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Everything posted by =kct=blackmamba

  1. =kct=blackmamba

    RH Hk416 pack 1.2 for OA / CO

    thank u again for these wonderfull addons.. a question, are u the same "roberthammer" who did all those great season updates for F1 challenge series ??.
  2. =kct=blackmamba

    RH Mk18 pack 1.1 for OA / CO

    thank you, downloading...
  3. [72701] New: getWeaponCargo, getMagazineCargo, getBackpackCargo script commands [72698] Experimental: TCMalloc used as a memory allocator. does this hopefully mean bether memory usage ? simple archive for server admins http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1717093&postcount=31 (just recheck if you use proper folders when extracting depends how you setup your server)
  4. =kct=blackmamba

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    thanx for explaining @ST ;)
  5. =kct=blackmamba

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    ok so if someone uses a dualcore they dont need to add the command line? if like myself someone uses a quadcore cpu u should use the command line? please correct me if im wrong!!:)
  6. =kct=blackmamba

    ArmA 2: OA Beta Build 72787

    lets wait for a proper file to download/install..
  7. why would a moderator tell us to use those commands if they are allready auto detected ?? convused...
  8. =kct=blackmamba

    [CAMP] Operational Detachment Delta

    whoops pressed the wrong buttons....
  9. =kct=blackmamba

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    when patch [71143] was released OA was still on the drawing board maybe a moderator can explain ?, i cant find the source abouth the -exthreads=7 -cpucount=4 story.
  10. yeah walkable buildings in such a beautifull landscape as greenzone makes a possibility for some great missions. hope the mailman wont forget to bring his copy of OA today :)
  11. =kct=blackmamba

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    @inFireBabtize u should use the command -cpucount=2 and i believe exThreads=3 is best for dual cores.
  12. believe me, it saves a HUUGE amount of time. looking forward to your next update :)
  13. =kct=blackmamba

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    @inFireBabtize in another thread someone from BIS adviced us, for multi core operation untill OA is at the same standard as arma2 patch 1.7, we should use the -cpucount=4 and exThread=7 command.
  14. since when are they default for OA now??
  15. =kct=blackmamba

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    yep.., i had my first crashes with this beta.
  16. me neither im just running the shortcut as is, only use -cpucount=4;-exThreads=7. right now with latest beta 72716 im getting between 30/75 fps, no stutter.
  17. =kct=blackmamba

    USRanger709's Release Thread!

    great news cant wait for the next update. nice teasers by the way :)
  18. =kct=blackmamba

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    i agree abouth player balance between the teams in PVP gamemode, and at the same time keep their issued gear realistic as possible. in my opinion that way its more fun specialy cause u are playing against "Humans" not the AI. it woulndt be fair if one team haves uberpower and the other team gets pawned all the time. that way everyone wants to be in the same team and the essence of pvp gameplay would be broken. maybe when one team haves to defend a certain area u could give them an advantage of having static weapens but thats a different story. PVP is all abouth tactics, teamplay and speed. i think arma2/oa gets much bether with these servers hosted. cause after a while u know exactly how the AI would respond when engaged. human players would try different tactics and your teams common sence will be tested. i think u would be suprised how much more fun/realistic this type of gameplay would be
  19. =kct=blackmamba

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    strange, maybe it got something to do with "securom" protection ?.
  20. =kct=blackmamba

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    could u enable/disable mods from the menu now ? maybe when u delete the arma2.cfg, re-run the game and set up your graphics again might solve your fps issue's. do the same for arma2oa.cfg. but did u read clear wat Dwarden said in his post ? or u have both titles from steam or both boxed if u read clearly wat he said, u need to run both tiltes from steam once bevore it works. wich u dont have u have one boxed and one steam version. so now u can check your registry settings wich are also explained in that thread, and check if the path still corresponds with your game directories. hope u can fix it.
  21. =kct=blackmamba

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    @smurfbr think i might want to read that post again if i where u, and hope u can fix your registry's otherwise i would advice a clean install...
  22. =kct=blackmamba

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    so far with this beta arma 2 didnt crash at all.
  23. =kct=blackmamba

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    @saarema how much ram do u have in your system? what is your pagefile size? rest of your system specs?
  24. =kct=blackmamba

    Guerilla Warfare [SP-Dynamic]

    most of the time thats where u have to look for when u encounter difficulties :)
  25. are they crossfired ? if so set catalyst AI to default and also ingame memory to default.