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Everything posted by rye1

  1. Great post froggyluv. I have my fair share of stories too... Hopefully BIS will take notice. They could make it really superb for CQB. :) It's half way there, I'm starting to enjoy it a hell of a lot more since OA and the patches.
  2. There's quite a few things... they can do to improve it. Collision detection, automatic movement of weapon to 'fit' inside a door, buildings modelled for better geometry therefore less clipping/character getting stuck, less of a lean on not such a big angle, ability to swap weapon hands, smooth transition and reload animations, ability to transition while moving, fluid animations, ability to get closer to each other or objects for a stack, vaulting through windows or over walls, smaller destructable parts of a building for breach points, multiple buildings with different shaped rooms and interconnecting rooms, basements and attics, improved and accurate grenade system quite like AA2/3, AI scripts such as mixed stances not just instant prone upon CQB, the AI using lean, waiting in door ambush (CQB module teehee), etc.
  3. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    4 IN 1 Try SMK_anims. Think about it, we have a tonne of keys now, half of which could be used/added onto for using these anims. No big deal.
  4. rye1

    Thoughts on using enemy uniforms

    I just thought, do you think we will be able to dress as civilians? And aliens... how do we dress like them? Ed gein style? ;)
  5. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    +1. Who plays Arma for doctrine? Pfft.
  6. rye1

    Thoughts on using enemy uniforms

    Necropost: http://i.imgur.com/ZUG7C.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MW9G5.jpg US SOF.
  7. rye1

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Locked up tighter than Area 51.
  8. I'd like to add on to the above, AI break contact. If an immense amount of firepower went over the players head and kept them down, they would be in awe. If they are outnumbered, outranged, or outgunned. I'd also like to see modules, specifically for ambushes and other mission makers (literally it makes the mission, you play it over and over again just to be ambushed).
  9. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    @antoineflemming, Fully agreed. That would be awesome to see some insurgent go at you like that. Maybe it would differentiate the "skilled" from the "unskilled", or the "comfortable" from the "uncomfortable". The "insurgent" from the "soldier". And on your comment, "be able to peek out and shoot", maybe the blindfire animation could be coupled to allow you to peek around a corner. Who knows. There is only possibilities but no clarification, it's too early. @NoRailGunner, He has posted a few real-life occasions in which it did work with enemy insurgents KIA in Iraq (I have the pictures). But effectiveness, how is it measured for you? You must remember for any tactic to work, and therefore be a tactic (something that offers you more survivability and an advantage, offensive or defensive), it must have the correct conditions. And I don't know about you but there has been full videos posted, look back a few pages. Full reports are unlikely, I mean come on. And in a report who mentions "I used blindfire to..". And you can argue its importance in a time setting, an era, but in all reality it comes down to the situation doesn't it? Not the era. Argentinians were still using trench warfare during the Falklands. Guerrillas are still using all kinds of tactics from all kinds of time settings, WW2, WW1! Some people on this planet still hunt with a bow and arrow you know, I'm sure they'd go to war with it too. But don't act like it's an out-phased action to conduct, because they still have places within the environment of which you can conduct it - humans remain the same, chokepoints do also; technology may influence a fair deal - but fair game, I'm sure someone could find a place to use it. Gradual leaning is great, works in RVS for me. It's just holding the button, and having the aiming static - then leaning out, creates me to over-expose and be shot before I can move the mouse to engage (because I'm holding the lean button). That's the stupid part! Raising and lowering head, cool ideas also, we have an ALT button to look around, maybe we could use it to pop over. Climbing over obstacles, even cooler idea, we have the V button to hop a fence, why not hop a wall? They are all possibilities and pretty credible ideas. I won't take that away from you NoRailGunner. If BIS are interested they'll test it. They could use SMK_anims for a tester before going into actual development. We could even, to test our theories.
  10. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    Sure but 3rd person is an exploit in itself anyway, this just gives them the advantage to be more accurate when using it - this can be countered with recoil upon using it, making it hard to adjust. You could call suppressive fire useless, but it would not be true - blindfire in essence is a type of, with more cons but great for use in CQB. There's no point argueing about personal preferences. :)
  11. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    Funny Pufu because you've done that similar style of comment in multiple threads. If you don't contribute to, move on yourself.
  12. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    I think if we had a SMK_anims only server with 40 people, we could test all this theory! :p @4 IN 1: Check the first rounds he fires, half blind because they're in proximity and not aimed, just instinctive shooting. He tries to use the doorjamb as a bit of cover, but is firing while pulling into it - in the proximity of visual contact, half blind in my opinion for those first few shots.
  13. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    People complain lack of realism, real world use - Whirly answers those questions. Later on in the conversation others are still commenting on it. Suddenly a troll appears talking about crap that has nothing to do with the situation, in a manner which just influences more arguement - but this time about things nothing to do with the original debate. So let me re-do NoRailgunners question: If it is implemented, how do you stop run the run and gun type play - the hide behind a wall and blind fire constantly, or at least try to prevent it? And ignore everything else he posted! :o
  14. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    PVP-only anims? ;) Be cool actually - if you could lock-out certain ones (server-wise) or change your settings. (Not a suggestion, just saying somethings that are not to peoples liking or "controversial"). Mr Charles, Check out the Marines in Fallujah. They're going to have insurgents/guerrillas in A3 anyway.
  15. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    Good point antoine. But how would suppression effect work? ;) It wouldn't have a long effect, plus reload and other lull times. If you use blindfire on a chokepoint, some of your points are solved by the way. You use the tactic to the situation. It's not a tactic if it isn't working as you want it to. You could still use blindfire to try suppress, not matter what BIS added...
  16. rye1

    Looking for Military/Strategy Books

    Hey mate... There are always manuals. There are a few translated manuals of Russian armour and APC's. http://www.scribd.com/doc/33885567/DIA-Soviet-Tank-Battalion-Tactics http://www.scribd.com/doc/65461073/Armor-Jane-s-Tank-Recognition-Guide http://www.scribd.com/collections/3333959/warbooks http://www.scribd.com/collections/3362912/Militaria There's always random PDF's on technicals you can find all over google (like weaponry technical briefs). Hope this helps...
  17. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    Panda you must be really bad at playing then! What the hell. The incremental door opening as you said is awesome! Can just pop it a little bit; peek in or throw a flash with out over-exposure. Agreed about the lean to a point, it's useful dependent on the player who uses it, where and how. The blindfire imo, if introduced, would be a static animation. You can blind fire facing the wall too, so that wouldn't stop people facing away from the wall and doing it either - nothing you can do about that. @Metalcraze - That's some Gears of War crap, no one believes that. We believe it could be useful, to be able to blindfire from an object. Not slide around... -_-. The arguements of "but you can slide" - cool story, think of Arma's universal use in MP - it would create havoc. It's similar to that weird jump you pull in I44 with run and V. For some reason though your whole post reminded me of that Indian 'Hero Cop' kind of movie where the cop is chasing a car... by horse... and slides under a truck... with the horse... perfectly on a 90 degree angle.
  18. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    Well it could be classed as an individual survivability drill i.e. when pinned, blocked; to regain iniative, to suppress, halt, kill, intimidate or impede the enemy. It minimises silhouette, may create the illusion of a bigger force or a better positioned force, may be used as a distraction technique. But of course, it has cons - it reduces accuracy, situational awareness as it creates target fixation and possibly hesitation from no visual assurance that the target is down, or even hit. These pro's and con's translated to Arma mean it can be used, if used correctly. But in my opinion it can also has the chance to be a 'mini-cheat' in close quarters. Shouldn't matter anyway with all the campers, huh. ;)
  19. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    No one said it was a fail technique but a bad tactical representation within the picture - as it would be different within Arma to my understanding. I have already researched this stuff, I argued for blind firing a few months ago in a random thread. I said it was an individual technique, and a tactic only if done correctly - most of the time we seen it done, namely by insurgents, it is done ineffectively and personally I prefer it as a last resort. In Arma with this you'll have a stable platform, I personally don't think BIS would allow you to move around in the blind fire position and therefore you need smooth transitions of animations to back-off or push into the room without waiting 3 seconds for the animation to finish (continued animation/effect; you naturally adjust body position in a firefight but with Arma the body position will be one animation long, no micro-adjustments). The only thing people can agree with in this picture is: 1) It is used by both sides, some more effectively than others which gets the 'realism' arguements to zero, and 2) recoil will really effect it. It still leaves questions to be answered: 1) Does this mean you have to have your back to the wall? As in the picture he is on an oblique angle and still firing in, 2) Can you move or do you have to stay stable? And finally 3) How does this effect global gameplay, 'cheats' and the average player/game? (Especially when it comes to PVP). If you have video or pictures, send via PM (the firefight, not the dead insurgent).
  20. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    Because he's using it so ineffectively, unstable platform, recoil knocking the weapon about, his buddy not even ready to back him up... hence the fail. Still depicts the point. I could adjust myself to it being used if it was in A3. Aslong as it's fluid, and the transitions between the animations are quick.
  21. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    @Whirly Yeah there's plenty cases of it being used - to what degree of success is unknown. But the importance more than 'realism' is how it will be used in game. Ruin it, or add to it? And that first picture is fail lol. :p
  22. rye1

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    Not true. The point of that show is for entertainment. You're talking about SWAT... that is many agencies put under a common name if you will. Depending on team they do things differently - as I said, IOP's... Internal Operating Procedures. And you're talking about a Stuntman teaching them, with some real SWAT boys who aren't going to feed them their SOP's, but probably feed them some media-uncensored-unrestricted-bullsh*t mixed with some reality to satisfy their audience. It's called limited exposure. Those tactics are unclassified. As this shows... anything you share with people can be misused. So why would some people do it? The way they've been taught. One can argue who taught them, taught them wrong. You could research why someone would put their back-to-the-wall and find the pro's and con's, but in all honesty it will not happen for a Military unit (individual mentioned below). You could try sway the readers with more proof. Now.. if you're talking OPFOR or individual tactics then I could understand blind firing and back-to-the-wall (in conjunction?), but not in aggressive and active CQB TTP's. There is no time for that kind of passive response to a threat in a team environment. I'd certainly use it individually at somepoint but let's face it, such a global change in animations needs a lot of thought before BIS implement. It might totally mess up any kind of PVP, and a lot of people would be doing it randomly (Gears of War derp). I'm sure Smookie has a lot up his sleeve anyway, not for us to worry about. Especially such small matters that can be modded. :p For real references, for a military game, look at some military videos: The way the snap to target and move their body, the way the chest and upper body moves to snap that muzzle on target. Side-stepping and shiznit. The problem with it is... it may be crap in game. Would need testing etc, CO-OP, PVP. Arma can only offer us what works in Arma, not what works in reality. Upon saying that, if it wanted to improve certain aspects of the game i.e. CQB then it should work Arma around that -- this is especially linked with the animations.
  23. In one hit: 1/2 the Clafghan map.