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Everything posted by svarun

  1. svarun

    Someone wrote a thesis on ARMA 3

  2. Where is userconfig saved if you are using the Steam workshop version of TFAR? Why doesnt the normal userconfig work anymore?
  3. svarun

    MKY Sandstorm script

    The test mission does not work. I walked into the trigger zone and nothing except the "hint message" happens.
  4. Glad to hear that! Keep up the good work, much appreciated.
  5. Excellent map, really detailed. Maybe bit too many trees though, FPS takes quite a hit on this map.
  6. Thank you for the response. I take it that you will look into this issue?
  7. I am having trouble spawning civilians on "Koplic" map. They just refuse to spawn. Is this map still supported?
  8. svarun


    Does this work with Alive? :)
  9. I get a crash when using Alive on Altis, after about 5-20 minutes of playing Insurgency. The crash error says: no alive in 10000 This only happens when using Alive mod.
  10. svarun

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Will you add IMI Galil?
  11. Regular CSAT name is "OPF_F", how can I find the CSAT Pacific faction name?
  12. Is it possible to replace the default CSAT helmet with a script? A script that would replace helmet on every spawned CSAT soldier.
  13. Any chance that you'll also modify the Chinese CSAT? :) They will need a better helmet. :P
  14. svarun

    Task specific Icon

    Thanks for all the answers. I've got it working! Turns out it was case sensitive, attack does not work, while Attack does. Thank you for help.
  15. svarun

    Task specific Icon

    I did that first and it didn't work. Icon remains as default. I had the same experience.
  16. You're back! Bcombat was my fav AI mod. I really hope it gets updated for Apex. :)
  17. Will Alive support Tanoa? Would it take a lot of work?
  18. Is it possible for Alive AI commander to issue orders to units created in the editor? Follow up, is it possible to create an AI group in editor and assign it special loadouts via arsenal and have Alive Virtualization remember their loaoduts?
  19. Hello. How can I respawn the AI with the same custom loadout that was assigned to them via Arsenal in the mission editor? Right now they just respawn with the default class loadout.
  20. When I try talking to civilians, they always say something like "This person is not interested in talking with you" or "This person clearly doesn't want to speak to the likes of you.". Their hostility is set to low towards my faction. What do I need to do, to get them talking? What kind of information can you actually get out of them? Thanks.
  21. svarun

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Is there a way to activate HETMAN via trigger? I'm using the mod version. Thank you.
  22. FRIES is bugged on the Wildcat helicopter. The bars are not attached to the model but float in the air, about one meter away from the chopper.