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Everything posted by Rayers12

  1. I want a chopper to fly a group and make them rope out. I do not want any player interaction in this, and I can't find a script that fits my exact needs.
  2. What is the name, as in : _waypoint0 setWaypointType "MOVE";
  3. Can it use the Russian MI24V as a fast-rope vehicle?
  4. Rayers12

    Easy fast-rope

    This is using norrin_DBO_Fastrope and its on United Sahrani, you could of just removed the the dependency in the mission you know.
  5. No matter how long I play A2, I always find little new features along the way, such as the M136 post. Does anyone have a list of every feature in A2?
  6. Rayers12

    ARMA 2's player movement "feel"

    I agree, I feel like I'm in a tank when I'm on foot.
  7. Rayers12

    Easy fast-rope

    http://www.mediafire.com/?khmmmejdnnt Maybe you can help?
  8. I've worked on this for hours and have gone nowhere. Maybe you can help. http://www.mediafire.com/?khmmmejdnnt
  9. Rayers12

    Easy fast-rope

    No, Norrin requires player interaction.
  10. Happens to me frequently.
  11. Rayers12

    Complete feature list of A2?

    Believe me, my own team has a habit of running in front of my SAW gunner and it is annoying.
  12. I just want to know if it will blend.
  13. I really want some of the Sci_Fi stuff to come into play, like an actual SG-mod release, the Aliens and maybe the zombie mod.
  14. Rayers12

    Complete feature list of A2?

    Ehhhh.... I never really found the A2 AI to be all that fantastic personally.
  15. Rayers12

    Complete feature list of A2?

    Any part of the game that you have found that is not well documented. I recently noticed that units tend to stick to the tree line when under fire.
  16. Rayers12

    Why is this game not more popular?

    It really just needs some ads somewhere someone will see them.
  17. "When its done" Is not a valid answer. Any actual MM/DD/Y release date?
  18. Rayers12

    High command bug

    No, I mean that I will place 2 marine groups of seperate grouping and only sync one of them to the module, but both will show up in HC.
  19. Whenever I make a High-Command mission, it sync's every group to the module and wont let me do anything about it. Any tips?
  20. Rayers12

    High command bug

    That doesn't work.
  21. Is there a faster way to change a variable name than going through the unit's boxes? As a man who frequently copies and pastes on the editor, it is very annoying have to update 13 B_1s to Ba s. It is quite annoying. Any tips?
  22. Rayers12

    RH MGS wpn pack 1.1

    I would like to give RH a standing ovation for the 100+ new weapons (although they are conversions, some from COD; the arch-enemy of arma.) and the fufillment of my fantasy, the M14EBR.
  23. In A1/2, I have always found the weapons to feel imprecise and clunky. I use the AK74SU and it is feels like going to work just to move the guns. I use the 240, it feels the exact same way. I've tried dead zone and sensitivity, nothings worked for me. Anyone else feel this way?
  24. Ouch. They feel like plastic models is what I meant.