor (Real Time)

    Oh damn ! I hope some addons-makers will do it, because it's really a bad point for ArmA 3, in my opinion :( Thank you for your answer OChristie. Regards,
  2. The most important for Mission-makers : A 3D EDITOR Please !
  3. Hi GD Mast, I am sorry, I don't play in Multiplayer so I don't remember what is this mission. You can check on armaholic, missions with tag "OFrP", or on our Website : http://operation-frenchpoint.com/web/forum/forum.php?id=17 Hi Leaulux, I don't think, it is necessary for us to change the names of the different class. ArmA 2 is a game but in the same time a military simulation. So you have to do with the French "official" names; after a time, you will know it... For a beginner in the real military "word", it is also difficult to do with the name of the aircrafts. I don't think that a lot of people known what is a AH-1Z, so BIS could also change that name in "attack chopper" for example, but BIS didn't. For a brief explanation : ISAF = French Forces in Afghanistan (ISAF Coalition) with a "special" equipment. G3 = Old infantry before year 2000, we mean for the equipment. FELIN= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%89LIN COS= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commandement_des_Op%C3%A9rations_Sp%C3%A9ciales Regards
  4. Hi, It depends which units you are using ? Most of the soldiers keep their classnames, vehicles also. Some weapons changed, and we add some new stuff. Indeed, you will have to make few modifications.
  5. Hi Wiki, I have a script which do that, if you are interesting in, contact me on ofrp website, as usual. See you !
  6. tigerforce

    Got game crash? Do this

    Just to report a strange bug on Chernarus Map : Yesterday, I was finishing creating a mission and when I wanted to test it via the Editor, the mission load, I saw my soldier, but during few second the game freezes, paused and then worked fine. So I check my mission and i find the problem : On the airport on the North of Chernarus, I put in a hangar, some guys with animations and a UH-1Y fold. One door of this hangar was opened. When I deleted the guys in the hangar, the UH-1Y and the animation to open the door of the hangar, and then retested the mission, it worked well. So it's seems there is a problem with this hangar. Its ID is 137079 and i have this in my rpt : Performance warning: Very large search for 137079 (>300 m) Performance warning: Search for 1df8c100# 137079: hangar_2.p3d was very large (10770 m) Performance warning: Very large search for 137079 (>300 m) Performance warning: Search for 1df8c100# 137079: hangar_2.p3d was very large (10770 m) To precise, I check with ArmA 2 CO 1.62 (no beta patch) and without any other addons. Regards,
  7. In the aftermath, IkåR, one of the last survivors of this great team announces upcoming release of the latest update of the mod. IkåR : Version 3.2 of the mod is coming soon, as usual with each new release a few new features, such as the AMX30-B2 added a few days ago. Just a little patience, the release approach :) TigerForce for OFrP News.
  8. OFrP recently celebrated its 10 years of existence, from October 2002 to October 2012. OFrP began as a small group of three people as a simple idea to create a famasF1, a French soldier and a means of transport for the game Operation Flashpoint-(2001). BIS had just made ​​public the first version of Oxygen, the essential tool for creating 3D objects for this game In a few weeks, with the arrival of new members in the team, the mod was already very full packs with weapons, infantry vehicles, armored vehicles, air and sea In 2 years of existence, the team had more than 20 active members. 5 years mod will greatly about him, including some sites with no direct connection with Operation Flashpoint, it is even mentioned in a few magazines PC games. For those who have not experienced OFrP on Operation Flashpoint, or for the nostalgic, you can visit screensofrp.free.fr, you will find more than 600 images of the different elements of the old version of the mod. A big thank you to all those who have encouraged or helped over the years, and over all former members and partners, all those who contributed to the success of Operation-Frenchpoint.
  9. While I was enjoying one of my few days of freedom out of the OFrP cellar where our gurus Lodu and Ikar live, I fall, by the merest chance, on a column of old French tanks AMX-30 B2 going to the training field: So I took the initiative to follow them, to see how worked our chief engineers. (original screen) (This and which follows, are modified screens) Once the impressive display over, and love with a great curiosity, I followed them to their base... Once arrived at the entrance of the latter, a very friendly soldier named Nicknitro also sniper, allowed me to look more closely, these steel monsters ! Without losing a minute, I took my Nickon for this beautiful family photo! After warmly thanked this charming soldier, I invited him to drink a beer at the corner bistro to learn more. Thus he revealed to me that engineers would be deployed within the ISAF, probably the first REG, the FAMAS and Minimi Magnifer were redesigned, besides the fact that the weapon system Mirage 2000 D and Rafale AASM of the Air Force can now engage laser targets. He let me also suggest that one of his cousins is ​​working on a script for a very special skydiver HAHO, but could not tell me more, the information is classified "Secret OFrP !" The night came, I went home, but I do not lie, telling you that : I dreamed all night of those toys! It was TigerForce for OFrP News. See you later for new intel ! EDIT: Screens album
  10. You will find a major part of our classnames here. :)
  11. Hi, I am a member of the french team OFrP, and i am here to ask you about a bit problem that we encounter. In our mod, we have aircrafts (fighter and bomber) as the Mirage 2000 or Rafale, equipped with GBU 12 and bomb launchers. So the question is, what we have to put in the config of the bomber plane, to make AI pilot bomb a target, and available to strike with the SSM module ? Because, currently the plane with AI pilot do not bomb neither a lasertarget nor with SSM module. Thank by advance, Regards, TigerForce
  12. Hi [APS]Gnat, Thank for your quick response, i checked your config file to compare it with mine, but it seems there is no massive difference. But i think its probably the "ViewPilot" which more important in your config than in mine. I will test it as soon as posible, and post a feedback. Nevertheless, Is your B52 availabe to bomb automaticly a target with the Simple Support Module (without a laser target) ?
  13. Hi guys, i think i have found a part of the answer. The French Mirage 2000D with its two crewmen does not engage lasertarget nor drop bomb with Simple Support Module, because BIS hasn't work to let this type of aircraft to drop bomb. In fact, the lone BIS aircrafts with two crewmen is the SU-34 which hasn't any bomb and so, can't be used with SSM module. But even if, this type of aircraft with two crewmen can't engage lasertarget, Rafale M with only one pilot can do it. So it signifies that if we want to have our bipilots aircrafts availabe to attack laser, we have to place the gunner as commander, and the pilot under his orders. Is it possible with ArmA 2 OA ? The last question is, why the Simple Support Module doesn't drop our bomb when it only drops the ones of the BIS aircrafts ? What is different ?
  14. So i have checked the config file of the aircraft and the laserscanner is already on true and in the ammo config the laserlock is also on true. To answer your question, AI do not open fire when player lases a target. Nevertheless, when i am the pilot and i order the gunner to lock and open fire on a target, it executes my order. Perhaps, the AI pilot, does not order automaticaly its AI gunner to lock lasertarget ? I think the problem could also come from the fact that in BIS plane there is just one pilot who is also a gunner. But with French Mirage 2000 D aircraft, we have two crewmen, one pilot and one gunner. Maybe the problem come from here. So the question is, can you help us ? :) Thank by advance
  15. French ISAF troops in operation in the Alasaï valley : Click to enlarge. An artist view : Map : Zargabad Addons : OFrP
  16. Rafale Marine over the Charles de Gaulle... First Rafale C-01 (black colour) A news about the config character, which can be changed in "profile". French female soldier: The artillery config has also been fixed, and now works great with arty module.
  17. Some screens of our rifle grenades : (Click to enlarge)
  18. Thank for this initiative William, we were already working on an OFrP_Arty_module, but your last scripts are interesting. Just one problem, in the next release, the gun and the Caesar truck will be a lone vehicle, as the Grad for exemple. I have a question : Where do the numbers of your ballistic file come from ? Concerning the PM, wait a response, but not today, the man in charge of it isn't avalable yet.
  19. Yes with automatic Landing and Takeoff, as well.
  20. I forgot to say that the Hawkeye is on the good way ( you can see it in the second screen).
  21. Some screens of the Rafale M and Carrier Charles De Gaulle picked ingame : Some screens of the new HK 416 and HK417 made by Lodu :
  22. @Ihatecheater; If you have been able to read all the OFrP post, you would have seen this sentence. Fortunately for us, and for all the ArmA mods, most of the ArmA community isn't made by guys like you. OFrP on Operation Flashpoint, was based on 32 members and 18 partners, on ArmA 2, we are just 4 members, but with great partners as MAF team or ADO Clan. The work is very important and we have no enought time to test all the addons. Be patient, for the OFrP 3.2, which will be the last release of the mod. Thank to all the members, who support us here.
  23. tigerforce

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Hi Icebreakr, Awesome work, but can you post the cfggroups please ? Concerning your question on armaholic, for instance the boss of the team is in holyday, so no response yet.
  24. Yeah, don't worry, we have already checked it. Thank.
  25. Some screens of the French carrier Charles de Gaulle :