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Everything posted by TeTeT

  1. What makes you think so? Ever looked at the credits coming with Unsung and saw the long list of contributors and donators? There's a fair amount of cross-mod development going on. TeTeT
  2. Just tested with the release and it works fine for me. Is there anything in our rpt file for arma that may show a prob with audio? How many sound sources have you set in the audio tab? TeTeT
  3. There's no extra code needed anymore, you need to set airlock = 1 in the weapon config and units will engage. I guess it's a matter of the threat if they engage air or ground first then. TeTeT
  4. Hi, took me quite a while to get around to the issue. I've added a fourth argument to ttt_fnc_planeStart: true - the plane will automatically be teleported, false - the plane won't be teleported. The default setting for the parameter is true, so you probably don't need to change your script. If you could test the code, would be appreciated: https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/ttt_nimitzfunctions.pbo https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/ttt_nimitzfunctions.pbo.TeTeT.bisign Most likely the experimental build will be updated soonish as well. Cheers, TeTeT
  5. Hi, thanks for the reports. On the OV-10 Bronco elevator I'm looking for some modellers help to move the elevator to the correct place. The missing weaponry from pilot view has been fixed. The CH-53 sunken in ground was caused by the AFM (Advanced Flight Model for Helicopters) XML definition. There I moved the suspension to a better place. The wheels are floating now 5cm, but at least the explosions are gone. Londo reduced the turn cycle, should be committed soon. Unfortunately there's right now no fix to the Skyraider problem. Only work around I'm aware of is to change the altitude of the plane to a few meter and turn it while it tumbles down on the ground. The core problem is that the model of the Skyraider is not aligned to its position on the ground, e.g. the model's tail is up in the air. This causes the turmoil when rotating in Zeus. Unfortunately changing the model is a bit involved with re-aligning dozens of mem points, so no ETA on this. As you can see, development for Unsung 3.4 Fox is on the way already. Focus will be primarily bug fixing and hopefully more updates to the new maps. TeTeT
  6. Torrent files have been added for Unsung 3.3 Fox: https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/@unsung-3.3.fox.torrent
  7. Unsung 3.3 Fox Some weeks ago the team was approached to remove some code that was in the mod for several years. The Unsung 3.3 Fox release is the result of this code removal and replacement. In particular the wheelbrake and afterburner code was replaced, and some dead code was completely removed. The new afterburner was mainly written by Leshrack for the F/A-18 mod and we send our kudos to him for letting us use the code. The wheelbrake code was re-written by Yax and TeTeT. You now have two actions, one for applying wheelbrakes and one for turning them off, making it possible to spool up the engine. Psyfox contributed his Phuoc Tuy map in an alpha version. Londo updated the Khe Sanh map. He also added a new M-274 mule with a machine gun for your gaming pleasures and improved the FFV positions on the M-113 and M-274. Eggbeast added fuel and ammo resupply capabilities to the M-113 engineering vehicle. There is now a global menu entry for Unsung, to disable action menu shortcuts (particularly g and v for throwing grenades from helicopters). It is not fully functional yet, unfortunately. On the airplanes, the suu11 gunpod dispersion was lowered for AI, making achilles/zeus based gun runs more effective. The F-100 could not use the 3 Mk 82 bomb rack previously, this was fixed. Helicopters will now be engaged by AK and RPG/LAW style weapons now more regularly, especially when slow and low. Last but not least the SEA Camo for the C-130 was supplied by Timms. Enjoy the release, TeTeT
  8. If you don't mind getting into modding, you can change the threat value for soft to 0 in the helo configs: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#threat Then they should be ignored by the infantry on the ground.
  9. Most likely the attachTo to the cat has gone and now you need to place the plane more precisely on the plane. If it's useful to you to teleport the plane, I can add an option to fnc_planeStart?
  10. Wrote a new article for https://nimitz-arma3.blogspot.com/ , text published here for your convenience as well: Nimitz update Quite a while has passed with this blog being dormant. But the development of the Nimitz is not idle - slowly but surely we make progress. Biggest news in the past couple of months was the move to Steam Workshop for the experimental build: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1697731012 This experimental build contains the latest and not always stable additions to the Nimitz. Currently you can already see the upcoming changes to the island and lower deck on the port side, but not all areas are enterable and at places you fall through the cracks. Read, it is experimental and not considered to be stable enough for general use. Speaking of the changes in the Nimitz, the Changelog contains various entries since the 0.102 release (https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/Changelog.txt). Functions to reset the cat and wires were added a while back, but never exposed to the player. This has changed lately and now you can reset the wires and catapults when things go wrong - mostly destroyed planes blocking cat and wire. An oversight was the direction of air defenses on the carrier. In a previous build they were attached to the carrier parts, but now stand freely. This required a change in the direction setting commands, which has been done now. The crane behind elevator 3 is now semi-functional, it can be raised and lowered with ctrl-w and ctrl-s, and turned left and right with ctrl-q and ctrl-e, if CBA is loaded. Unfortunately the crane is duplicated in the process, due to unknown reasons, so consider this feature to be very experimental. The lower launchbar and repair actions were added repeatedly on dedicated servers. There is now some code in place to catch these duplicates and hopefully only one action will be available. The island interiour has been restructured by Odyseus, extending to the hangar level deck and above below the island. This area is now a place of constant improvement and most likely once the renovation there is finished, Nimitz 0.103 will be released. Joe provided us with a nice LSO platform which sits at the very aft section of the carrier now. It's not functional in any sense, but can be used for additional ambiance elements. Note that the current location is not final, as once the island work is completed, this section will be renovated next. Some arma update broke the general quarters sound, this has been fixed by replacing the sound file and fixing the config entry for it. Thanks to the USAF mod a new weapons cart is now available and has been placed on the weapons elevator. The cart carries a number of Sidewinder missiles and can be emptied and filled with player actions, if deployed stand alone (e.g. not on the weapons elevator). The inheritance for the air defenses and radar of the Nimitz has been changed for the encore update of the Jets DLC and the air defenses are now more tightly integrated and more effective. A landing statistics menu is now available from the islands ground floor level, showing who landed at which speed and which wire caught. This should help on multiplayer servers to see which pilots need some further practice and which are landing solid. Another change is the printing of an error if the height of the Nimitz is not close to sea level. Various scripts in the carrier use hard coded values of 17.5 meters for deck height (hangar and other heights as well) and won't work if the carrier is spawned at a different height than sea level. Ultimately these hardcoded values would go from the scripts, but this requires more refactoring. For landing experts, the vertical distance where the wire snatches you out of thin air can now be set in an Eden attribute of the carrier. Also for landing, the IFLOLS range has been increased, so it can help landing on the Nimitz from farther away. The next weeks will hopefully see the completion of the renovation of the island and decks below it, then some testing and bug fixing will be happening. Script wise the replacement of the hard coded height values might happen, and then 0.103 version is ready to be shipped. Beyond that the general plan is to re-do the lower decks (2nd deck) below the hangar and to renovate the hangar and aft section of the carrier. On the scripting side, it's not decided what will happen next. We're open for suggestions and ideas on what else can be done for the carrier!
  11. This code is untested, but may work (or some variation of it). Name the unit with the radio 'radioUnit' and place this script in the Init Box of the unit, or in init.sqf: [] spawn { private _radio = [radioUnit] call uns_radio2_fnc_createRadio; // WestGeneric, EastGeneric, West, East _radio setVariable ["_radioType", "WestGeneric"]; // For West: 0 = westGround, 1 = westAir, 2 = westGeneric // For East: 0 = eastGround, 2 = eastGeneric _radio setVariable ["_radioChannel", 2]; [_radio] spawn uns_radio2_fnc_playback; }; Good luck, if you need more help with it, please reach out on our Unsung discord or via direct message on this forum. TeTeT
  12. Try to add the following texture to the roadway lod model: a3\data_f\surfaces\plechprolis.paa Good luck, TeTeT
  13. There is no built in way to disable the texture randomization. Your best bet is a custom init box script: T = [this] spawn { sleep 1; (_this # 0) setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "\uns_pbr\data\pbr_co.paa"]; }; The sleep 1 is needed or otherwise the randomization skin will be applied. Then in the next line the pbr_co.paa texture will be applied. There you have a selection of different skins: "\uns_pbr\data\pbr_co.paa", "\uns_pbr\data\pbr_co_01.paa", "\uns_pbr\data\pbr_co_01a.paa", "\uns_pbr\data\pbr_co_02.paa", "\uns_pbr\data\pbr_co_02a.paa", "\uns_pbr\data\pbr_co_03.paa", "\uns_pbr\data\pbr_co_03a.paa", "\uns_pbr\data\pbr_co_04.paa", "\uns_pbr\data\pbr_co_04a.paa", "\uns_pbr\data\pbr_co_sog1.paa", "\uns_pbr\data\pbr_co_sog2.paa" Pick one that you like best. Good luck with the missions! TeTeT
  14. That's intended. You need to edit some variables to make vanilla repair/refuel/reammo work again. You should be able to find them in aircraftLoadoutParameters.sqf or so.
  15. The carpet bombing module is still quite raw and in beta. I've placed this Unsung specific video up as a tutorial: Let me know what you think of it and if you have ideas for improvements, interested in your feedback. TeTeT
  16. You need to equip the radio in the radio item slot of the RTO. I think on those two units the radios are by default in the item slot. For the others you need to replace the short range radio. The CH-34 and probably CH-21 altitude problem is strange. I tested this on Doung island from Airbase Mike. When sending the helos directly nw to the island, they get stuck in this altitude loop, even though flyInHeight and flyInHeightASL was set to 100. I could not fix this, but found a work around: Send them north first over the sea, then they fly with 100 meter altitude, then add a final landing waypoint on the island and they make the whole trip at 100 meters, but for the final pop up before landing. So I would ask you to test this in your mission as well, give them an intermediary waypoint and see if that helps. The radio module CAS is currently coded in two different ways, so the AH-1 and UH-1 gunship CAS should always be available, no matter what. I might want to revisit the module some day and give it more configuration options. TeTeT
  17. You need to write some code. Use that code snippet as a base, it's a modification of fn_callCAS.sqf in uns_missilebox_c: // Written by TeTeT for Unsung params ["_caller", ["_target", ObjNull]]; // private _target = cursorObject; if (isNull _target) exitWith { systemChat "No target"; diag_log "callCAS: No target"; }; [_caller, "Calling Plane CAS"] remoteExec ["sideChat", _caller]; private _smokePos = getPos _target; private _smokeType = selectRandom [ ["SmokeShell", "White"], ["SmokeShellRed", "Red"], ["SmokeShellGreen", "Green"], ["SmokeShellYellow", "Yellow"], ["SmokeShellPurple", "Purple"], ["SmokeShellBlue", "Blue"], ["SmokeShellOrange", "Orange"] ]; private _smoke = createVehicle [_smokeType # 0, _smokePos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _smoke setPos [_smokePos select 0, _smokePos select 1, 5]; _smoke setDamage 1; [_caller, "Target marked with smoke, confirm visual"] remoteExec ["sideChat", _caller]; // Source: http://home.earthlink.net/~aircommando1/ACTERMS.htm private _callsign = selectRandom ["Bonnet", "Bulldog", "Dragon", "Firefly", "Hornet", "Litterbug", "Loudmouth", "Mustang", "Red Dog", "Tiger", "Zorro"]; private _logic = "Logic" createVehicleLocal (getPos _target); _logic setDir (random 360); _logic setVariable ["vehicle", selectRandom [ "uns_f100b_CAS", "uns_A1J_CAS", "uns_A4B_skyhawk_CAS" ]]; /** Comment for wiki, these are the available weapon types: case 0: {[ "vehicleweapon" ]}; case 1: {[ "rocketlauncher" ]}; case 2: {[ "vehicleweapon", "rocketlauncher" ]}; case 3: {[ "bomblauncher" ]}; **/ _logic setVariable ["type", 3]; _logic setVariable ["smoke", _smokeType # 1]; _logic setVariable ["callsign", _callsign]; _logic setVariable ["caller", _caller]; [_logic, nil, true] call uns_mbox_fnc_moduleCAS; // diag_log "Calling uns_mbox_fnc_moduleCAS on server"; // [_logic, nil, true] remoteExec ["uns_mbox_fnc_moduleCAS", 2, false]; // diag_log "After call of uns_mbox_fnc_moduleCAS on server"; _caller; Hope that helps. Cheers, TeTeT
  18. You cannot change the support menu, it's pretty much hard coded.
  19. Unfortunately at least two bugs were introduced with Unsung 3.1 Fox: The UH-1 gunships have no textures after JIP on a dedicated server C-130 and Mule are not available in Zeus on dedicated server Both issues have been addressed and the solutions are currently under test. We do not know yet when we can update to 3.2 Fox to properly fix these issues. Thanks for understanding, TeTeT
  20. Unsung 3.1 Fox Update Since the 3.0 Fox release the Unsung team was busy preparing this first update to Fox. Since ArmA 3 update 1.90 some of the Unsung headgear causes crashes to desktop, which this update fixes. Besides this fix a number of improvements and additions were made to Unsung. See the complete changelog at https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/UNSUNG 3.1f Changelog.pdf Highlights of this update are: o Song Bin Tanh airfield and base added o C-130 by Sabre added o M-274 Mule by Londo added o Transport and Supply missions for Radio Support fixed o Canopy glass reflection issues fixed for UH-1 ARA and TOW and AH-1G Cobra o M-113, M-48 and M-551 improved physx o Update lesh tow compatiblity support for planes and helos o Fix stock shadow issue of AK-47 o Updated ROK units Downloads: Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29948 Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 Torrent: https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/@unsung-3.1.fox.torrent Update video: Screenshots by Jeza! Song Bin Tanh airbase: Map notifications on Khe Sanh: KC-130 in action, original model by Sabre: M-274 Mule by londo: AK-47 stock shadow improved: AI planes drop Napalm accurately now: PhysX improvements for M-113, M-48 and M-551: Improved canopy visibility without reflections in AH-1G and UH-1 TOW and ARA: Improved pilot animations for A-6, OV-10, F-105, F-111: CTD fix for various helmets in multiplayer:
  21. TeTeT

    EA-6B Prowler

    Too bad the month is already over, but I have no cockpit update to present. We're a bit busy to polish a patch for Unsung 3 Fox and the Nimitz got some updates as well. However, the EA-6 is not forgotten. The planned cockpit will be a mix of the Unsung A-6 Cockpit and maybe others as well. Thanks for the suggestions!
  22. Meantime Joe had created a very nice LSO platform. Unfortunately it crashed arma 3, but it seems to be fixed with 1.90. Here a screenshot without secondary textures:
  23. Hello, we've put the experimental version of the Nimitz upon on steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1697731012 This is mainly useful for developers and those who are interested in the bleeding edge of mod development. Expect frequent breakage. The full changelog for the experimental version can be found at https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/Changelog.txt In other news, Odyseus is re-modelling the island and makes good progress. However, real life comes first, so an update of the island will hopefully come later this year. TeTeT
  24. You can try to use flyInHeight and flyInHeightASL. I had some success for the KA-3 Tanker in Unsung to get it to fly level over Khe Sanh via: this flyInHeight 100; this flyInHeightASL [1000, 1000, 1000]; According to the wiki the first flyInHeight determines the altitude over terrain level, the second over sea level. You need both though, for some reason. Good luck, TeTeT
  25. Thanks for the kind words, appreciated! The C123 is right now not on the horizon. We made some progress in the beta to add the C-130, originally from Sabre. Hopefully we get a new texture for it for SEA use.