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Everything posted by oktyabr

  1. Latest version on MP also multiplies the animals by the number of players. Possibly aircraft as well. Civilians and cars seemed about right (default settings on all of them). It sounded like we were in a kennel full of hungry dogs right at spawn ;) BUT as you said... it's a SINGLE player mod, right? :D
  2. This is how I got everything working using PWS. A2, A2OA (A2CO), A3, IF and IF DLC all purchased on Steam: IF v1.65 Arma 2 v1.11 Arma 2 OA v1.62 Arma 2 CO v1.62 Arma 3 v1.80 (stable) IF standalone and DLC work perfectly, ran as standalone. I downloaded, installed and ran the IF>Arma2 mod conversion tool. No errors. Downloaded IF Arma 1.05->1.06 community patch and installed it. Same with the DLC patch. No errors. Fired up PWS, switched games to A2, made sure the @IF mod worked. Fine! Switched back to A3, made a "collection" in PWS of CBA_A3, All in Arma, and IFA3. Started game, all works well! Thanks to everyone that made this possible! :)
  3. Does anyone have a setup guide for PWS + ARMA3 + IF, all purchased from Steam? I'm stumped. ---------- Post added at 06:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 PM ---------- SOLVED! IF v1.65 Arma 2 v1.11 Arma 2 OA v1.62 Arma 2 CO v1.62 Arma 3 v1.80 (stable) IF standalone and DLC work perfectly, ran as standalone. I downloaded, installed and ran the IF>Arma2 mod conversion tool. No errors. Downloaded IF Arma 1.05->1.06 community patch and installed it. Same with the DLC patch. No errors. Fired up PWS, switched games to A2, made sure the @IF mod worked. Fine! Switched back to A3, made a "collection" in PWS of CBA_A3, All in Arma, and IFA3. Started game, all works well!
  4. No, I think you are correct. I've been trying to get it running through PWS all afternoon. Even did the IF to A2 mod conversion thing. Still no joy. I *wish* it was as simple as firing up PWS, clicking the total conversion link and starting the game... but in my experience anyway, it is not.
  5. Very eager to try this one! After seeing the demo video I'm quite sure it will be replacing my other sound mod(s). My internets to you, good sir.
  6. ALiVE compatibility just racked up another sale for IF (I bought the D-Day DLC too)! Looking forward to the next release!
  7. Doh! I broke down and bought both IF and the D-Day DLC for it. Both are 50% off on Steam until Jan. 2nd! I miss you, world war 2. ;)
  8. I'm having a problem getting missile lock too. This *might* be a BI problem because I'm fairly sure I had the Hornet locking on to things some time ago...
  9. oktyabr

    Sangin WIP

    Looking forward to seeing this map in A3! This one and Clafghan were two of my favorites in A2. As for making the map "conform to certain BIS standards" for ALiVE I think it is more like what it would take to make it MSO conforming in A2... must properly define areas as military, civilian, etc. Any map maker that is familiar with making MSO "friendly" terrains for A2 should already have the bases covered for ALiVE... I *think*. I agree though, MSO was fun and flexible. I'm not aware of any A3 MSO... other than ALiVE.
  10. oktyabr

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I'd like to know if there is a way to fine tune AI ROE? Mission: four blufor special ops infiltrating enemy base. We took small arms fire from 400+ meters away quite quickly and while I'm still not happy about how AI regular infantry can make Friend OR Foe judgements (take advanced optics out of the question) at least they missed. What ended the mission in frustration was an APC lobbing 30mm from 600m away with laser beam precision... but the real topic of this post is that they did it while we were *within* an enemy base and even when we took cover behind a supply truck they blew that up as well. In effect they fired on their own base and destroyed their own assets (I'm not sure if any opfor were killed with us but I expect so) rather than let the forces that were MUCH closer to us engage us instead.
  11. oktyabr

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Thanks for the reply! I'm used to carrying spare batteries and was surprised not to see them listed in the item list on the left. As long as the designator has one in it then it will work anyway but I wondered why it didn't show as available to add to backpacks, etc. The second problem is shown in the screenshot below. You can see this unit is equipped with launcher, one AT missile in the launcher and three more in the backpack, total 4 missiles. When I spawn in the game one of the missiles is missing, as if it was moved to the launcher, leaving me 3 (one in launcher, two in backpack.) It is the same with pistol and rifle magazines. I try to take as many of each as I can, including one in each weapon, but at mission start one of each is missing from my vest, etc.
  12. Very nice John_Spartan (and Saul)! It's a joy to fly... I think it *seems* more maneuverable than the Hornet even! It will be fun to have a dog fight between the two. :)
  13. On a tangent I'd be curious to know how you are getting Clafghan working with Alive. I can get it to load and it will identify the handful of FOBs, and the runway, but I can't figure out how to get a bunch of OPFOR to spawn *outside* of those locations :( ---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ---------- I guess I could expand my ALiVE wishlist with the "custom location" idea for maps that don't have enough MP or CP locations defined... For example imagine a scenario where a spy satellite is crashed in the mountains and the occupying forces are all pushing to that general vicinity as a priority. And some sort of compatibility layer (perhaps in a separate mod?) that would allow a mission editor to simply choose THIS group of units = THAT faction (opfor, blufor, indy, etc.) to make better use of added on armies (that aren't properly configured) as well as add flexibility to how various units are used.
  14. I can't believe there isn't a feedback tracker to establish this as a sort of standard already. This is essential for intricate mission making. ---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ---------- On a tangent, as suggested in another thread, it is obvious that a sort of "translator" would be useful for mission makers in particular. Select the unit and translate it to a compatible configuration on a mission per mission basis. This would be useful in particular for the addons that the author has abandoned or otherwise has not corrected. I'm not script savvy... how difficult would it be to do something like that?
  15. oktyabr

    Sangin WIP

    Would you mind sharing a link or details on the "requirements"? I'm currently struggling getting Massi's "mas_usa_devg" to play nicely (with ALiVE) as blufor and Drongo69's "DR Irregulars" to act as opfor.
  16. THIS +1! Would love to be able to play this map in A3 *without* AiA (although it's a good deal of fun that way too!)
  17. Thanks for the lightning fast reply! I'll check the wiki on #2. I realize a lot of what you guys can offer is dependent on how BIS develops the underlying game. I DO use ALiVE as an ambient generator but wish I didn't have to load extra addons to accomplish what I'm after. If there is ever anything thing that your team deems as important, in the A3 feedback tracker, please *do* share the details and I for one will be happy to vote, post or whatever I can to help YOU help me :) ---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 PM ---------- Here is the link to the BI wiki page on AI setskill, in case anyone else was interested too: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/AI_Sub-skills
  18. A couple of requests and a question: 1) While modern day combined arms may comprise most generic units and strategies it would be nice to have the ability to restrain or modify their presence, perhaps with sliders? For example, if a mission maker wanted to set a small, elite, combine arms force against a much larger force of less experienced, less equipped infantry. Having a way to custom configure the presence of armor, air, mobile and mechanized infantry would be a nice thing to have, perhaps on a per profile basis. A specific mission example is a well equipped force of combined arms tasked with removing the *remainder* of the opfor in a given area, which have basically been reduced to small arms units fighting with more guerrilla tactics, i.e. poorly equipped insurgency. 2) More documentation on the AI Skill *custom* parameters! I've played with them a bit, in a way that I guessed made sense, but have seen no relative changes that suggested I was on the right path. In other words I'm a bit frustrated and confused about what changes to expect using them. 3) Does morale and battle readiness get factored in somewhere under the hood? Units on guard duty far away from the front lines that haven't seen (or heard) action in quite some time might become lax, and easier to sneak up on as opposed to a recon patrol behind enemy lines which would be expected to be on it's highest level of combat readiness. Similarly, units at HQ and/or in the vicinity of a commanding officer may have higher initial morale and "courage", perhaps also influenced by their approximate experience/rank. A veteran unit may behave much more differently than a unit of raw recruits far from an active (i.e. "alive") superior officer that may be subject to ease of suppression and reduced combat effectiveness. Also looking forward to the day we might see ambient civilian profiles and insurgents with IEDs, car bombs vs. road blocks, acquirable intel, etc. Love the work so far! All my internets to you guys. :)
  19. oktyabr

    Kradnostrov Map for ArmA 3

    Winter Version? That's one thing the ARMA family has never had enough of... snow laden maps. You want to win part of that contest? Make a winter map *and* get some custom particles working on it for "snow"... a blizzard even ;)
  20. oktyabr

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    This has probably been mentioned before but PlayWithSix has this map pack and it installed and plays perfectly. ;)
  21. Haven't read all the posts in the thread... been too busy playing around with this latest release! I love the CH147 but the engine (start up?) sound is so quiet I wonder if I'm not missing some sound files. Seems like it's not there at all, from the pilot's seat anyway. The sound of the blades is perfect though. Also opening the M72A6 Ammunition box gives this error: "Picture equip\m\m_.paa not found" Love the rest of it though so far! Thanks!
  22. Yay! I want a dog as much as the next person but I'm glad you didn't hold off the release just for that ;) Thanks for the release!
  23. oktyabr

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    I do notice two things though. I can't find designator batteries in the load out menus and there is no way to get the profiles to start with loaded weapons? I can select the weapon, select the magazine so it is loaded (magazine icon is colored in, next to weapon), fill my inventory with extra magazines and when I start the mission magazines are missing?
  24. oktyabr

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Excellent! Thanks! I've gotten so used to using Six that sometimes I forget there are mods out there that aren't on it ;)
  25. oktyabr

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    On a tangent but what army are you guys finding "suitable" as opfor for the desert like maps? (Especially for insurgent, talibanesque forces)