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Everything posted by cm.

  1. cm.

    ARMACast | The Arma 2 Podcast

    good point, I would also like to know...
  2. man i LOVED the resistance campaign. Too bad they have never made a good once since.... EW is definitely the best since the though.
  3. cm.

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    terrible, just looks like MW2 to me.
  4. cm.

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    fuck me dead that looks shit.....
  5. i think you'll find most people don't want to stay up past 12pm on a normal night..
  6. Ok, I've been looking at a view preview vids from OA and have been paying special attention to the voice comms. I can happily say it is definately better, the tone is now uniform across the command "two, attack THAT man" is now gone. The only thing left the adjust is the speed at which they talk.... which is WAAAAAAAAYYYYYY to fast in some cases. some of the commands have almost 0 pause between then. What it should be like: enemy, man at 12 O'clock, 200 meters What it is like: enemymanat12O'clock, 200meters I think if you gave a bit more breathing room between each word it be almost perfect. Here's a vid to show what I'm talking about, my main concerns are at 0:23 when your own character starts to talk. PXzl4vGZYIM
  7. well it's thursday now (in aus) so where is it? :)
  8. to be honest, as shit as flashpoint 2 was, BI could learn a thing or two about distribution. I personally think cm would a good job of hyping and selling the game, however I'm not maruk and i'm sure he knows better that I do...
  9. wow are you serious! Amazing!
  10. Fantastic thread as usual..... :/ Anyway, apparently the PvP went really well tonight so we are looking at doing it more often, maybe every friday or 2nd friday. Semi-serious PvP with some AAS,warfare or whatever else people want to play on the night. Everyone is invited (yay!). You must be on teamspeak or you can't join, this makes the night 100% more organised as everyone can listen to what's going on & communicate effectively. The server will be switching between AEF, VMA/AAF + whoever else wants to donate thier resources for a night. We should be able to distro the server configs for the night because it was 100% without any crashes.
  11. cm.

    New Beta Build 71213 Up!

    changelog? (I'm lazy)
  12. cm.

    Pre-Order Of Operation Arrowhead???

    wtf is going on with the UK???? Seems a bit weird that 505 aren't doing it :/
  13. cm.

    OA Preview: voices...

    I think all the comms sounds good apart from the players. Definately a huge improvement over arma 2.
  14. cm.

    Newcomer to OFP--Looking into modifications

    unless your pc is super old or something, I would suggest you grab ArmA 2 :)
  15. ah yes I see what you mean, makes it look 100x better without them though.
  16. STOP THE PRESS!!!! Just noticed that OA will have proper lights instead of the "umbrella" lights we have now!! :yay::yay: Check this preview vid out for confirmation! (around the 4:40 mark) fTNn0rdTcyY
  17. It will be released on the 10th of june 2010. True story.
  18. ?????????????????????????????????????????? link?!
  19. cm.


    looks seriously awesome guys, can't wait for release :D
  20. cm.

    Do you like the ArmA2 OA box art?

    German copy is 100x better than the "EVERYONE BE SILENT!!!" version
  21. cm.

    You Know how Awesome this is?

    Have you installed the latest patch? All the major bugs are gone and there are only a little things left really..
  22. Noooo! Don't mention the forbidden name on this forum!!