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Everything posted by TomHorn

  1. TomHorn

    Hello, I'm a "cheater"!

    djotacon.....all of this thread is not based on the same idea!.....I have stated my own, contrary, personal opinion earlier in this thread.
  2. TomHorn

    Hello, I'm a "cheater"!

    I've played against you more than once. In my opinion you are cheating. The whole purpose of this thread (begun by you) is an amateur, 'pseudo psychological' attempt on your part to try and hide it. 'If I'm the one bringing to everyone's attention the elephant in the room they'll not suspect me'
  3. TomHorn

    EU servers are not displayed

    Hmmmm....now the EU servers are displaying a very poor ping (one or two at most in green) :(
  4. TomHorn

    EU servers are not displayed

    WHAT!! You have holidays!!! ;)
  5. TomHorn

    EU servers are not displayed

    12 hours for a response!.....at least 17 hours to rectify......is there any server monitoring going on???
  6. TomHorn

    EU servers are not displayed

    Just checked, same here SmajdovaManka....no EU servers listed :(
  7. TomHorn

    Adding Tanoa?

    New maps, night versions, new game modes et al ......I think what people are basically saying is they're now looking for some change or variation to the current, stock game. IMHO I agree.....Argo in it's current form will eventually begin to tax even the most die hard fan's tolerance for repetition (and I'm admittedly saying that from one who only plays 'Clash'!) Night versions would suffice for me.....for the time being.....
  8. TomHorn

    Unable to connect 0x2000

    Same here last night (11:15pm GMT) for me and my friends.
  9. TomHorn

    Update 1.01 Borked :(

    Guys, I think you need to roll back the update (what am I saying...it won't happen). Judging from my own experiences, fellow players and the thread elsewhere on this forum about player damage (with a sniper rifle)....it looks VERY likely that hit values HAVE been modified (however unintentional it may have been). Lots of team killing because of the new friendly/enemy identification (sometimes this can be a twitch game and this definitely don't work). ...and let's not mention the grief over the server browser change!! Sadly some of my mates think this'll be the end of Argo for them :(
  10. TomHorn

    Update 1.01 Borked :(

    Steady there fella
  11. TomHorn

    Servers missing ???

    ^^^^ He's right! (we were both in the same game last night GMT) Level 16, 17 etc. in a game with level 1's.....and on a US server (I'm UK) Your phrase 'Although not working entirely as intended' is correct if you delete the word 'entirely' :) <sigh> back to the drawing board guys :)
  12. TomHorn


    Could anyone tell me if the use of a suppressor in any way affects a gun's power or 'knock down' ability? I notice applying it to a weapon doesn't seem to affect the power bar in the stats. Many thanks
  13. TomHorn


    Wow! Thanks for that flyingcoyotus......I think it's therefore safe to assume that it makes no difference to the weapon's ability whether a suppressor is used or not.
  14. TomHorn


    Hmmm.....better find a way of sticking two of the buggers on that gun then! ;) Thanks for the clarification fellas!
  15. TomHorn


    Thanks guys....but some conflicting info here ;)
  16. TomHorn


    'lo m8 Many thanks
  17. Can anyone confirm if changes to the accuracy of the machine guns have been reduced? I and a friend both used the MK200 (6.5mm) machine gun but noticed last night that the recoil seemed huge! So much so that we had to reconfigure our load outs. Many thanks
  18. TomHorn

    Machine Gun's Nerfed?

    Many thanks Toky.....we played just last night. It's a bit weird if nothing's been adjusted as we both immediately, and independently, noticed a difference!?!
  19. TomHorn


    Point taken FallujahMedic -FM....no problem with that....I was trying to take to task Donald Trump here's ^^^ apparent failure to recognise his bad choice of topic description and (in case he wasn't aware of it) his blatant disregard for the very point he was apparently trying to make. As you can determine from the reply above it's a complete waste of time. I'll avoid in future (shame....he could have learned so much from me ;) )
  20. TomHorn


    Yes BuDDiovitcH....go to map, players then select the annoying player then 'mute' at the right hand side.
  21. Get your point guys....but aren't you looking at it the wrong way round? There seems to be a pretty good demand/interest for the campaign to be played cooperatively with friends or clan mates, so why couldn't the storyline and plot of the campaign be designed around the fact that it would be multiplayer? Recognition of a suitable framework for the campaign to unfold within....not limitations.
  22. "To clarify a few things after the campaign release date announcement: it will be a singleplayer-only experience." http://dev.arma3.com/sitrep-00030 That is a major failure for our clan, don't know if that may be the last straw.....short sighted of BIS is a very mild way of putting it! :(
  23. Sometimes when I go into the map view it will automatically scroll (usually to the left) uncontrollably. Anyone got a fix? Cheers
  24. TomHorn

    Patch 1.02 - Time to say thank you

    Well said OP....hat's off and thank you to BIS for their support. Some people have fair and relevant issues but others will spit their dummy out 'cause there ain't three different kinds of rabbit.
  25. I must be playing a different game here.....I'm having a blast! Really what do people want? Complaints about assets, multiplayer, textures, woodgrain on a rifle stock....what's the nearest alternative to this game? There aint any, period. Just play, have fun and have faith that all will eventually be made right by BIS!