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Everything posted by BobcatBob

  1. You'll have to forgive me but,,,just so I know what all the hype is about, am i correct in thinking that Java will a.Be an easier scripting language to use (once learned) b.Has some sort of handy debug function c. Be much less taxing performance wise w/ alot of scripts running? If I am correct in all these at least, then I can have smething to be excited about :)
  2. Okay, Thanks for clearing that up!:)
  3. Now that I think about it, Im curious as to what the Lord meant when he said that he'd like to look at some things back from the original Flashpoint, any ideas other than the old "weapon on back" stuff?
  4. BobcatBob

    Development Blog & Reveals

    1. I KNEW IT!!!!!:) 2. 15016 could be coordinats maybe? idk
  5. TBH im really dissappointed that all the new footage in that was of a much rougher and uglier build from before...it would've been interesting if we got to see those same new scenes reproduced in the engines CURRENT state (which im sure at least LOOK miles better) after seeing it looking horribly brown and dead. When at first I thought it was currnet I did a double-take at how awful the graphics were and how weirdly the vehicles APPEARED to handle when in motion compared to the e3 and gamescom videos we saw. So the "video" part of the presentation sucked, but can anyone who speaks the language confirm that no new exciting info was said during the actual discussion itself other than, what has already been said in the comments about most of the footage being old?
  6. BobcatBob

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

  7. BobcatBob

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    Yeah me too man, I bet Arma 6 will look like crysis, (w/o overdone effects anyways) have smooth moving/ shooting and model an entire city with sewers and skyscrapers alike, along with cloth simulation....this makes me pity those of us who were grown men when Flashpoint came out...hopefully we all live to play Arma: PERFECTED:)
  8. BobcatBob


    Yeah that is nice (I already knew :p) but I was wondering like if when a helicopter say "collides" with the ground in a rough landing type of way, will these "rough landings" be better simulated due to phsx HELPING the advanced flight model, like maybe the helicopter will "bounce" abit on the ground before settling and take light damage instead of hitting flatly and exploding into flames:) edit:@OnlyRazor, don't you mean gasoline?:):):):):):)
  9. pretty sure dragging dead bodies is new (at least as a native feautre w/o user scripting)
  10. BobcatBob


    I know we've all heard about the new physx, but all the news relating to it so far has been about vehicles on the ground or boats on the sea, but what about the air? Can/will there be any added simulation to planes and helicopters while in-flight or even when taking off/landing? This would be great to know... Thanks BI! (copied from my earlier locked thread)
  11. BobcatBob

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    *ahem* "3" Y U FORGET FLASHPOINT CWC!?!?!??
  12. I for one LOVE the idea of having soft relxing music play whist im busy fuming over scripting commands in the editor;)!
  13. Make that 4 cents:)
  14. BobcatBob

    AI Improvements?

    This is all very interesting stuff... But what is BI's opinion on the matter? About AI both at its current state and what they feel they can accomplish in the future? That's what is really needed for this discussion to really go anywhere IMHO.
  15. BobcatBob

    AI Improvements?

    mmm...that is true...
  16. BobcatBob

    New ARMA3.com website with new Intel

    Seriously though SOME direct info other than "Yes we are steadily working away at some improvements in ____area" I CANT WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS SANTAAA:mad: I CANT WAIT ANOTHER FREAKING MONTH:( MY SOUL WILL HURT:butbut: ---------- Post added at 01:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 AM ---------- Also Maionaze, yes you did make me very mad you horrible, horrible monster. GET BACK IN YOUR CAN!!!!
  17. BobcatBob

    AI Improvements?

    How about if "behind" is rephrazed as object side that is opposite of bullet impacts? Though if there are multiple close together buildings that are already listed as good cover points, AI should choose which building to consider "looking" at for cover based on proximity, penetration value, and then object size first and then find the particular side of that Building to hide behind. (Obviously this method could use elaboration but generally speaking, I think it could work.)
  18. This is great news!! But does that mean that the remaining 30 bugs or so listed in the 1.60 beta will just be pushed back to the next release assuming that they can't be done in the next week or so?
  19. BobcatBob

    ARMA 2's player movement "feel"

    dude, if when you complete all you can do on this project (maybe let others know what they can do to contribute too) you make your work compatible with Smookie's animations pack, I will love you forever.
  20. When can we get rid of the rediculous weapon sway that occurs whenever you move whilst aiming down sight? I want the aiming while moving to look like this: instead of what me currently have in arma 2. CQC and mid-range combat will be much better!Edit: As of now, I just remembered it is still just as bad in Arma 3 :/
  21. BobcatBob

    This is pretty exciting: XAITMENT

    Still though, if you had a small team to work on integrating ExAItment into Arma's version of the RV engine as a side projeect that would span several Arma's lifecycles, we could probably have it ready for Arma 5/6 no? I don't see why not, the budget could probably be covered then as arma's 3, and 4 no doubt will make BIS alot of money, and the new arma w/ exAItment will make even more due to better AI! Do you not think this is reasonable?
  22. I think we should all recreate that submarine section from MW3 in Arma3 and then post it onto MW3 forums to troll, showing them many different ways we can play it and they cant. Who wants to organize a mod group dedicated to turning that badass prop we saw into a badass SUBMARINE!!!!!! Maybe then we can coax perliminary info from the dev team that could help the community design it faster! (not me cuz I have no modification skillz or experiance in organization:o)
  23. Great Job! Im sure many people will enjoy this!:)
  24. BobcatBob

    Unofficial developer physics demonstration

    also, just basic air resistance, is in the equation as well.
  25. Damns, we have to look on OTHER BI subforums to get "small" (not really, I know) A3 info now after like 2 1/2 months of silence, That's messed up bro:( like, seriously 5 new screenies maybe showing a new reload anim in progress or maybe a cool pose/environ in the game is all I want, then, I'll stop whining for like, another 8 weeks, IS THAT NOT WORTH IT!?!?!? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaQAAAAAAAAAaaAaAAaaaaAAAaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! *waits for kind masterful BI dev to save the day*