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About will(uk)

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. will(uk)

    Altis: Criticism and Suggestions

    Driving a damaged vehicle up close to the car repair workshops should part-repair the vehicle (and fully repair if the player/AI is a repair specialist).
  2. will(uk)

    The guns you miss (until they get modded back in)

    I want my SVD and I want it RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!! ps. SVD is GOOD.
  3. Can someone post some instructions to show how to use this addon.
  4. No one's mentioned the 8.8 cm Flak 18/36/37/41 ('The 88') yet so I will.
  5. will(uk)


    Also supports Freetrack.
  6. Does Iron Front support TrackIR/Freetrack?
  7. I want to be able to drag and drop my own music files to an in-game audio player without having to convert from mp3 to ogg. and then having to write or modify a description.ext file and hope that it works and when it doesn't work go back into the description.ext and look for a missing bracket or comma or look for an extra bracket or comma that's there but shouldn't be there and then go online and drive my BTR90 or fly my attack helicopter into battle with 'Ride of the Valkeries' or 'Bodies' from 'Drowning Pool' playing LOUDLY in my 5.1 headset and having the satisfaction of knowing that the idea for an in-game audio player was so good that The Devs actually spent five minutes of their time to arrange to include it in the first release of Arma 3!
  8. 1) We need a way to build defensive/fortified positions that are 'usable'-ie where the sandbag walls, mg nests,gun emplacements, cargo containers and towers all 'snap' together with perfect alignment like a childs Lego set and don't follow the contours of the ground. 2) A rope system for climbing up and down the side of buildings-something like the 'Plumett AL54 Air Launcher'.
  9. 1) The AIs skill levels-Marksmanship, Observation Skills, Target-Engagement range, Camouflage/Concealment abilities,Overall Proficiency, etc. should increase with their number-of-kills+amount-of-time-in-the-field and decrease with time when they are injured (No more using experienced/veteran AIs as expendable pawns-they will become valuable assets and will have to be looked after) 2) An 'Engine Off' command. 3) An 'All Round Defence' command. 4) A 'Patrol Area' command. 5) A 'Take Captives' command which will force the AI to take subdued/wounded/surrendering enemy AI prisoners instead of killing them. 6) Changable in-game fonts.The ingame text isn't very clear with lower resolutions even on a 32" screen. 7) An 'undo last action' function for the game editor.
  10. Something that scans the immediate terrain around AI vehicles and stops them (especially tanks/AFVs') from attempting to climb impossibly steep gradients. If a player tries to take an armoured vehicle up the side of a mountain then they should need a new engine and transmission every 30 seconds-so take at least one repair truck as well!
  11. 1) More options for the filter facility on the session browser screen, ie-show last servers visited(time/date),favorite servers and a way to filter out unreliable servers. 2) A set of commands which when playing as gunner/co-pilot of an attack helicopter allow slow but precise manoeuvering of the hovering helicopter to aid the aiming and firing of the weapons, ie(increase/decrease altitude-Q,E, hover left/right-A,D, rotate left/right-X,C, forward/backwards-W,S)-but only after the 'Hold' command has been given to the AI pilot. 3) A 'Search Building(s)' and a 'Patrol Area' command for the AI that is used in conjunction with the map and a dragged box. The 'Search Building' command could also be accessed by aiming the cursor at the door of the target building after highlighting one or more of the AI. 4) A way to mark out an area anywhere on the map(using a dragged box?) that can be mined by the AI.
  12. will(uk)

    Better hand grenade throwing abilities

    Here's something I suggested in a previous post. "What about using a visible trajectory arc on the screen to indicate the grenades flight path and where the grenade will land-like the system used in Gears of War? The throw angle would be adjusted using the aim controls (mouse up or down) and the throw distance adjusted using the scroll wheel with a circle on the ground to indicate the general area where the grenade will land (longer throws=bigger circle) This would then make possible long low (rolling) throws, grenade-over-the-top-of-wall/hill throws and grenade-through-window-throws which would be VERY interesting (ie. vertical circle on the target window)." "The primary weapons, sidearms and rocket launchers have visible crosshairs so why not something similar for grenades?" Jcove Lite has this but it's a thick grey line and looks a bit odd and out of place. Perhaps BIS could modify this system for Arma2.
  13. OK. I had the same problems-banned from servers for no apparent reason and 'lost session' messages. I have just deleted my BAF content and can now get back into these servers. Thanks Tali. ---------- Post added at 09:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ---------- Have just reinstalled BAF dlc but not the 1.01 patch. No 'Banned' messages and no 'Lost session' messages (so far)!
  14. will(uk)


    Well,-BIS did do the right thing by including Freetrack support for Arma2 after we said we wanted it. And it seems to me that the 'True 6DOF' that we would all like to see (and is available) will -again- only be considered by BIS if enough of us say we want it.(Another petition?)
  15. will(uk)

    Order AI to change weapons

    And when the anti-tank/anti-aircraft AI have used their rockets/missiles we need an indicator in their respective icons to indicate this. They cannot function as at/aa if they dont have the ordnance for the job!