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Everything posted by Jigsor

  1. Thank You kju, all working now. All instances of USMC_Soldier were found with Multifind and changed to B_Soldier_F. The whole test is lengthy but very nice. After glancing over results. It does not seem to reflect my ingame experience. For example there are no tests of camera starring off into the sky, edge of map, or region which excludes map objects to be able to measure fps with little to no load. Also would be nice if some how all fps results from each test could be averaged for 1 final result. results: -mod=@CBA_A3;@A3MP;@a3mp_ap .rpt -mod=@CBA_A3;@AllInArmaTerrainPack .rpt
  2. Jigsor

    Mine detector not working ?

    You'll need an engineer/eod specialist type class to detect mines along with mine detector. To make sure all detected mines are revealed to other players of same side you can run something like this. _knownmines = detectedMines west; {west revealMine _x;} foreach _knownmines; Up to you when or how you would use in mission for example addaction or triggered loop in script.. Though I don't see the whole point in it if MineTag and Map is hidden.
  3. Appologies kju, .rpt download link corrected.
  4. I've now gotten the PVP Scene Benchmark utility to run in A3 but getting black A3 screen. I've posted the result in respective thread.
  5. As per Kju's suggestion here, I've made some changes to try to this make mork with A3. I've gotten it to run but only see a blank windowed A3 screen. I can hear ambient environment effects as normal. _configureSettings.bat rem ---------------------------------------------- rem - Only change the text after the equals sign - rem ---------------------------------------------- rem BE CAREFUL: _NO_ trailing slash in the path. set PATHTOARMA=c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 rem User specific startup parameters rem http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters set CUSTOMPARAMS="-profiles=c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3" -window "- name=autotest" rem User specific modfolders set CUSTOMMODS=@CBA_A3;@A3MP;@a3mp_ap rem You can select the mission suite here. set MISSIONS=autotestAll.cfg rem autotestAll.cfg rem autotestChernarus.cfg rem autotestProvingGrounds.cfg rem autotestTakistan.cfg rem autotestZargabad.cfg rem autotestVegetation.cfg run.bat CALL _configureSettings.bat cd /D %PATHTOARMA% "%PATHTOARMA%\arma3.exe" -nosplash -skipintro -world=empty -noFilePatching %CUSTOMPARAMS% -mod=%CUSTOMMODS% "-autotest=%PATHTOARMA%\autotest\PvPscene_BM\MissionSets\%MISSIONS%" .rpt Download
  6. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    Thank you for the feedback metric. Glad to hear. I updated the Fallujah pack again last night. It has an updated IDE script and I believe I've fixed the issue of intel and ammo caches clipping and spawning in walls and floors.
  7. @.kju I tried adapting and running http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?114937-PvPscene-Benchmark-Suite but could not get it to run with A3 Did anyone else get it to work?
  8. Try giving higher tolerance to precision parameter. I like to use multiples of 64. I've lessened 4th param to sample smaller sized gradient area. I've had no problems with "2" for compositions. Last parameter was missing so I added it. You only need to count up to 1 for each position array because array will have 3 elements if any or will return empty. _secObjSeed = []; _newPos = []; while {(count _secObjSeed) < 1 and (count _newPos) < 1} do { _secObjSeed = [_aoCenter, 300, 150] call fnc_randomizedLocation; _newPos = _secObjSeed isFlatEmpty [25,384,0.5,2,0,false,ObjNull]; sleep 0.3;// remove if performance is not an issue. }; I've made rampant use if isflatempty in both my missions in my sig with Insurgency perhaps having cleaner implementations. Feel free to have a look. It is my preffered method of clear positions as it has the most filter parameters of any existing arma command/function As for the floating object in composition, I'm not sure what is causing that and have not yet gotten down and dirty with original or any compositions in Arma 3 only Arma 2 Maybe have cammo net placed first then truck afterwards by shifting the object further down/higher in composition list. What does your object grabber look like. It looks like it is adding the vehicleinit portion which is obsolete in Arma 3 Composition objects would be listed like so without the vehicleinit. ["Land_HBarrier_5_F",[4.80762,-0.910156,0],135.36,1,0], Hope this helps.
  9. Sorry, for not being clear. I meant INITIALIZATION field of object in editor not init.sqf. The first line could be used by itself but alone does not provide respawn. The second line depends on a vehicle respawn script. In this case example is vehrespawn.sqf by Iceman77. Its very good. The second line could be used in addition to the first, but you must copy the function/block into vehInitFunctions.sqf which comes with vehrespawn.sqf. Hope that makes it clear.
  10. if execution is started by player then why use BIS_fnc_MP? Just run it player side and everyone can still see it. this is working for me: [player,"arifle_Mk20_ACO_F",10] call BIS_fnc_AddWeapon; player addprimaryweaponitem "acc_flashlight";
  11. I don't know if this would help, but I got Iceman's code to remove satchels from an ammo crate wich are actually magazines in the array _all_mags Like this: remove_charge_fnc = { private ["_crate","_all_mags","_type"]; _crate = _this select 0; _all_mags = magazineCargo _crate; { _type = [_x] call BIS_fnc_itemType; if ((_type select 1) == "mine") then { _all_mags = _all_mags - [_x]; }; } forEach _all_mags; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate; {_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 1];} foreach _all_mags; //hint str (_all_mags); }; and calling function like this: [_ammocache] call remove_charge_fnc; after crate was created with _ammocache = createVehicle [_objtype , _pos, [], 0, "None"];
  12. Without seeing more code its possible that _first_weapon_item is not a string or _first_weapon_item is not a compatible weapon attachment for that weapon.
  13. It seems objectGrabber.sqf is missing from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Addons\modules_f\DynO in Arma 3. We had it built in back in A2. but the script still works for A3. obectGrabber returns a list in rpt containing for each object format : [_type, [_dX, _dY, _z], _azimuth, _fuel, _damage, _vehicleinit] example: ["I_Heli_Transport_02_F",[124.377,51.0967,-0.0558586],129.986,1,0,{}], Where as yours is returning a list to clipboard containing for each object example: _obj = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrierBig_F", [-5000,-5000,0], [], 0, "NONE"] scriptName "objectGrabber.sqf"; /* File: objectGrabber.sqf Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land Description: Converts a set of placed objects to an object array for the DynO mapper. Places this information in the debug output for processing. Parameter(s): _this select 0: position of the anchor point _this select 1: size of the covered area Returns: Success flag (Boolean) init: null = [getpos this,200] execvm "objectGrabber.sqf"; */ //Validate parameter count if ((count _this) < 2) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [objectGrabber] Function requires at least 2 parameter!"; false}; private ["_anchorPos", "_anchorDim"]; _anchorPos = _this select 0; _anchorDim = _this select 1; //Validate parameters if ((typeName _anchorPos) != (typeName [])) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [objectGrabber] Anchor position (0) must be an Array!"; false}; if ((typeName _anchorDim) != (typeName 0)) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [objectGrabber] Covered area size (1) must be an Number!"; false}; private ["_objs"]; _objs = nearestObjects [_anchorPos, ["All"], _anchorDim]; diag_log "#####################################"; diag_log "### Log: objectGrabber: StartGrabbing"; diag_log "#####################################"; for "_i" from 0 to ((count _objs) - 1) do { private ["_obj", "_type"]; _obj = _objs select _i; _type = typeOf _obj; //Exclude human objects. private ["_sim"]; _sim = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "simulation"); if !(_sim in ["soldier"]) then { private ["_objPos", "_dX", "_dY", "_z", "_azimuth", "_fuel", "_damage", "_vehicleinit"]; _objPos = position _obj; _dX = (_objPos select 0) - (_anchorPos select 0); _dY = (_objPos select 1) - (_anchorPos select 1); _z = _objPos select 2; _azimuth = direction _obj; _fuel = fuel _obj; _damage = damage _obj; _vehicleinit = if (isnil {_obj getvariable "vehicleinit"}) then {{}} else {_obj getvariable "vehicleinit";}; // _obj setvariable ["vehicleInit",_vehicleInit]; diag_log text(format ["%1,", [_type, [_dX, _dY, _z], _azimuth, _fuel, _damage, _vehicleinit]]); }; }; diag_log "###################################"; diag_log "### Log: objectGrabber: EndGrabbing"; diag_log "###################################"; true Yours is nice in that you can reposition objects in real time but how do you set elevation? Also changing player removeAllEventHandlers "keyDown"; to (finddisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown"; fixed the rotating after object drop thing.
  14. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    Small update to Fallujah pack. Fixed: some Arma 3 weapon crates inventory not accessible. Added new unit classes for Sud Russians that came in East vs. West mod update today.Download above updated.
  15. This is an Arma 3 bug that also happens to stock aircraft, but happens constantly to the A10 on Dedi. Seems like a problem of wheels stuck in ground and colliding. Work around: Works most of the time. Put this in init. this setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosATL this) select 0,(getPosATL this) select 1]); You could aslo use with a vehicle respawn script as function like so in init _nul = [this, 2, 1, {[_this] call anti_collision}] execVM "vehrespawn.sqf"; function: anti_collision = { private "_obj"; _obj = _this select 0; _obj setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosATL _obj) select 0,(getPosATL _obj) select 1]); true }; Great work Sudden. Thanks for the update.
  16. This is working for me on other Islands besides VR. player addAction ["Spawn Plane", { (_this select 1) removeAction (_this select 2);// added this to allow execute from debug again after edits and use one action. _speed = 180; _height = 50; "mCSATAirSpawn0" setMarkerDir ((markerDir "mCSATAirSpawn0") + 30); _pos = getMarkerPos "mCSATAirSpawn0"; _dir = markerDir "mCSATAirSpawn0"; _vehicle = [_pos, _dir, "O_Plane_CAS_02_F", EAST] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle; sleep 0.1; _veh = _vehicle select 0; _vehgrp = _vehicle select 2; _vel = velocity _veh; _veh setpos [(_pos select 0) + (sin (_dir -180)), (_pos select 1) + (cos (_dir -180)), _height]; _veh setVelocity [(_vel select 0)+(sin _dir*_speed),(_vel select 1)+ (cos _dir*_speed),(_vel select 2)]; }];
  17. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    Big, Please do not update Mission Pack on Armaholic yet. All older version's in the pack still need to be updated to v097. Thank You. Here are Fallujah versions to try for anybody interested done up in 4 mod variants of BMR_Insurgency_v097 Fallujah The northern zone markers are still unassigned as shown in my previous post. Disregard the grey area. There is still plenty of city to fight in as is. Currently there are 950 zones/grid markers assigned and completed. The total markers count if/when completed will total about 1250. It is an insanely amount. As for performance, A3MP gives me better performance vs AllInArmaTerrainPack. I've only tested with 6 players. Its Very Good. I'd rather use AllInArmaTerrainPack because of working lighting and other nice features. In AIA terrain thread some report experiencing the opposite effect of better performance with AllInArmaTerrainPack. Hence my release of required mod variants here. Also, two versions requiring no other mods besides one of the map packs and fallujah making it easier for public players to join. As for the modded versions they are using Middle Eastern Conflict mod and its dependencies. You can fight against Syrian Arab Army and Middle Eastern Irregulars, Syrian Arab Army and QUD Special forces unit of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Sud Russians, as well as CSAT and AAF. I've tested the new mission and scripts on dedicated and hosted server so it should be very stable. BMR_Insurgency_v097 Fallujah mod variants Change Log: Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/akiklppm6btze85/BMR%20Insurgency%20Fallujah.zip?dl=0 I'll appreciate any feedback.
  18. No doubt , but is this because of things like working lighting or other things functioning properly/completely. 5 to 6 frames on a not so modern machine can be the difference in playable and not playable. I've also noticed there seems to be somewhat of a cap on max frames in AIA terrains. If you click on map and zoom all the way in in an inactive area the difference in frames is more than double and slightly more varying frame fluctuation in A3MP vs steady frames in AIA.
  19. Kju, thank you for your tremendous acheivments and afforts with AIA. Long time fan of all your work throughout the years. Have you or anyone else noticed a difference in performance in A3MP vs. AIA terrain pack. On average I get 5 to 6 frames less using AllInArmaTerrainPack v1.2.1 vs. A3MP.
  20. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    A sneak peek of BMR Insurgency Fallujah in the oven.
  21. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    Come on teamspeak and I'll try to help you get it sorted..
  22. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    Metric are you running @AllInArmaTerrainPack ? It is required for Zargabad and Takistan which is currently running on server not A3MP required by N'ziwasogo version. Server is also running keys. Means you can only get on with certain mods. AJAX put together and shared a collection of mods on PWS it includes some favorite weapons mods. I need to get him to do a write up on how to get to the shared collection as I have no idea how. Also dissable A3MP if running. If you just run only the mods on first page required for the mission that is currently running you should be able to get in.
  23. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    Sorry, I misread your original question. "- What exactly does AI accuracy on non EOS units mean ?" And my answer was reguarding this parameter: "Set AI skill on non EOS units" Your question was about this parameter: "AI accuracy on non EOS units" Answer: Adjusts accuracy for those units using the skill parameter 0.1 = lousy aim. 1 = aim bot. As long as ASR AI not detected. Time parameter has been fixed. Found a problem that was allowing it to only work with one weather script and not both. As for server. As of this last year my rather small group Black Mamba Rangers has been calling Onion Gamers server home when it comes to Arma. BMR Insurgency and iterations there of have been running nearly continously for appoximately 3 months now. Server is in San Diego California. I do much of the server maintenance/setup there along with Server owner, long time Arma enthusiast and good friend AJAX of Onion Gamers. We invite anyone who is mature and a team player to join us in a game. Best if you have a mic and join us on teamspeak. http://ts3.oniongamers.com/ or "" http://www.gametracker.com/clan/OnionGamers/ http://bmr-squad.com/
  24. Didn't know about the new command/function BIS_fnc_sideID. Short and to the point Larrow. Iceman, good to see you back. Larrow and Iceman you guys are great assets to the community. Three ways to get vehicle config side number and compare them to player side.
  25. I believe what is happening is that planted mines are automatically revealed to civilians since all mines belong to civilian by default. I to would like to know how to unreveal mine if possible.