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Everything posted by x3kj

  1. Hm, thanks. I already assumed it would have a class, i just don't know where to look "Dear Mr/Mrs ImpactSparks2, please come to the infopoint. Your child is waiting there." class ImpactSparks2 {type = "ImpactSparks2";}; does it reference itself ? :confused:
  2. Maybe because i would prefer to spend more time on building new weapons, instead of replicating the exact same animations that vanilla already has to offer?
  3. Yes that's correct... Hm, damn. Maybe BIS can show mercy and give us a file that shows the positions in their (hopefully) next Sample pack , together with boats and air vehicle samples.
  4. Big thanks for the tool. Clean, neat, and has all the options easily accessable
  5. There are handanimations for the different vanilla weapons, and as alot of weapons are similar in size to those vanilla weapons, i'd like to reuse those handanimations/ positions where possible. I'm talking about this line in the config: handAnim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\A3\Weapons_F\Rifles\MX\data\Anim\MX_gl.rtm"}; However, since i can't import A3 models into O2 (i think), to see where the the grip& handguard sit, i don't know where i have to put the pivot of my weapon so it will show up correctly if i use the vanilla hand animation. I model scifi weapons, they can easily be adjusted to match existing weapons to save some time. Does that make sense?
  6. I didnt know those where different till now :Oo: thanks for the heads up It's propably default, so i guess it's dreaded inch ... €: yep it was inch. Ok good. What would be the easiest/best way to import the available handposition-models ? Edit2: Did a couple of test, even with system unit in mm, it does not scale correctly if i choose multiples of 10 for O2 export % and import it via max 3ds import with "convert units" option turned on. It turns out that i had to import a .3ds with max, without "convert units" -.-"
  7. x3kj

    MV-22 Osprey Scripting

    But what happens if it's next to a refuell building/unit?
  8. I just recently started with putting models into the game, and i wonder if there is some indepth and (almost) complete guide for all the different arguments(?) that you can enter into the model.cfg and config... E.g. 1 model.cfg) Is there a complete list for available animation sources (e.g. source = "reloadMagazine"; ) 2 model.cfg) Which unit do the values in rotation and translation animation have? meters? Or a raguc? (random game unit for confusion) 3 config) What unit does mass (refering to itemslots on handweapons) have? kg? Why did i find 100 as mass in the BIS A3 sample model for a handweapon, while kiory's SA80 and Zach's Tut use 4? 4 config) bulletcfg - What effect does hit and calibre have? If i look at A2 configs with six-project.net i can see 30mm autocannon rounds with calibre= 4.xyz for AP rounds and calibre = 1.xyz for HE :annoy: makes no sense 5 config) bulletcfg - what unit does airfriction have? raguc? That's all i can remember from yesterdays session. Also, I can't figure out what's wrong in this part When i launch Arma with it, it says " { expected but ; encountered" or something like that, after the external reference ( "class B_762x51_Ball; "). I did look into the sample model and zach's tutorial, both did it the same way *shrug* Thanks for your help. class CfgAmmo { class B_762x51_Ball; class B_825x53_B : B_762x51_Ball { model = "\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red"; nvgonly = 1; blablabla tracerendtime = 1; tracerscale = 1; tracerstarttime = 0.05; }; };
  9. x3kj

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    I'm so glad you are working on this, LJ So much wasted potential in vanilla :/ Updated graphics are not everything dear Arma devs What i noticed is that in vanilla you only hear 2 things when driving vehicles: Tire sounds and the engine. However that's only half of what a vehicle emitts as sound. One of the most notable sounds if you are sitting inside larger vehicles is the gearbox. Here are some extreme cases if you need some inspiration/ideas: (shifting at ~0:35, the whailing is a combination of gearbox+ the humming of its tires)And inside a "Strider" aka Fennek. . Notice how audible the gearbox is even at those low speeds!And is to show that not just german equipment does this ^^If you are standing outside of a modern vehicle you also often hear the airconditioning unit. Here is another example for the Strider where you can hear the 4 things: Engine, Tire sounds, Gearbox, Airconditioning unit. It also makes driving a vehicle more enjoyable if you have not just the (in vanilla almost silent) engine noise and monotone tire grinding sound, but a multitude of different sounds all working differently Different Tire sounds for normal roads (kind of humming) would also add quite alot imo . you can hear it multiple times from different vehicles, all sounding the same ^^Unfortunately nothing one can use as sample :/ A mix of the humming sound + dirt sound on those compressed dirt roads would be also be nice.I hope it gives you some ideas or inspiration if you need it. Thanks for your work.
  10. But please no sand... it's so boring (imo). Can't name a realworld equivalent, but what i would like to see is an island that is kind of flat in one area and then with big mountains in the other area. Possibly even with snow at the peak - A climate change within the map.
  11. Imo it depends on the usage. Of course ideally every house should have nicely furnished interior. However performance. If you build a village consisting of 5 houses then that may be ok, but not for a larger city. I think you have to use some "filler" buildings that are not interactable with or maybe just a limited number of floors (e.g. if its a really high building, it could have the bottom 2 floors, one in the middle and the roof enterable. All other doors are locked) ). Because otherwise the performance drops through the floor, and from a gameplay perspective there could potentially be too much room for the number of npc's/players that play in that area. Just imagine you'd have to clear just one block of these houseclusters (assuming intact buildings)... You wouldn't be finished in under one day just checking all the rooms. As a rule of thumb i would say - if the building can exist multiple times (or in similar variety) close to each other, it doesnt need to be fully interior'ed/ it is usefull to have version with no interactibility as space filler. If it's a unique building - laboratory, radio station, etc it should be accessable and furnished where it makes sense.
  12. Same here. Either this thing pops up, or it exports an empty file, or it exports a file, which however is not readable by O2 (Arma 3 Tools Version) Please help :icon_sad: This toolbox motivated me to finish my model and now it doesnt work *is heartbroken* Additionally the shader makes the model look really arkward (almost as if it would have flipped faces). I tried every option, with and without material/texture export. Assigning the directx material and then exporting with and without material/texture... Everytime i either get the error, or a file that is not readable by O2. Max 2013 64bit Version
  13. BIS, please translate all the pieces in the Test models into english - e.g. for the Tank Sample many memory points, Hitpoints etc. are still czech. Thanks
  14. I guess so, because for arma modding newbies it just adds to the confusion. alot. Before i can inherit something i have to figure out what the heck the hell i'm doing /supposed to be doing in the first place - A model with a big list of points with czech name doesn't really help to undestand it.
  15. So it looks like the number does indeed indicate the switching distance (at least in some respect)? that's what i wanted to know, thanks for the link.
  16. x3kj

    this is a driver view ....

    Definitely nice work on the Puma. i'm not sure if the driver model is just an overlay or a real 3D model, since the driver player didn't move his head. In case it is not a 3D model - here is my idea how it could be improved even further without too much efford: A single simplified cockpit 3D Model for all vehicles would be sufficient. Instead of modelling all interior you only need the important bits: Tankmirrors, and maybe cameras. Put speed and rpm gauge in there just for some extra fun. Put this into a "3D model" and leave everything else black I made a mockup: The head of the driver is completely enclosed by a simple model, which is entirely black (here grey, so you can see something) There are holes for the viewports in the model and a small armature with a place for important displays. And that's it. Apply it to every tank model and you have a functional solution that also allows a tiny bit of immersion and fun for the player. As far as i know, you can define the internal view of a vehicle to something totally different, and nobody else but the driver can see it. Since you can't drive by render 2 texture viewport-mirrors (unless you like playing games at 0.5fps), you can set the entire model above the hatch, which means you can see out of the holes, while retaining the possibility to rotate your head, and also see gauges/displays (if required/wanted). The driver is placed with his head and the viewports slightly above the actual hull, so he has the same view as if he would look through the viewport mirrors. The driver can also see the other parts of the hull (e.g. mirrors on the vehicle exterior). In the picture i forgot a hole so the driver doesnt stare at the tanks hull if he looks down to the displays. This would improve the driver situation immensely, for all vehicles, while only requiring little efford
  17. Here is the solution: Stop the AI from "thinking" for itself when you give orders. If i want reverse i want reverse and not some dumb AI that thinks it can't go reverse for some unknown reason and doesn't even try to do it. Or if i want to go fast, drive fast. And not suddenly stop or crawl. I ordered something, so the result is my responsibility (which i gladly take). This also means you could finally drive through destructable obstacles with adequate agility. The AI does not help in any the situation at all if you order it directly, it doesnt avoid obstacles, follows roads or else. It just disregards orders/ does the wrong thing, but it never does anything usefull. So no harm in just switching the "thinking" off completely - if ordered around by WASD keys. If i want it to "think" i use waypoints or order it to a specific location. Nothing worse to be in a good firing position, shoot, order reverse and nothing happens because the driver confuses brakes with gas. This already would improve the situation alot.
  18. It sure does, thanks alot Maybe i just got it wrong, but i saw it - and in another tut i can't find again atm someone said the numbers influence the distance... Ok good to know. In my case it will be alot of polygons per building however, thats why i was worried about polycount impact. And because bigger Arma 3 villages already stutter for me (i3570 8GB). This is just a layout test. If those are placed side by side without good optimization it's going to be really bad i'm afraid.
  19. x3kj

    Is there a need for modeling videos?

    Having a tutorial is always nice to have, however i think the 3DModel-to-Arma3 step is always the biggest issue. Modelling is kind of generic, so there are already alot of videos on youtube. But Arma specific modding is really rare. If you search for tutorials, people guide you to arma 2 tutorials, which guide you to arma tutorials, which guide you to OFP tutorials... It's very laborious to find information of how it's done - and you never know if some of the stuff might be outdated.
  20. x3kj

    Cannon Sounds

    You forgot the vehicle sounds (e.g. Strider). My character breathes louder then this makes noise during full speed... And it sounds like a , not attached to anything (no turbo, no gearbox, no airconditioning/cooling, ...)It's horrible. Even Arma 2 vehicle sounds where better in this regard. Against the Arma 2 BMP all the vehicles in Arma 3 sound like a wet fart
  21. What would happen if i were to build a small city, and instead of using the "terrain mesh" as ground, i use objects for road etc, while the actual ground is below basement level ? So basically everything is on stilts... Could the AI cope with driving on the roads if all road lod is set up correctly or are weird glitches to be expected? What will happen with lighting underground, would the sun just shine through or would it be completely dark?
  22. So Lod 1.000 does not mean "LOD for 1000m and further till next"/ "LOD for up to 1000m" ? Because i saw one tutorial saying the number of that LOD corresponds to meters :icon_neutral: What difference is there then between naming LOD e.g. 1k, 2k and 3k vs 1k; 3,5k and 7k ? My plan was to make the full rez model (House + Interior), and then the very first LOD 0.050 or something like that (if that is possible) with way less detail and basically no interior. That way your computer only has to render the interior/furniture if you are really close to that building, otherwise it's nonexistant. Thus allowing a large densely populated city with fully modelled buildings, with hopefully playable framerate. I know how LOD's work and how to create them, i modded some other games before - i'm just not familiar with arma specific modding.
  23. That's the thing i can live without... why would i want to simulate tinitus? i already have it occasionally in RL. Just reduce/distort sound to "simulate" problems with hearing. But the phiiiiiiiiiiiiiii phiiiiiiiiii phiiiiiiiii just because something fired in your general direction is annoying as hell. Particulary if an autocannon shoots at your location.