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Everything posted by cm.

  1. cm.

    Reinstalling Arma 2

    Might want to shoot off an email to the place you bought it from. I think if you have an account there (which you should), all that info will be listed in there with a download link.
  2. I heard the only way to really cure the problem is to smash your computer with a sledgehammer. :p
  3. cm.

    Aus Arma

    Hi all, Aus arma has gone through a few changes since this was posted. We have a completely new theme and also a new teamspeak server. If anyone from AU/NZ or wherever is looking for a game (or a random chat) jump on and say hello :) server: gs01.games.gs.plat.net.au:8767 Anonymous users are allowed to join but I suggest you all register to secure your nick. Cheers
  4. ....... I take you just discovered arma 2? :p
  5. lol no it's not, they will just release the new patch when they are ready.
  6. I would say a new topic in the addons/mods complete section will pop-up when the mod actually goes to beta.
  7. Download the latest beta and see what happens.
  8. 3..2..1... someone starts complaining. Just roll back to previous version = solved.
  9. Fantastic news! Thanks for all your hard work ACE team!
  10. cm.

    Few questions to devs.

    Seriously guys, as much as the OP is a little mis-guided, I think some of the replies are a bit uncalled for. I thought this was a mature community? Goodwork to the devs for replying though!
  11. cm.


    Oh man i know what you mean, sometimes I can't hear a thing... then all of a sudden *BOOM* *BAM* *WHOOOSSHHH* and my fking ears are ringing!
  12. cm.

    I want to support BI even more

    I would have bought from sprocket if it was available the same time as the german version.... but alas...
  13. cm.

    What gets really annoying..

    The missions mostly crash the servers... in fact... most of the time it's buggy mission scripting or the crappy "pent1um 3 lulz" server that someone is running. Not saying that the arma 2 server software is flawless or anything...
  14. cm.

    Operation Arrowhead Suggestion

    Agree.... no warfare in the campaign!!
  15. I agree... it has been a bit of a drought.
  16. cm.

    Online Density?

    It's less about quantity and more about quality. Sure there are lots of arma 2 servers out there but most of them are 24/7 dom. If you're in the states or can handle a semi-high ping ( I'm forced to play with 320+ btw and do fine) then jump on the tactical gamer servers. Only way it should be played IMO.
  17. I think they should focus on just getting the normal voices polished rather than working on whispered voices as well. Get it right before expanding... And yes... they are terrible. OFP1 had better voices, they should have just kept them...
  18. cm.

    Muzzle Flash

    It just pulls you out of the immersion. I love night fights... from a distance and as long as I'm not firing my own gun. I remember reading a lot "that muzzle flash is really bad" youtube comments on richiespeed's videos, so I'm not the only one. Surely it's easy to fix?
  19. cm.

    One thing that really bothers me

    You know I reckon if you addd another 20 years on that it actually becomes feasible lol.