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Status Replies posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. Man, let's go CRAZY and deal with some minor weaponpack addon!? Revolutionary thing with a kinda various ballistics, proper loadouts and rates, c'mon!

    1. krzychuzokecia


      Actually, yeah, shooting IRL is more interesting than this!


      But seriously - I plan to return to modding in 2019, after finishing my dissertation. What will come out first - I dunno, I have many ideas. I do have some smaller addons almost finished (like reworks of BI stuff), so it may be good idea to start with them. We will see. I hope!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Man, let's go CRAZY and deal with some minor weaponpack addon!? Revolutionary thing with a kinda various ballistics, proper loadouts and rates, c'mon!

    1. krzychuzokecia


      Mate, I would love too, but I'm busy... :(


      Maybe in 2020? :)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)
