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About rz22g

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  1. Does anyone know the setting, if there is one, for dedicated server to disable player names in the game?
  2. New Experimental Build Changelog lists TrackIR Official Support however TrackIR now does not work at all. TrackIR does not recognize the game as being a TrackIR Enhanced Title. This apparent by noting the TrackIR Enhanced Title (Game Enabled) LED in the TrackIR software is not lit. Register Game at https://www.trackir/developers/ using Register Your Game at the bottom of the page.
  3. Is there a mod that will allow you to drop all ammo of the same type at once? For example in backpack there are 5 45 mags, 3 9mm mags, 6 revolver cylinders. You would normally have to right click on the 45 mags 5 times to get rid of them all. It would nice to have a modifier key, for example hold a certain key while you right click once and it drops all of the type you clicked on.
  4. Server is located at same physical location. Both client and server are wired directly to Linksys WRT 1900AC Router. 1900AC Router is connected to properties cable modem via the 5ghz radio in client mode. My friends, who are 6 hours away, can connect to it with pings around 100 to 140, and experience no noticeable lag. I connect it to with pings under 100 but experience very apparent lag. I know I can go to the LAN tab and connect to eliminate this issue but trying to figure out what is wrong in my network config or arma config that may be causing this. It would appear that when I connect via the internet option that my communication is being routed in a way that is not normal. Hope I gave a good description. Not sure what is causing this and it only seems to be with Arma3. I have hosted other games like Ground Branch and they seem to be fine.
  5. Can anyone explain the purpose of the smaller format time shown under mission duration ? When my friends and I play, all starting and finishing at the same time, the mission duration time matches between us however we all have different times for the time shown under mission duration time . The times are drastically different like 00:00:47, while the others would have 01:24:32. Screen Shot of Debriefing Screen
  6. Read through this but not fully understanding. Is this to allow AI on your team to revive you or does allow the enemy AI to basically use the revive system ?
  7. Is it possible to set so that when you revive an incapacitated player they do not regain full health ? Would like it so the revived player must use first aid or medical kit after being revived to get back to full capacity.
  8. Hope to find the fix for this as well. OA worked fine until I installed the TOH Preview so the TOH install broke it somehow. Uninstalling TOH did not fix the problem.
  9. Im not sure why but I was able to extract the missions_baf without issue. I did nothing special and have a legit, purchased Arma II Combined Operations that cost me $12 at Amazon. I used eliteness. Chose the missions_baf in the common folder and it extracted.