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Everything posted by dissaifer

  1. dissaifer

    AK weapons

    Good mod, I've been enjoying the guns, the sounds are well done. I'd prefer they all be lumped together with the gun box though. Keep it up.
  2. dissaifer

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    Looks good so far, good luck guys.
  3. Very cool! Now we need some sci-fi monsters to shoot... I mean talk to. :)
  4. dissaifer


    Xendance, um no it is not. Derivative content comes from the game and is changed, like a reskin. If I make something from scratch, which most of the original content modders do, then it is original content - not derivative. As for ripping stuff, you "can" do that, but you better no be distributing it without permission.
  5. dissaifer

    Action Menu - must do better

    I like the idea of the highlighted item, it seems less intrusive then a hand or door symbol.
  6. dissaifer

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I know this is going to seem odd but one handed pistol shooting and moving.
  7. dissaifer

    Dust Storm Composer WIP

    Looking good, hopefully you can find someone to help make the "dust wall" as well!
  8. I've looked through some tuts and tried out some code and I don't seem to be getting anywhere with this. Is it possible to disable parts of the in game GUI - say the grenades or weapon type in the top right?
  9. dissaifer

    Backwards Hat

    Mumblz getting some backwards hat love - good for you man. Can I get a Infidel
  10. dissaifer


    Sorry, I probably wasn't being clear about that. There are 3 parties, the modder, BIS, and Valve. A modder is less likely to have read and understood the agreement than a company would as 1. they probably didn't and were just excited to use the product 2. don't have a lawyer reading every end-user agreement that comes along and 3. Are statically unlikely to profit from the tool anyway. Basically, companies are held to a higher standard than a modder as it is in the interest to use the tool for profit.
  11. dissaifer


    Max, I fully agree with that, but no company wants to lose face with the consumers by trying to "steal" IP under legal terms, it's bad good will (actual business commodity) at least to economists... anyone who follows EA should know about that.
  12. dissaifer

    Game recorder thoughts?

    Record should really be done by a server, as it has to have all the inputs... from what I've read about the engine, i would expect that local (movements within a certain radius) should be able to be captured, but this really would need a dev comment
  13. dissaifer


    Here is the funny thing of course, in America at least, IP is set by The Berne_Conventions it doesn't matter if there is a "contract" that you "agreed" to by creating something in the game. You can claim all day that we have a contract that we "agreed" to, but it would never hold up under the Supreme Court... as from a recent case where the judge stated "“Providing too much information defeats the purpose of disclosure, since no one reads it,†from this. At the end of the day, if your stuff is good and used, they are going to try to hire you and if they don't... sue the s$%^ out of them. Odds are you'll win.
  14. "Gore, DIY"... maybe it's time for Bohemia to move to America! or at least have a studio here. What the hell is a dubmledore insect? hahaha. Is Op-snare seems to have the most experience with this I will default to him as the particle guru (seriously, hire that guy). But as for things that the "industry fans" are aware of (sorry a little off topic, drinking)... just watched a BF4 video and the announcers were so impressed by spectator mode. Really? spectator mode... I get it though, with twitch and youtube - I've become a very spectator viewer of Arma... which makes me a little sad, but on the other hand - Arma is a very community based game, friends - servers, etc., but not very drop in, drop out friendly - or single player friendly. So, off to create a quick play - multi-player - mod.... wish me luck! :)
  15. Oh man... beta, I guess I can wait a few more weeks. :) At the PMC discussion... lol. They all claim morality and high brow standards but at the end of the day their job is to get the job done.
  16. dissaifer

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    Take on Mars terrain looks amazing... I hope that is integrated into A3!
  17. dissaifer

    JavaScript for ARMA

    Good work on the release, but I'm curious about this statement "The JavaScript version is running at least 15 times faster (on my machine) compared to the SQF function (even with all the extra overhead of format command and the callExtension interface/protocol)." What code did you use to compare and how did you measure that?
  18. dissaifer

    VTS Ballistic

    The video is very impressive. Hopefully, BIS will get this in the game soon, but until then, I'll be using this. :)
  19. While I see there is a debate about the branding - this is how I see it. You've already done it from the pics, so leave what you have. If someone wants to use it, they will, if not, they won't. There are plenty of story reasons that a PMC would or would not have their symbols on... like just hanging out at base when they get attacked, maybe you are talking to a range master or higher up in the company trying to make a deal. It's your mod man, just make what you enjoy. :)
  20. dissaifer

    Backwards Hat

    Sweet you got it up!
  21. I believe GSC gave permission awhile ago to use their assets, then the company folded if I remember correctly.
  22. Good work, I'd like to see this in game
  23. Yeah, confirmed, setHit - setHitPointDamage, both don't work on the Offroad and the Hunter. The Event handler does fire off when the car is shot and does log the event T=3.725 : [39f3a040# 163319: offroad.p3d,"light_l",0.915594,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Brick),"B_65x39_Caseless"] T=3.725 : [39f3a040# 163319: offroad.p3d,"light_r",0,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Brick),"B_65x39_Caseless"] T=3.725 : [39f3a040# 163319: offroad.p3d,"light_l",0.915594,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Brick),"B_65x39_Caseless"] T=3.725 : [39f3a040# 163319: offroad.p3d,"light_r",0,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Brick),"B_65x39_Caseless"] T=3.725 : [39f3a040# 163319: offroad.p3d,"light_l",0.915594,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Brick),"B_65x39_Caseless"]