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Everything posted by saltatormortis

  1. without scripting no name setPiPEffect [effect, optionalParam1, ..., optionalParamN] 0: normal (HDR) 1: NV 2: TI 3: Color correction 4: Mirror
  2. saltatormortis

    Stance Adjust with wheel mouse?

    cant you combine strg + mousewheel or havnt they introduced more advanced mouse commands? i think thats the better way if they introduce that. then can you use the mouse keys like everyother key on your keyboard
  3. saltatormortis

    Object spawning in the ground

    get the object in the positiv Y(up) axis everything below the 0 from the Y axis will sink into the ground.
  4. saltatormortis

    Extensiveness of Scripting in the Alpha

    tryed to look after this?: [h=1]-setPiPEffect -isPipEnabled -disableCollisionWith -enableCollisionWith[/h]
  5. saltatormortis

    Alpha modding, what help will we get?

    i would like to see a section only for completed Modding tutorials or atlast a sticky because the most tuts are getting drowned by the questions and im hoping for improved modding examples or even better an db
  6. saltatormortis

    Request for revision of the "Supporters Editon" offer

    +1 even if i have to pay the bucks that the DLC costs more
  7. saltatormortis

    Digital Deluxe Edition

    i think the reason for the lesser use of the DDE is because the users that want to pay more for the game invest with more pleasure in the supporter edition. the others stick with the lightest version.
  8. saltatormortis

    Pilots/Passengers sunk into seats

    best solution is showed here! it shows how you create a custom animation and place a proxy with visible animation in O2 for simple placing if you dont want to make a custom animation then you have to make a try and error system (im not shure if a arma restart is needed or a mission abort to the editor is enough )
  9. saltatormortis

    Arma3 Alpha Testing Checklist

    my most important test: - cqb playability - ai cqb - grenades gameplay (player lock, precision, physics) - modding like hell (get many infos as possible) - grass/ bush ai visibility Test
  10. saltatormortis

    If i buy Alpha ARMA 3 on the website...

    i think its handled like in arma 2 native sounds and your language for the Text
  11. saltatormortis

    Arma 3 Performance vs. Arma 2

    true words my friend an alpha or an beta isnt the full game and its a job not fun and gaming
  12. saltatormortis

    If i buy Alpha ARMA 3 on the website...

    arma3.com/buy the other answers language unknown(mostly english/native voice)
  13. saltatormortis

    Will You Use the Cross-hairs?

    i like the new one.. but ill like to see an 3rd option in the settings: - passive closequater crosshair explaned simple: the crosshair will be acticated if you aim/hit within 2 meters at an object
  14. i think you will get no real responses on this thread! you don't even have the patience to scan the sticky thread titles. Mondkalb's "How to create an Addon from scratch" is the second. even the Thread Arma2 YouTube tutorials would help you. and for a bonus i point you to the arma 1/2 Sample Models PS nice model
  15. saltatormortis

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    i like the way its done by dsly i think the moving ball from vbs is more percise than the 3 ball variant its looking natual and realistic because you can thew a granade close pretty percise the arc with the arrow is natural but maybe dont match into the game maybe we can use the ball only its enoth display if its eg hit the wall
  16. so im no fan of 1000 words (if another man has written it already) credits go to mondkalb: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mondkalb%27s_Addon_Tutorial if this is not helping there is a thread open about doors: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140111-Issue-with-Door-Animations
  17. i dont know a direct way but theres the free tool Blender and it can export to arma files http://www.katsbits.com/tutorials/blender/import-google-sketchup-kmz-models.php and for exporting from blender: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?105516-Blender-import-export-plugins
  18. there was a thread only a few days ago... and they shoud have solved the problem.. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?139369-Gearbox-Issue
  19. how does BI handle the crossing between water/air?
  20. saltatormortis

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    improve the vehicle control i mean keep the 3 speed system but give the player to modify each speed individual this means while holding W you can scroll up to increase your acceleration
  21. saltatormortis

    Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

    i think i remind myself they talked in the last german interview (the underwater one) a littlebit over the wounding system
  22. saltatormortis

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    the weapon rest is a good feature but it can be made automatic. ill like the advance to: - weapon rest against tily walls to peak permanent with bipod - press a key to lean against the bipod and rotate around it (or automatic for walls)
  23. saltatormortis

    Development Blog & Reveals

    @J-Guid a soldier looks never good.(dirt in the face, grass on the head, the only clean thing is his gun) You have to forget what you see in TV to get a real thing, combat roll :-D you need the most stable stand and this is the most stable stand test this with a partner let him push you with a broom while in this stance... and try other stances that come into your mind.. smokie makes an exelent job keep on going (cant wait the first E3 cams)
  24. saltatormortis

    Will ARMA3 feature realistic tank armor?

    there will be a better/improved armod system.. even the presentation brings the thing about it (destruction of the vehicle engine) liberation Ironfront uses the existing Arma 2 engine. There is nothing special about it. this means a search in the BIwiki brings a result: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Event_Handlers#HitPart
  25. did you think about a teleporting solution? i think its the easyest