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Everything posted by markocro

  1. markocro

    Bistore closed

    its overloaded, to many people rush in
  2. hello, im aware that you merged forum account to bistudio store accounts, they same now. Problem is im trying to access store but i cant, i enter my username and pass and click on login and its only loading (20 min loading so far). Can u assist?
  3. markocro

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    we all knew this was coming, but i don't mind, i trust them if they think its best. Just think for how much copies of arma2 CO was sold on steam, moments after dayz released. (big numbers $$$$$$$) Yes, game is more "available" on steam for customers.
  4. markocro

    Things you wish NOT to have in the game!

    hey, yeah the are same, and post-effect OFF
  5. markocro

    Things you wish NOT to have in the game!

    great thread, deff don't want blured game, the lest, the better. Just finished warfare match on ohai(wasp), my eyes are killing me XP
  6. 1-lights are blocked by objects 2-make better weather "effect", fog-make more realistic 3-deal with "smoke" blocking view to target when launching missile from gunner seat in 1st view, like in arma2 bmp2, konkurs missile... 4-use of "3d markers" in missions and campaign to be more accessible and better to navigate throughout warfare
  7. markocro

    Co op singleplayer ?

    this :)
  8. yeah it is when you return to first islands (forgot the name) and tutorial starts again then you get this bug, easy way to fix it follow tutorial again and after that all works normal again :)
  9. markocro

    Development Blog & Reveals

    that would be really great!
  10. markocro

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    no way your wife is boss in the house XP
  11. markocro

    Development Blog & Reveals

    that is correct, indoor fights and interior scenes (buildings) and also in general, will be big disappointment when its lighting in question, all lightning sources should be blocked by objects, just like they said "The goal was always clear: make the lighting as realistic as possible" so don't stop at moon and sun only, well its far away with release arma3, and we hope they make this right...
  12. i have arma 2 since it was released and have all dlc and expansions and latest patcehs, and this is first time i have any problem with it... when i enter game main menu i have something like heat haze and a bit blury over the letters and fonts on it and that is also ingame issue... But i was not able to make screenshot or make video of it becouse when i make it all looks normal as it should be... Only thing i changed recently is i updated gcard, and when i saw problem i roled back drivers and got still same problem. specs are win 7 x64, ati hd 5850, 4gb ram, intel q6600 2,4 ghz.
  13. ahh finally thats it, thx man :) (solved-how? : uncheck option morphological filtering - MLAA)
  14. hey folks, thx for response, MipMap is set to HIGH QUALITY already, but here i made screen of my settings... http://i48.tinypic.com/dxtv5.jpg (291 kB)
  15. markocro

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    awesome :P
  16. 10g is enoguh for 1 month, but you can always check at your ISP user page how much trafic you have left, if something unlcear PM me. bye
  17. markocro

    The ArmA III Engine

    lol, do a google research first on nvidia physix softwere then edit your post lol... ATI can also run Nvidias physix, its just softwear, the software that your g-card is handeling and procesing....
  18. markocro

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

  19. markocro

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    go and die
  20. markocro

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    well said man, agree
  21. markocro

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    woooow, arma3, omgomgomg, where is preorder button =DDD