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Everything posted by TeTeT

  1. Happy 50th Launch Anniversary to USS Nimitz! Very short video to celebrate this:
  2. TeTeT

    Unsung Redux

    Hello, Unsung Redux Stable 04 is now live on the Steam Workshop. Changelog: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2554978758 Enjoy, TeTeT
  3. Welcome to Unsung Redux - the Unsung story continues. With the creators DLC S.O.G. Prairie Fire being released today, we want to stress that Unsung is not going away. Quite the contrary, with Unsung Redux we will provide a Prairie Fire compatible version of Unsung, reducing duplication of assets and taking advantage of the premium assets now available. First Unsung Redux Dev build will be made available on Steam Workshop and later Unsung Redux Stable. The Dev build is intended for developers and testers primarily, while the Stable release is targeting the general player base interested in the Vietnam war. Of course Unsung itself will continue to be available as the total conversion mod it is. Steam Workshop URL for Unsung Redux DEV: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2479495652 It will be unstable and work in progress, so expect frequent breakages.
  4. TeTeT

    Unsung Redux

    Hello, Unsung Redux Stable 03 is now live on the Steam Workshop. Changelog: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2554978758 Enjoy, TeTeT
  5. Very nice, glad you got it working. On the actions, https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction shows what the params for the script are: params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; You can delete either the actionId when teleported. Or you can declare a condition for being in the raft (objectParent player isKindOf "pook_whatever_raft_class" most likely). I think the cleanest way for the raft item is to be in the loadout of the player, also after respawn, and not tie it to enter the plane. Cheers, TeTeT
  6. Unsung and Unsung Redux sports a liferaft, which comes as a magazine and fits in the pilots inventory: class UNS_EAM2Braft: uns_IMagazine { scope = 2; scopeArsenal = 2; displayName = "EAM-2B Life Raft"; model = "\uns_weap_w\items\mag_univ.p3d"; picture = "\uns_weap_w\items\ico\items\gear_picture_liferaft_ca.paa"; descriptionShort = "EAM-2B Life Raft, contains all necessaries for survival at sea"; mass = 10; }; An AnimStateChanged eventhandler checks if the unit with the raft in inventory starts swimming and add an action to inflate the raft: // Written by TeTeT for Unsung in arma 3 // When swimming and a life raft mag is on the _unit, allow the Inflate life raft action params ["_unit"]; // diag_log format ['liferaft: %1', _unit]; _unit addEventHandler ["AnimStateChanged", { params ["_unit", "_anim"]; // systemChat str _anim; if (_anim select [0,4] in ["aswm", "assw"] and (_unit getVariable ["uns_liferaft_action", -1]) == -1 ) then { //swimming if ("UNS_EAM2Braft" in magazines _unit) then { systemChat "Life raft available"; private _actionId = _unit addAction [ "Inflate life raft", "_this call uns_mbox_fnc_inflateraft;", nil, 5, false, true, "", "'UNS_EAM2Braft' in magazines _this" ]; _unit setVariable ["uns_liferaft_action", _actionId]; }; // else { // systemChat "DEBUG: No raft in magazines"; // }; }; // else { // if (_unit getVariable ["uns_liferaft_action", -1 ] > -1) then { // _unit removeAction (_unit getVariable "uns_liferaft_action"); // }; // }; }]; _unit; When inflating the raft, we teleport the unit inside: params ["_unit"]; _unit removeMagazine "UNS_EAM2Braft"; private _raft = createVehicle ["UNS_floatraft_3", position _unit, [], 5, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; // we move the player into the raft so the player does not get slain by the raft when it spawns on top of him. _unit assignAsDriver _raft; _unit moveInDriver _raft; _unit removeAction (_unit getVariable "uns_liferaft_action"); _unit setVariable ["uns_liferaft_action", -1]; _unit; Cheers and good luck, TeTeT
  7. Hello, a maintenance update named Unsung 3.5 Hotel has just been released. Changelog: Mostly the Unsung mod now plays more nicely with CBA Extended Eventhandlers, kudos to @Dahlgren for the fixes! Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 Torrent: https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/@unsung-3.5.hotel.torrent Cheers, TeTeT
  8. Seems I managed to create a second account, sorry. TeTeT
  9. And more work done by @odyseus on the island masts:
  10. Hello, we just pushed Unsung 3.4 Hotel to Steam Workshop. It's a small bugfix release. Changelog: Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 Torrent: https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/@unsung-3.hotel.torrent
  11. TeTeT

    Flying Legends

    Ah, the Zero, my favourite plane in Pacific Air War, if anyone remembers that title. About time to splash some F4Fs... until the Hellcats arrive 😄 Good fun ahead!
  12. Thanks @vengeance1 for the feedback. I've converted the refuel mechanism to ropes now too: Anyone interested in testing before I upload to Nimitz Experimental on Steam Workshop: https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/@nimitz_exp.7z The strange thing: I attach the plane to the Nimitz during refuel. If not, the plane sinks into the flight deck when a player pilot enters. Must be some hiccup between ropes and attachTo I suspect. Cheers, TeTeT
  13. Today's update to Nimitz Experimental sees the use of ropes as wire with new arresting scripts. Hope it works 🙂 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1697731012 Cheers, TeTeT
  14. Hello, I did some testing with the new compatibility with Freedom and the Nimitz, and the new arresting scripts. Results are here, https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/Nimitz Arrest Test Matrix.pdf . Bottom line most times either script will stop the plane, at times the landing is very short distanced, due to two scripts for braking kicking in. Cheers, TeTeT
  15. Hello, looking for some ideas and/or opinions on the below subject of arresting wires on the Nimitz. The current implementation is ageing and a bit crude. In the Bon Homme Richard NightIntruder and I created a more precise grappling mechanism based on the tailhooks actual position vs the wire represented by a physx rope. While in isolation this method works well, there's a huge caveat: The BIS_fnc_aircraftTailhook function used for braking the plane on landing on Freedom is calling a 'tailhook up' code when no Freedom or related objects are found. And finally the function calls 'tailhook up' when the plane has landed and sits still finally. For compatibility with the Freedom about any modded aircraft calls this function somehow. Now the above mentioned rope based arresting code for Bon Homme Richard/Nimitz/MAAS uses the tailhook up for ungrappling the tailhook from the wire. With BIS_fnc_aircraftTailhook script running, no braking will be done, as the wire is caught and released a split second later. This can be partially overcome by adding a compatibility object inheriting from some Freedom part and having a correctly name mem point in the model (kudos Leopard20 for the idea!). However , a proper landing process calls for full military power after catching the wire, in case the wire breaks. This will send the plane right into the sea, as BIS_fnc_aircraftTailhook will raise the tailhook once the braking is complete. Now, we consider the following work around: How about using airplaneThrottle (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/airplaneThrottle) and speed < 1 and tailhook up before ungrappling the wire? AI planes landing would need a different codepath though, as airplaneThrottle only applies to player aircraft. Any thoughts or opinions on this? An alternative would be to upvote https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162620 and remove tailhook up code from EXIT_CODE macro and maybe later in the script as well. Cheers, TeTeT
  16. TeTeT

    Hyuga Class DDH

    It was part of a contract I purchased for the Nimitz from a third party developer via cgtrader. Drop me a PM and I send you the sources, though you probably want to rework them a bit. Cheers, TeTeT
  17. TeTeT

    Unsung Redux

    Hello, we just pushed out Unsung Redux Stable urx02: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2554978758 Changelog: Cheers, TeTeT
  18. Hello, We have another Christmas surprise. The Unsung Beta mod on Steam Workshop is open to the public as of now. If you want to join the testing and don't mind in between breakage, feel free to subscribe: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1941472577 Happy Christmas, TeTeT
  19. Hello, Thanks for the report. We're investigating the issue currently, it's unclear to us what is the core of the problem though. Can take a while. Cheers, TeTeT
  20. TeTeT

    Unsung Redux

    In short, you can't. Unsung and Unsung Redux follow the idea of a total conversion mod and do not follow a modular design in themselves. Only compatibility we aim for is S.O.G. Prairie Fire and Unsung Redux. Further the Unsung license specifically prohibits this scenario. See https://www.armanam.eu/downloads.html : Cheers, TeTeT
  21. Hello, we just published a maintenance update fixing some problems: Unsung 3.2 Hotel. Unsung 3.2 Hotel changelog Mirrors: Steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 Torrent: https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/@unsung-3.hotel.torrent Cheers, TeTeT
  22. This is a preview release of the Mobile Aircraft Arresting System (MAAS). It is not finished yet and the releases primary intent is to find bugs and general problems with the system and the documentation. The MAAS has been created by TheSn4k3 and TeTeT. The MAAS helps to bring a landing plane to a full stop by using the planes tailhook and a wire between two trailers. It is often used by expeditionary forces on make shift landing strips. The system is currently abstracted in Arma 3. A single trailer is sufficient to deploy a complete system consisting of two trailers and the wire. The trailer can be sling loaded by a helicopter for remote deployments. The trailer does not move by itself. CBA is a hard requirement of the mod. Mirrors Being setup Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1130385734 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33242 PWS: http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/NeKhfgiZJE2QrnDL8CDk_w/MAAS Arma 3 base: tba Within the download a docs directory contains three files, describing basic operations, known issues and a todo list: README for the Mobile Aircraft Arresting System (MAAS) The system uses keyboard shortcuts to operate, not menu actions. A player that is close to a MAAS trailer can deploy or pack it with Shift-M. A pilot can utilize the MAAS via Ctrl-Shift-M to deploy a virtual or actual tailhook. Once hooked to the wire, a pilot needs to use Ctrl-Shift-M to raise the tailhook and become ungrappled. The keybindings are maintained by CBA and can be changed. The MAAS can be deployed as slingload of a helicopter. The wire model suppports three animations: ani_cable1_wide ani_cable1_long ani_cable1_high The trailer supports five animations: body_source rearPlates_source switchA_source - graphical problems switchB_source - graphical problems switchC_source - graphical problems Known Issues of the Mobile Aircraft Arresting System (MAAS) o It can be packed up while a plane is held by the wire o When deploying one MAAS trailer will actually spawn two trailers and a wire, for sake of playability o Multiple MAAS deployments have not been tested and will most likely not work or spam the system with scripts o Multiplayer and compatibility with dedicated servers has not been tested o No engine sound o Deployment animation is crude, especially the rear plates o Icon needs to be replaced o Artefact at the rear on the ground TODO for the Mobile Aircraft Arresting System (MAAS) o Animate the instrument panel o Create a realistic mode with two trailers and a rolled up wire, supported through some logistic mod o Replace wire with better looking model o Support multiple MAAS deployments on map o Add engine sound, probably make the trailer a carX o Add deployment sound o Replace setVelocity with addForce in ttt_maas_fnc_useWire o Evaluate using tailhook up animation for stopping to brake the plane Old content: A mobile aircraft arresting system, or MAAS for short, is a system that helps to bring a landing plane to a full stop. It is composed of two trailers and a set of arresting wires. The wires are tightened between the trailers. A plane's tailhook can catch the wire and the braking system of the MAAS will slow down the plane rapidly. In Arma 3 the system is currently static, it needs to be deployed on the runway from the editor. It can help landing on very short runways or alternative runways. The aircraft currently needs to be equipped with a tailhook and have a like named animation and memory point. With the extended tailhook the braking system will be started when a wire is caught by the tailhook. The plane will come to a stop within a few dozen meters. Vendor link for reference of the real system: http://www.scama.se/arresting-systems/aircraft/mobile-systems/ Some screenshots from testing the script with Huron containers instead of a MAAS trailer. Keep in mind that the final system will have just one wire, the four wire setup is legacy from the Nimitz :) Old Screenshots from the very first prototype:
  23. No, a player pilot cannot deploy the MAAS remotely. There is a distance check built into the deployment code. It's a limitation that the trailer needs to be in the center of the runway. I would wish I knew how to create a fancy build menu for it. Any help welcome! Cheers, TeTeT
  24. Hello, with arma 3 2.06 allowing for custom rope models, this MAAS update sports one. Thanks to TheSn4k3 for the rope model, and to NightIntruder, lost and Ampersand for help with the custom rope model and config! Update live on https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1130385734 Cheers, TeTeT