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Everything posted by KEVINMGXP

  1. ROFL! Double ROFL! Sarcasm much. :D You have a good point here, still it sucks CM maybe had a cut in that title on release but they did not made it! They could easy made the game with a new name without using OFP in it. still they did and the only reason i can see and a lot of us see that, is that they wanted to use the name because of the first OFP series and to make sure that DR would sell good enough! some of the old OFP community members (correction a lot of them) find this mis leading marketing, and i am one of them! regards

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    maybe i putted it in a wrong context, i wanted to believe was more like what i meant, i wanted to believe but luckily my eyes went open. The only thing they probably try to fix so hard is there own assets that are burning! but in the end they most likely won't fix it at all, they only can stall it till the system finally bursts again! Thats why we had to contribute it with governments money witch is our money of contributing taxes. you said that the system is not needed, you might be right but i want to refrace it to, it was not needed then! Sadly it evolved that way! people followed to long and where blinded we need to bear in mind we also took advantage from it some how, its nothing more then normal that we will take the disadvantages of it, is it? To my understanding they constructed this system so it is needed now, but there for not needful they say it is but that does not mean it is! if the system bursts a lot of jobs will go i guess, the economy will collapse totally a lot of more people will stand without jobs, homes, food and so on. What will happen then? Anarchy, Chaos? who knows!? They most likely will construct a new system, and this will have a new set of laws, most likely to protect there own assets again! My call or our call for better rules stronger rules will only be implemented on the people like you said not on those that runs the systems, here it is already happening, hell it is happening all over the world! we had a law here, we had some sort of bank immunity, the government had no right without any reason to check our accounts but this will stop to exist. If people with small income suddenly buy expensive goods they will be controlled on that, the government will know the exact amount of our bank accounts and they claim they want to make sure that no one is dodging taxes, apparently this new law or added law only exists towards the regular population! not towards the government, our country is one of those where the government frauds with the tax money the peoples money, they came clean and still tried to justify it, and the trust in the governments has a big issue here because of it! We are a country that needs new roads so badly because they are in the baddest condition of whole Europe, also badly needed is investments in company's to attract more jobs to keep the economy running here but the only thing they do is bickering how to split a election circle, or confiscating guns that where not illegal in the first place! After the weapons where confiscated the law was reformed again short after, now all of a sudden they say that these guns did not had to be confiscated, this where collector items that now are destroyed from people that held them not to harm but to collect and this people are rightfully mad about it, also laws like: you may not sell cannabis (drugs) but you can sell the seeds, or you may carry a small amount on you but if they hold you they can confiscate it on the streets! by law you may not use it on public places or even at home :o silly laws to amuse the crowd i might say :p hell we don't even have a working government and had more elections the past few years then any other country that exist! the funny part is that every one is doing hes/her part while the government is not doing theres! but still they get payed for doing nothing! ... when i don't do on my job what they ask me to do i will get fired, they get payed and a bonus on top of it :D lol Nice pick i like the M1 too its a nice rifle to have in a collection. ;) regards

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    I lol this :D well i think he made his name by now on the whole forum, i guess he will understand the terms crash and burn by now :rolleyes: he contributes fun reading does that count? :p regards.

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    are you sure? maybe they are hiding :D comon guys don't be so serious :rolleyes:

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    yeah most likely they do exsist, well i think media is a little tool for politicians i guess. luckely i don't see a lot of television :cool:

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    I never stated that they don't is it? this is how the conversation opened up Originally Posted by Dosenmais So let me explain. A bank this times has nothing to do with Money. Its about credit. Credit is no money, because a credit can creat by nothing. Like said, i did not agreed on the fact that you stated that credits can not be created by nothing! Now i feel that you are side stepping from that point, you literally saying that i am a dumb ass :rolleyes: it is already proven that money does not exists witch pointed to the fact you said that credits are not created out of nothing. They where and they still are doing it! dailyreckoning Walstreet guardian reformation Disclose still on this point: you are only trying to say that i am a dumb ass that does not know what he is talking about, in fact you said that i can't back it up well i just did! so now you own me in debt :D I don't recall anywhere that i said something about savings or contribute towards society or not wanting to, because i do so every day! you turned the conversation that way where you claim that i don't! just like you know me enough to prove a point that is not even there, you even claimed that i cant back it up. and i do back it up! the money does not exist if the bubble bursts the only thing they can do is rebuild the bubble and recreate what was destroyed and start over again, and thats exactly what they are doing. I also never said anywhere that the banks are not using real money i said it does not exist for real! The Mint! <- provided by the government (the ones that press the bills and the coins) are providing us with real money from real gold and silver, but only to a certain point. This is a proven fact! The banks provide us with money out of the vault that is putted there by the savers in small amounts, most of the money exist by digital numbers or on paper or is a substitute for the real thing that does not! you guessed it Exist. the bank does not own enough money to back it all up like you said, and don't say the interests, hah what a joke, i already said it and i hate repeating but special for you, if THE SAVERS go to the bank on the same moment and withdraw all our savings then they will have a lot of problems, the investors will pull back and the system will colapse once again, so does the bank own existing money? NO! or ah well i will give it a little :p By law (and here we come to the point where the fraud is legalized but its a bit wider then only this part) in fact the banks need to provide us with a safety, like binkster pointed out well, but a lot of banks lost this safety measures! the system was shaking on its foundation and the bubble bursted, by law your personal savings need to be protected by the government mine where to, but my bigger investments where not calculated i lost those and i did not had the nerves to start over again. You claim that they where only small banks? well in my book the national bank here is not that small, also the banks that went bankrupt here where not small players on the marked aether, and the banks that where saved by governments tax money well those banks where not small aether and one of the 4 biggest banks walstreet became under fire .... in the end the money needs to be in constant movement as long this is manageable then we wont have any problems its like a vicious circle, like this discussion. is it possible that the media is a little bit responsible to make it believe that it is easy to get one? regards

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    if it is loaded you got a point. Its even strange for me that an addult would take in mind to hand over a loaded gun to a kid even if it is only for a picture ...

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    It is fraud, but it is legalized fraud and it collapsed already not long ago and most likely it will happen again on a certain point. Now i don't think this will be a good reason to own a gun, (but guns weapons is a industry where a lot of money flows to, even that money comes in to sircelation of this legalized fraud system) i might pointed out that the system is not what the most think of it what it is but that does not mean that i think that this has to go away. Without it i don't think the world will keep running long enough to survive because humanety does rare things when it comes to chaos, i want to believe they legalized this system with good reason. and there will always be pro's and contras to such kind of systems, but thats why they try to fix it and prevent it to happen again. If they will succeed thats a other story but at least they did all what they could to prevent that it would get worser so far. and Yes they needed our tax money for that, and i'm not happy with it! they still try to fix it, but somehow we all need to contribute to the whole society to keep it running even if were unhappy with it. thats why i said they need stronger and better rules to control the banks a bit better. regards

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    not yours and nor mine or not any others tax money is meant to support banks or any other kind of organization that recreates money out of nothing and spend it out on loners that can't pay back, and thats my opinion! What they need to do is make stronger rules, so they can control the banks a little better ... they are trading on the benefit of the savers, witch are thinking that the money is on the bank, while it is in fact in transit all the time to the loners, if those loners witch are in debt to the bank can't pay back that money, then that money of the savers is gone! so the bank is in debt on the people that saved that so called money that was not even there in the first place. you can argue all you like, in the end the banks still don't have any money! that is the point, if every single person of us takes there money of the bank away lets see how the investors going to trade hah? that what i aimed on, even if you discus this any further, you wont manage to back it up, the reason is simple its is known and it is written down in the past and future. The money is just not there and it will never be! ... Why would it interest you that i have or not have any savings of my own? :rolleyes: i might surprise you! Here in my country we are obligated to contribute to the pension scheme! it is not can i WE HAVE TO because without it we don't have any pension at all! If you feel like attacked on my first responce i'm very sorry, the only point that i was making is that i don't agree on what you have said, and i feel that i can back it up and so far you can't. you don't need to get personal on my earnings for that, nor crack it down to make your point because you don't make any point at all, anyway you don't seem the right person on having a discussion with in any way on any point. what i earn or contribution towards the society is known by me and i don't have to shame my selves in the person that i am on that part you should be ashamed for trying. i earned every penny of my savings that i have, had and lost dearly. Watch out in how and when you say something and seriously if you getting personal on some one make sure you don't lose your face! regards

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    Well then you are probably living in a dream world :rolleyes: how the hell do you think they are able to trade with no money huh? woops lones aah yes, ah well thats funny governments and banks literally came clean on this facts and your are trying to slap back with the financial times lol :D its happening under our very eyes where governments all over the world are asked to save the banks with OUR TAX MONEY! hehehe, financial times :D funny i have some sort of an equal one right here next to me its looking bright. i'm not even going to bother to discus it any further, because meh well you read the financial times and seems to believe in fairy tales, rock on my baby lol .... regards

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    erhm Baff1 sorry m8 you really need to think this trough again, it is already proven that money does not exist in any way, it is created. erh and i even can build on this with good arguments. You me not anyone owns money not even a penny! and not even the bank :D its is just created over and over again, good and historical backup on it -> watch the movie: Money as dept "you die pore like everyone else my friend". Money as dept (aka lones) regards. edit: oh and this video's thats why we having our crisis on this exact time, watch them first before comenting and believe it or not this is a PROVEN fact! ....

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    well said, but not only American policies touch the rest of the world. Also European policies touch the rest of the world. and it is not only Americans that start wars or try to dominate, its nice to think that one country or one government is doing all this to blame it! or even make the public believe that this is the big issue and the big bad man of whole the world. Lynching time yeah right, the point that people are insulting others about it is proof that they don't know what is really going on. for my account i take it a step further, you want to blame someone for the mess on the word well try to blame Humanity in a whole! Money, Power, Banks, Industrial, i can go on for a while but never the less all the wealth in the world in a whole we all take advantages or disadvantages on it, but the people LIKE the Advantages but dislike the Disadvantages when they overwhelming the advantages :rolleyes: sorry utter rubbish! tell me, what are you all doing to make it better? Nagging screaming for attention and insulting others and making ones people country look bad to feel your selves better! duh :D 1 person cant change anything we all know that, but think about it? its like Mosh said we all share one thing Arma II! and keep it that way thats what we are here for. regards
  13. ofp for ever it will never die even not in arma II, i love the winter map but i am very very interested now in the final release of the whole thing :D nothing to dislike in this release we get a little taste in how it might be ;-) thanks cwr²

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    tbh, i just want to overthrow our government :p

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    I'm from belgium and i won't mind if the law would give us freedom to0 own a gun legaly. in fact i would support it, now i'm a freak too anyway: the discussion on the fact who can and who can't have a gun will always be something very tricky, when do you figure out that someone is sane enough or not sane enough, is that man or woman planning a crime or not. for example: my neighbour across the street looks like a sane person, i talked to him a couple of times he is nice he looks smart he might be a teacher what ever. on the other hand he could be a serial killer! the preacher on your local church looks like a sane person, he preaches and tries to predic beleaves towards the people that comes to listen to him. on the other hand he could be a child molesting bastid whole the way! dear people i can go on for a while on this matter! the point is you are all wrong about one thing, you can't define a certain culture to be the whole worlds problem. you are born in afghanistan you can be a possible terrorist, not only america is thinking that way a lot of west/east european countries are thinking the same! you live in a country that allows to have a gun, hmmm you must be insane! a lot of you are prejudiced towards others because they have a certain culture or beleave in a certain god or what ever. i don't go to church, nor i do believe in a particular god, i walk my own way! but i do believe if we try to contribute our thoughts in a more decent way, then calling eatch other names we would have a more harmonious live all together. but i think that i ask a little too much in general then :rolleyes: btw: guns don't kill people!!! people are killed by the people that are using them. edit (excuse me miss use them i don't want to sound prejudiced :p ) but a lot of posters already proved what i stated above, very mature i would say :eek: never the less i wish everyone to think a bit trough before putting flames on each other. regards.

    WarFX : Blastcore

    maybe a very stupid question but the data folder in update 1.1 goes or in the Dta or in the userconfig? and do i need to do something with the ccp file that i see in there or is that not needed?? no readme so want to be sure (btw: nice mod ) thanks

    Gotta love the Czech Police: cardboard miniskirts :)

    godverdomme?? foei :D you pronounce it choco like chocolate maybe coco is a dialect?? as long we can understand
  18. when i saw the ia and models of the ia i really asked my self do soldiers really walk/run this way? and i had the feeling in that game that i was like flooting on the screen not walking or running, but i have this in a lot of fps games. Arma II is somehow the only game where i don't have that kind of feeling. now i don't play much other games so far only ofp arma II made it for me to stay on my pc :cool: oh i also have stalker i like that game because it has a good storry, but i have the same deal with the feeling like i'm flooting above ground not walking ...


    i have push to talk on all the time it happens when i push to talk and want to say something, peope tend to say that i need to lower my speakers while my speakers are off, when i use a headset with mike and play multiplayer i don't activate my main speakers. so when i puch they hear me rather verry quiet and the ingame sound is noicy ....
  20. i use audacity already for sound editing and converting sounds, i did not try taping voices with it doh i was not aware if i could, thats why i using WavePad Audio Editing it is also free. the thing is that i don't know if i can do the voice acting all on my own for the project i am on, i needed an additional tool so i can change my voice a bit in other tones. so it looks like they are not all the same. i have a voice transphormer for that but it looks like they sound like to much made up cartoonische some sort of speaking and whatever you can call it but not like natural voices the dull thing is i hate to hear my own voice its just a bit strange. anyways: maybe i just use the wrong tool for that and i need to ask around for to people that are willing to do some of those voice acting, but i will come up to that later on its to soon, my head is now banging on timing putting out the mission order and tasks and make them all work propper like i have in mind, luckely i had good help and advice so far on that part .... but thanks for the advice on this i will test it out to tape voices with it if it works i will delete wavepad because not nessesary anymore :-) regards


    ok i have a other one that might be related to this post. if i use TS latest version it seems that when i speak in the microphone people tend to hear my ingame sound tanks guns whatever enviorment sounds that is going on at that moment it makes it so that people find this anoying. i tried to figure this out by correcting my sound input volume settings but it still seems not to be working for some reason. i have XP proffecional last servince pack updated, some one cares to test this out with me so i can sove it for once and for all .... regards

    Question about PMC...

    does this inplies to me to? I mean i have pretty much a lot of problems lately with Arma II OA, the odd thing is that no single player game has problems and the work i do on a mission atm does not seem the get afected by it eather. But the main campains tend to go off track big time not only the new PMC but harvest red and all the others acts slow on annimation and the mission goals tend to go off track to, i have several stuff i can point out to is it possible that my game is broken? for some reason after the last update? the PMC campain for instance is for me unplayable, it gives in the notebook of the game and in the the personal notes on the character you play an error is shown that there is a missing boddy. So i can't proceed the mission because i can't find the boddy in the red area, i can take a screen shot tonight and maybe post it so you know what i mean. after the last patch before PMC was released i began to have troubles with harvest red and the OA campain also on baff, the campain missions are tend to go off track, the annimations and cutscenes are slowed down enourmus. what do i need to do to solve this reinstall the game? did i installed the patches wrong what is the order of patch install when you own Arma II and OA + BAF before installing PMC, do i need to install the light version when i have the full version of PMC? regards
  23. Hey all i need some advice. What i want to do in a mission of mine is after insertion the insertion heli has to go down i wonder how i can manage this? i tried this {_x setDamage 25} forEach thisList; (shopper gows down well but hmm its not quiet what i'm looking for i want it to go down not like imidiate craching but damaged and put it down damaged, the pilots need to survive. also the above code kills everything in the trigger i want only the shopper damaged so it can not fly anymore ... A: Shopper needs to be damaged by an simulated AA missile (question is also how do i simmulate the AA missile after insertion not before?) B: pilots need to survive the chrash! (verry important) C: the goal is that the main mission will be diverted by the shopper crash so the waypoin that after insertion was given will still exsist but this side mission will be added (Resceu the downed pilots)

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    hi what i want to know is, i making a campaign but i want to use custom music. i was planning to use also some music from the campaign that was made by a team for Operation flashpoint retalliation? some peaces of music would fit right in to the consept of my campaign that i'm making for Arma II ... do i need to contact them or is this exsisting music that they also used back then? regards
  25. i like it, i only put in a showcinemaborder false on the misile cam i will probbebly put in custom music in it to, there are several things i read, som i understand but others that are not quiet clear for me ... i also needed to move the trigger the chopper was passing it again the first time, i think also you where using the new released RH side arms so i need to update those i get a sfg errror on the usp magazines :p but thats fixed ... all the rest i nice for a good starter fast pased rescue mission ;-) you did great on this, in the cut scene i can put in voice acting where the pilot screems mayday mayday or something ... btw i also like the fact you putted Firefly in the task i was looking for a good name for the insertion shopper you gave it one ;-) i want to know how things work i can't keep depending on others to help me out every time, do you have skype or something? you seem to know a lot of these stuff? regards