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About fooflinger

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    Private First Class
  1. fooflinger

    Arma 2 running really strange...

    Yeah, doing that appears to have stopped the stuttering, thanks! :D I would also turn Hyper threading off, but I have a pre built computer from Dell, and I can't seem to find hyper threading in the bios. Though I would be willing to disable it if anyone knew an alternate means of doing so.
  2. fooflinger

    Arma 2 running really strange...

    I forgot to mention, the game runs 10 times worse on 1.05 then 1.04. I can get the game to run stable on 1.04, but not on 1.05...
  3. Hey, that vegetation mod helped alot. Anyone know of any other addons that tweak performance like that?
  4. fooflinger

    Arma 2 running really strange...

    I've tried the GPU count command, it doesn't appear to do anything, but I'll try turning off hyper threading in the bios. Also, where do I find the 3D performance and rendering settings? I checked the game profile and don't see any options for those.
  5. Hi, I've been playing ArmA for awhile now and performance has always been a major issue. I notice that NONE of the graphical settings do ANYTHING for me. I mean, they make the game look better or worse, but there is no gain or loss in frames whatsoever...ArmA 2 on lowest settings got me a benchmark of 46 frames average, while ArmA 2 maxed out gets me 45 frames average...What's really annoying however, is that I DO NOT average 45 frames. In war mode ,the second I begin combat, or walk in a urban area or village, the frames will drop to around 20-23, and stay there for the rest of the game. It appears as though the frames become locked at 20, which is ridiculous. In single player,In some areas, it will run perfectly fine, but then go all over the place when I go in an urbanish area, or start fighting. Hell in singleplayer, it just goes all over the place, and even if I'm getting decent frames, the dips that occur cause it to be extremely choppy. This is the only game my computer struggles with, and is perfectly capable of handling ArmA 2. My specs are: i7-920 processor ATI Radeon HD 5870 6 gigs of DDR3 ram 1066 mhz Windows 7 I play on a 1920x1080 monitor Anyone know why the game runs like such crap? Or why it's locked at 20 frames in random situations?
  6. fooflinger

    Can't connect to friends

    bumping because this is a still a giant issue for me and my friends...we've tried everything we can think of. Turning off firewalls, static IP, and it still only works at random which makes NO sense. Please help!
  7. fooflinger

    Can't connect to friends

    Me and my friends did this, but it doesen't seem to help. However, last night my friends were able to connect to my game, and we played for hours without any connection problems what so ever. However today, Neither of them are able to join my game. It seems like it works at complete random, there've been times one or both of them have gotten in but 75 percent of the time it doesen't work...Really clueless on this one :/
  8. Hi, I just recently got this game and I have 2 friends who I've been trying to play co-op. I can connect to both of them, but they can't connect to each other it seems, so this of course causes problems. As far as I know, there's no way to portforward this game, so I really don't know how to solve this problem. Please help, thanks.:)
  9. I can barely run Arma 2 on normal-high settings...It laggs and gets around 18-25 frames. This is a brand new computer build and should definetly be able to run Arma 2 on high... Specs: Windows 7 64 bit Intel Core I7-920 8 gigs of DDR3 1066mhz ram ATI Radeon HD 5870 I've gotten the latest drivers for my card, so I'm really confused as to why its so choppy. I can run Crysis Warhead maxed with pefectly playable frames, so it doesen't make much sense as to why Arma 2s so choppy. I shouldnt have to settle for the lowest graphics for this game on a brand new rig. Anyone got any suggestions? Thanks. :) Edit:Also, I forgot to mention theirs a little big of flickering. It doesen't happen alot, but its worth mentioning.
  10. I'm sorry guys, the issue was that it was not patched. I thought that steam patched every game automatically, but I was mistaken. Thanks for the feed back anyways! :)
  11. Hi, I just recently purchased Arma 2 to go along with my brand new computer which i just got delivered to me the other day. Here are my specs: Windows 7 64 bit Intel Core I7-920 8 gigs of DDR3 1066mhz ram ATI Radeon HD 5870 I Updated to the latest drivers, and installed crysis, and Empire total war. I could run both maxed out, highest res, with AA. (only x 4 for crysis) I got excited seeing how well these games ran..I couldd't wait to test ARMA 2. So i booted the game from Steam, and it began lagging before any graphics were even displayed. I checked the graphics and barely anything was even on high...Now when I started the campaign, I couldn't beileved how bad the game looked. People were missing faces, textures, and for the most part, NOTHING was rendered or even had textures for that matter, and the game was STILL lagging. I've read some threads with pretty much the same problem, and it seems like some people beileve that windows 7 + lots of ram + arma2 = disaster...But I havent seen any awensers as to how to fix it, or any evidence that proves that the ram is really the problem. Can somebody please help? I've been wanting to play this game for awhile now...Thanks.