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Everything posted by tom3kb

  1. tom3kb

    User mission requests!

    There are not to many plane/heli missions for arma 2 but you can find few on Armaholic. You can try campaign Serpent but you fly with Mi-24. I made very simple campaign Wings (3short missions) you fly with AV8B, in 1 mission you can use A10. And in my RACS Sp mission pack you can find 2 plane missions F16 and F14 and 1 short Cobra mission. You can try if you want :) ---------- Post added at 08:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ---------- And you can check campaigns Desert Wrath, Afghan war diary in each campaign there are plane and heli missions (1 for heli and 1or2 for plane). In campaign Joint operations you have 1? Ah 64 mission. Maybe later i write few more. :) ---------- Post added at 09:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 PM ---------- Few more pilot missions: A10,AH64,Chinook: Operation skybreaker, Morning heat, Chinook time, Workhorse, Choplifter, Attack of loy manara, Prey and predator, Day at the airbase, Devils cross. You can find few more but they need ace or other mods.
  2. @Wiggum this is sled88 mod/campaign so he can use all the addons he need/or like to use :). So what he use many addons, if someone dont like Apocalypse mod he will not download this stuff :).
  3. @up I think that this very good idea. Ps: maybe not all 4 packs but i think sled88 can upload to armaholic Full pack (Conspiracies Apocalypse part 1 and 2) as one big mod :) with 2 campaigns, i think that this is the best solution.
  4. Why so many versions :) I think you should release only 2 versions: 1st. The full package-Apocalypse 1 and 2. 2nd pack. Only campaign with list of all needed addons-with info that we need Apocalypse 1 with all needed addons-list and with list of addons for part 2. If someone have Apocalypse 1 he will know what he have on his hdd and what he must download.
  5. If you dont find any solution to your problem you can always use cheats ;) to jump to next mission in campaign. In mission cheat endmission or in campaign menu cheat-campaign.
  6. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    Patch the game: arma 2 is now v1.10 and Chesty Puller v1.101 download from Armaholic [its the biggest base with campains and missions for Arma series] :)
  7. tom3kb

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    @maturin you have steam version so its little different. @rp03ev go to v1.33 you cant "screw" nothing with patch :), and if you do somthing wrong you delete all old jsrs folders and put new one 2nd time and all will be ok, just read readme file if you think you could have some problems :)
  8. tom3kb

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    To have arma 2 CO first install arma2 for example in D:\arma2 run the game then install OA in the same folder d:\arma2 [now you have arma 2 CO] run the game use armaoa.exe, patch the game to v1.59 this will patch arma 2 to v1.09. Then if you want patch a2 v1.10 and OA to 1.60RC.
  9. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    @Amx225 Unpbo/Depbo this campaign, load all mission (1by1) in editor and then save them once again. Pack them together in the campaign again and now all should be good. What arma 2/ arma 2 co version you have.
  10. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Carrier Operations - Duala

    j_frost i think its good that you use addons in your campaign, its always good to play with something new for example F18. Many peopole have Duala on there hdd ;) so they dont need downlod to many new things :), and i think that today downloading even~1GB addons for campaign its not a big problem.
  11. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Carrier Operations - Duala

    Maybe wenn i come home [in next 2 days] I send you pm about betatesting but i think [if you tested your campaign little] its better to release the campaign to whole community-as let say v0.8, you will have more testers then :). And if we find something you can make update later. But its only sugestion. Ps: last time i was testing/sending feedback to nettrucker [camp Hammer of thor v1.0 and v1.1]
  12. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Carrier Operations - Duala

    Sounds great, i have question player will be fighting against units from Duala not takistani units right? And im really waiting for pilot missions, its really hard to do good plane-pilot mission in arma 2 [i try few times but my missions was really short and not the best ;)]. Cant wait to play :)
  13. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Afghan War Diary

    Just finished v1.2 of Afghan war diary. In 04-operation eagle claw, evac heli sometime dont wont to land but I target him with my mouse and give my team order to get in and then hi come back for us and we fly to base. I think that action in action menu wenn we have too free 2 p.o.w is in french language not in english or im wrong? :) 07-Warthog im try many times this mission but i cant ---------- Post added at 05:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:52 PM ---------- Kill those insurgents from A-10, maybe im a very bad A-10 pilot against infantry ;) i use cheat to end. In mission Cas somtime if you dont kill fast all enemis heli after few rounds around that conwoy [close to town Imarat] will be stand in the air, and you cant do nothing. Ps: Very good campaign. Nice "easter eggs" about Jill, Umbrella, Raccon city.
  14. tom3kb

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    @Orcinus I just checked my theory in editor to be sure, i was US team leader +3 ai in team, on map i put 4 empty abrams tanks, then i destroy 1 empty tank, after this all guys started shot at me and they killed me, the same situation with other vehicles. I remember that in OFP this was the same, if you destroy to many freindly vehicles/soldiers you get many - points to addrating,you become enemy
  15. tom3kb

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    Im not sure if this is the problem but i think if you destroy freindly vehicles you have many (-) points added to players addrating, and then freindly ai will shoot you, they treat you as enemy. Solution after heli is destroyed [not alive heli_name] add to player in trigger: addrating 10000 or more and all should be ok.
  16. tom3kb

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    @Undeceived in Polish version of arma 2 and OA we cant chenge language to english, we only have polish language [i know also that in Russian version players cant chenge language].
  17. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    Yesterday I finished v1.1 :) 13. Payback is a bitch-no bugs. 14. Lost obstacle-we destroy all guns task have green square, then we cleared the base-green square in briefing, and marker changed colour to green and i see white text: Mission Accomplished but mission dont end, so i searched whole base and after i destroy all AA guns mission was finished and this task have also green square in briefing ---------- Post added at 12:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ---------- 15.Warpig This mission end for me after 1minute(i restarted 3 times, always the same situation) 1st after ~20s i have red and green task info "The survivors has been rescued" task have green square in briefing, leter i have radio message about "critical situation" and few seconds later mission ends[task:reach to last know position dont have green square]then we go to 16.Last stand no bugs here :) ---------- Post added at 12:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 PM ---------- Summary for v1.1: you fixed almost all bugs from v1.0, i like the changes in missions 10-16. I found few bugs in 1.1 but there are no gamebeaking, few small problems with tasks but no problems with ending mission thats very good. Thanks for this update. Ps: Having little break from editing after your work with v1.1 is good idea :) Ps: my last short break from editor was from March to October ;)
  18. @OMAC If mission maker dont add two small commands to his mission [activatekey,donekey-more info on bi wiki] you will never see that little green square in mission menu after you finished mission. Its very easy to add them but almost noone do this, so far i found only few missions that after end have this "green square" in mission menu. :)
  19. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    11. Silverspoon. Mission ends without a problem but after we killed all tanks-task accomplished in briefing, then we cleared base-task also acomplished and then mission ends, i dont know if we destroy all AA units, but this task dont have green square in briefing after mission is finished. Maybe this is not a bug and we dont have to kill them to end misson-something like optional task. ---------- Post added at 02:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ---------- If this is the reason why this task is not accoplished you can maybe add a small tip in briefing that this is optional task and you dont have to end this task to end the mission. Or maybe im wrong and this is a small bug. 12.Black gold. All ok, no bugs, all markers changed colours, all task are accomplished in briefing, mission end without a problem. ---------- Post added at 02:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 PM ---------- Ps: sorry that im not answer on your last pm but im cut off from my pc with internet [its 2 months now] and from my phone i can only write posts-somethimes i cant even edit them. I really have good fun playing your campaign and sending few posts with feedback is no problem, so if you will make someday v1.2 you can count on my feedback. :) Tomek [tom3kb] Ps2:sorry mods if i write post under post.
  20. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    Nettrucker thanks for tips about Sledgehammer. 9.Roadblock:all ok, no bugs, and i see few small but nice/good changes in this mission. 10.Cleansweep: mission ends with no problems but i think there are still few bugs with tasks becose: few minutes after mission started I see white text "general has escaped" after that task:Find Hassan Jafar was failed in briefing-red cross,but on monitor I see ---------- Post added at 05:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:15 PM ---------- Red info Seize Ace 3-failed or something like that it should be about Jafar task. Then we cleared all Ace sectors1-3 tasks are green in briefing, markers are green. Wenn i go to place where i should find Jafar i see oficer and he talk that Jafar escaped to villa-i have new task. Wenn we cleared villa i see red/green text: villa has been cleared,red text general has escaped then task &mission ends. ---------- Post added at 05:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 PM ---------- And I think i found 2 small mistakes in markers names: on villa "Target Jaraf" i think it should be Jafar :) and marker "Target position Jaraf" also Jafar, but this is nothing big :) Ps: now for me this mission is much better then in v1.0 you made good changes.
  21. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    7. Sledgehammer: all ok, no bugs, markers chenged colour red->green,all task have green square in briefing. 8. Dressed to kill: 4 tasks: clear area romeo1-4 no bugs, markers chenged colour to green and task have green square in briefing. Task: clear the base, marker chenged colour to green but task dont have green square in briefing. And last task: clear operation area romeo [blue marker]: ---------- Post added at 05:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 PM ---------- I dont know if this is a bug or I have bad luck. I was thinking that if all romeo1-4 and base are cleared this task will by finished too. I clear all houses, i destroy all enemy tanks,apc-s,trucks and nothing maybe i should kill few more soldiers there and maybe few ai hide somwhere on map[in zargabad] and i cant find them. So i dont know if its a bug in this task, i use cheat to end this mission. ---------- Post added at 05:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 PM ---------- This 2 missions was most challenging so far, many loaded games ;) I was thinking that Sledgehammer is imposible to win. On airfield was only me+3 abrams+few soldiers against 6 tanks,2shilkas and ~20men. All my tanks and men was killed in 10sec. But then i use the best strategy/tactic in arma 2 I load the game, after that my tanks destroy all enemy forces in few seconds :) And mission was finished.
  22. tom3kb

    I need help in mission dialog screen

    Sorry little mistake in ace betas they "not can" change weapons and i earlier write they "can".
  23. tom3kb

    I need help in mission dialog screen

    Ok, i think i found solution: check thread Seal team six Devgru campaign. Pages 30-32. Its probably Ace bug in all ace campaign versions. But someone write if you will use ace stable all is ok, but wenn someone use ace beta versions they have this bug, they can change weapons during briefing. Maybe this will help you.