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Everything posted by Rayers12

  1. Rayers12

    OA Preview: voices...

    @Inkompetent: I've been to many places along the globe, but I've never heard people talk like these voice actors.
  2. What exactly do you want? I don't really understand the post.
  3. Yeah, in the future, it is pretty unacceptable to hear the same voice of a totally different guy that was nuked in Chernarus in a different country a year later as a different person.
  4. Rayers12

    Game physics

    I can't recall any other popular modern game that doesn't have a physics engine. IF you want this game taken seriously, physics are a must. @Gossamer: OFP1 came out in 2-freaking-001. A little bit doesn't count.
  5. Rayers12

    Weapon Loadout Tab in Editor (A2CIT) vote it

    I would like to say that I do not care how difficult or time-consuming it may be. This needs implementation. Now.
  6. Rayers12

    Steam Group Surprise?

    Hmmm. Guess not.
  7. Actually, my guess is the new modules on the Modules page. Those look extremely useful and game-minded. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:ArmA_2:_Editor_Modules
  8. Rayers12

    Steam Group Surprise?

    And this is useless... how?
  9. I am not talking individual game aspects such as individual sounds, rifle flashes, or voice acting in this thread. This thread is about concepts. I personally would like to see additional capabilites added to the game, such as fast roping, AI squads coordinating with each other. If AI had the capability to use smoke grenades, was able to share ammo with each other without orders, provide stronger resistance (not make them smarter, this is somewhat intangible). Furthermore, if we want this game to progress in terms of popularity, the way stances are changed on the battle field needs to be overhauled, as it currently makes for awkward firefights. And while we are talking about that, lets switch over to the overall combat feeling of A2. Right now, it feels a bit bland, dry and empty. To fix this, I would recommend a (massive) overhaul of all sounds ingame, along with many sound-causing events to be added. These include sounds for being shot (a bone-crunching, wet thud), units that call out when not equipped with radios, and stronger sounds for the weapons. The default weapons in A2 feel pretty horrid. This could very easily be fixed in a patch. What is needed is to strengthen or add the recoil effect back to the weapons, but in different ways. These range from shaking the camera, actually moving the weapon and shoulder back as well as up (think HL2), and restoration of the sorely-missed dexterity value (maybe) from ArmA. Also, the combat immersiveness would be greatly increased if units ran farther for cover and asked their squad commander for support, or what to do. TL-DR: This is not a hate thread, it is a discussion of improving gameplay in a way that warrants a new thread. This is more of a"game theory" thread.I believe that BIS needs to focus on adding capabilites to existing units (FLIR), instead of making new ones. Also, the dry feel of combat should be brutalized. Discuss.
  10. So, that steam group surprise never happened.
  11. However, this thread is for concepts. As you said, the AI coordination is not very sophisticated, as it should be for a war simulator. And yes, CQB needs to be improved. But how so? I would like to see much more soundwork for combat. I would like to hear the bullet smacking into my leg, would like to see ground-blood effects. Also, the animations need better transitions between the stances. Furthermore, squad coordination is key to CQB operations.
  12. Log follows: "Walter: D of the BI Forums, correct? Walter: If that is so, maybe you could hint as to what the surprise we may recieve at 6:00 AM Sunday? D: it was meant as something revealed when group gets 500 or 5k depending which D: so get more people into official groups and there will be more info :) D-Dude: or screens D: or vids ... w/e i make or get approved Walter: I friended you to ask one question Walter: Is it the demo? D: no D: demo not Walter: Reassuring, do you have any news about the Demo? D: each time some number of members is reach some details info leak Walter: Ah. Walter: I will have to guess this will be more info as to the supposed UK faction in OA. D: this is unrelated to demo or game release or steam release/preorder/preload or QA faqs on BI Wiki D: that are seperated events D: blergh D: guess my good will to reveal screens for communites is taken out of context as always :) Walter: I apologize for any blerghs I may have caused. D: nah just people see too much and want too my dreams and drool all over :) Walter: People are observant, especially those who play military simulators as amusement." TLDR Surprise on Sunday is not the demo of OA, for all concerned. Edit: The man I spoke to is an administrator of the Forums, who gave me some info. I omitted his name not to cause a sh*tstorm of talking to him on Steam.
  13. Ah, previews. Seriously, this game will not be taken seriously until it gets better voice acting. It is ridiculous to hear the same guy (who sounds horrible) in 3 different games as 3 different characters. Notice how much more popular Men of War: Red Tide was than the (horribly voiced) original.
  14. Rayers12

    What do you want most.

    @KC: The music was better, and the thin sounds that helicopters make seemed more fitting. Also, we got stuck with worse firearm sounds for more weapons (6 weapons usually make the same sound), terrible all-around vocie acting, as well as the horrid, horrrrrrid dynamic speech.
  15. @JW Custom: What reviews? What, where, when, whoobast? I have not heard of any reviews yet, link them! Has anyone else noticed that the voice actor in the "Little-Bird" preview is the same that "played" Coops? If that's not Coops in the squad, this game has the lowest production values ever.
  16. You cannot be seriously expecting good performance from an 8600 GT. I have an I7-920 and a GTX-260 and the game still runs like tits. You have to be prepared to throw horrendous amounts of money at your system fro modern games.
  17. Rayers12

    ARMA 2 steam grp member #4000

    God it sucks to be the 12th.
  18. Rayers12

    What do you want most.

    Sound work. Sound work. SOUND WORK. The default sounds in A2 are monday-to-friday horrible. A2 actually regressed from A1 in terms of sound. For people saying gameplay or AI, state specifically how you would them to be changed.
  19. Rayers12

    This game sucks!!!!

    Seriously, telling a game forum that their game sucks is like sticking your dong into a resonance cascade.
  20. Rayers12

    So, I spoke with Dwarden on Steam.

    Oh, dear god. What have I unleashed! I will now remove all mention of who I talked to from the post. Not that its really going to do anything to stop the impending hellstorm.
  21. Rayers12

    This game sucks!!!!

    A few things, did you update the game? Secondly, who the Gordon plays the missions besides EW? Go straight into the editor. If you wish I can send you my vast catalog of user made missions for Chernarus, Utes, and Sahrani.
  22. Rayers12

    So, I spoke with Dwarden on Steam.

    He's just a dude, but that dude gave me some more info at a critical time before the games release. Looking back at it, I did write the post in a douche manner.
  23. Rayers12

    So, I spoke with Dwarden on Steam.

    I apologize! I thought it was kinda known that this would get posted. Edit: With so little information floating around, I thought that this would need some closure.
  24. Rayers12

    So, I spoke with Dwarden on Steam.

    He was pretty nice, especially for a guy being badgered for info.
  25. Rayers12

    So, I spoke with Dwarden on Steam.

    You can too! The account of the Steam page appears to be legitimate.