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Everything posted by Rayers12

  1. No. It does not. The planes make the engineOn sound and then shut off. Multiply by 40 planes.
  2. Thats what I've tried, the setfuel. Also, any way to completely obliterate that obnoxious sound they make?
  3. "So far I had to place the planes in front of the hangars. This allows them to taxi and take off like they're supposed to, yet it doesn't address the issue of them not being able to taxi out of the hangars." I also have runway allocation problems.
  4. Actually yes, it just didn't mesh with the thread.
  5. Like most features of A2, an override option would be nice.
  6. I played both games in july 3rd, 6:30 ingame. I found A1 to have far more (Atmospherical? )effects, especially in the earlier patches. I meant that the FOV looks very weird, although running on all the correct channels. It looks like the view is to high up for the character I am using. About the directions, gee I never noticed that they locked on cardinal directions. And yes that looks retarded. But I was talking about that AI can't turn corners or even stay on the road without crashing for literally their lives.
  7. On my comment on a gray color scale, load up A1 and set up weather to max, at 630 AM on Sahrani. Do the same on Chernarus. It is far... darker, greener, etc. What I want in OA is this: 1. Far more things are based on the skill slider. 2. More sliders to effect more things, such as speed, piloting skills, target recognition, etc 3. Emotional states that affect all sorts of things. 4. Units that talk, like in DSAI. 5. Good driving. GOOD DRIVING. I cannot stess this more. For Ai and for players. For gods sake It is impossible to drive in these games. 6. Recoil goes BACK, not up. Like in RL. 7. Fix the weird way the game looks in general. 8. Gray Area from civy to combatant. 9. New voices that don't sound like 9 Year olds. 10. Patrolling scripts that can be placed in about 10 seconds. 11.Sim of Body Armor,and of sim of more of the things that make the US military better. 12. Make the cars driveable for us humans, please. I cannot stand driving in ArmA(s). 13. Modules that modify the behaviour of units, such as making an AT squad hit and run, vs battle troop module makes them dig in and fight. A cover usage module, smoke usage module, 14. Casualty collection, such as a medevac system. 15. Quick way to preview a single unit in the editor, cannot tell you how much easier this would make my life. Just a snapshot would be good. 16. Far greater functionality of buildings, in every way. 17. Far improved use of cover, but only by the properly trained units. Can't stress this enough. 18. IED simulation in the cities, terror attack simulations, etc. Dayum that felt good.
  8. Hey guys I have a mission. A small team is on the ground, a team of pilots elsewhere. on activation of A radio trigger, the pilots board the chopper and fly to the pickup zone. The men, run over to the zone in HOLD, COMBAT, OPEN FiRE, till the chopper is at the LZ. Then it changes to Get In, open fire, careless. The get in is activated by a trigger synced to the empty chopper (at mission start.) However, the chopper doesn't seem to land at the LZ, although the LOAD waypoint is sync'd to the get in point. Ideas? there are no enemies, a helipad is right there as well.
  9. That is not the problem, although that is useful and will be implemented. The problem is that the chopper just floats in the air instead of landing.
  10. The whole thing is done using AI, but thanks anyway. This whole thing is nothing but framework....ughh......
  11. Think of the marker as a border, and I want a realistic border situation.
  12. How do I change the colors of the markers in HC?
  13. Rayers12

    Landmass shown at the end of Eagle Wing

    Wow... retard alert, Rayers12 sector.
  14. As the credits roll, the game shows a land mass that obviously isn't Chernarus or Utes. What is that landmass?
  15. Rayers12

    Landmass shown at the end of Eagle Wing

    No. The continent. It was an game island, my guess would be Takistan.
  16. Yes, but they take action against the forces, IE moving, taking cover. I need figuratvie eye contact between the guards.