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Everything posted by Rayers12

  1. Rayers12

    Project RACS

    What do we pay you for? *speaks with advisers* We get this stuff for free? Really? Carry on, then. If it's as simple as the steps I've seen before, I'll probably hammer them out tomorrow then. EDIT: They're binarized, fuck that.
  2. Rayers12

    Project RACS

    I think that the pack should include the core BI units. They are essential.
  3. Not new engine, they just need to take out a loan maybe and get some physics up in this b**ch.
  4. Rayers12

    Project RACS

    Seriously, without the core infantry units .... I think the pack will be missing it's main punch.
  5. Rayers12

    -=/UP-ARMORED Vehicles\=-

    Very interested; fuck those other guys. We desperately need this mod in particular, the HMMWV is no match even for light infantry.
  6. Rayers12

    Project RACS

    Could you guys convert the default A1 RACS kit? They were always my favorite faction, they were just so chill.
  7. Rayers12

    HiCmdQ - How 2 Make Squad enter Vehicles?

    I have to nothing helpful to offer, but why the hell is the topic named HICMDQ?
  8. Can you convert the Aliens?
  9. Rayers12

    Unit Proportion (Human)

    Yeah, I noticed how big the men seem too. (No pun intended.)
  10. Rayers12

    US Army HMMWV program is dead.

    It looks after some googling, that the MRAP will soon replace some of the Humvees. BI, an MRAP would be extremely cool and realistic when the Army goes to Takistan.
  11. Rayers12

    US Army HMMWV program is dead.

    Its a suggestion for OA not A2.
  12. @anfiach: awards signify that lots of people like their games, also 300 million sales on launch day probably signify something.
  13. Rayers12

    US Army HMMWV program is dead.

    It is most likely the MRAP. http://defense-update.com/images_new/MRAP_Cat_1_navistar.jpg Its a beastly looking thing, definitely able to hold up to anything the light OPFOR forces can throw at it.
  14. @Zach: Rockstar has won many awards for their unbelievable games. Please refrain from trashing a studio that works extremely hard; what makes PC gaming so much better than consoles? It's just gaming, so please dismount your high horse.
  15. Rayers12

    Game physics

    Why don't we use the Modules for SP when it comes to Ragdoll? I've never enjoyed MP so I could care less about MP issues.
  16. Rayers12

    Arma 2 1.06 Patch Suggestions

    I would like to say that planes usually fly at much higher heights than the game presents them, It is not realistic to have AI shot down by a machine gun. Also, some sort of option to have a vehicle and infantry coordinate actions would be nice, as well as a Special Forces module that made AI always obey your directions to the letter.
  17. Perhaps the pitfalls of A2 will be fixed, anyways it will be a good game.
  18. I get this almost constantly.
  19. Hate to say this, but you guys make it seem like everything in A2 sucks.
  20. Rayers12

    Arma 2 1.06 Patch Suggestions

    Fix the height at which heli's attack ground targets, they almost always get shot down when they attack at 50 meters height.
  21. Where is like, everything I expected for a game being released? The trailers, the hype, the leaked builds and pics?
  22. Rayers12

    ArmA2 SLA Pack 0.9

    I am a huge SLA fan, thanks for bringing them back for another round, this time against Razor Team.