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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    HD AKS-74 Plum

    Well, he said that he won't release his mod*, I hope that he'll release his weapons pack, though. *As you can see on screenshots or vids, Miki is using modified OFP and his AK is probably only one part of bigger work
  2. krzychuzokecia

    T_Roc WWII addons

    Nice, thanks T_Roc! (And Bielow for release ;))
  3. krzychuzokecia

    HD AKS-74 Plum

    850 faces is relatively small when we're talking about 'main playing LOD' (let's assume that 25,000 faces LOD won't be showed during normal session) - I've some German AK model with ca. 1300 faces and it'd be nice to add some things here and there. But then again, when it comes to FPS I'd like to have 850 faces, not 25,000 :) But don't worry Miki, if you'd keep LODs as they are now, I think that we won't have much trouble with your AK ;)
  4. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Yep, every OFP veteran would say that more interesting stuff you'll find in news section at ofpr.info ;) Thanks! :)
  5. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    It's probably S-400 Triumph I've been looking for yesterday :) Grab it here. But speaking about this vid - what tanks can be seen at 0:23 and 2:17? Where could I find them?
  6. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Thanks Sanctuary!
  7. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Here you go: ofpr.info. Note that this could be not the latest version, but you can check it on .info yourself Can somebody upload 'standalone' BIS Camel addon and mission? I've downloaded official installer, but it doesn't work with GOTY 1.96 nor the CWA 1.99... :(
  8. krzychuzokecia

    Changing editor interface

    I want to change editor interface to extended style like in ECP. I've already tried standalone version of ECP resource.bin posted somewhere here by Sanctuary, but it changes whole GUI - including main menu, etc. I know that I've to change RscNotebook and RscMap classes, but I don't know the rest. Can someone point out what classes in resource.bin are associated with editor GUI? Thanks in advance!
  9. krzychuzokecia

    HD AKS-74 Plum

    Top-notch work, I've never seen such detailed model in OFP. But I think that you've forgotten about something... Otherwise: great! PS. What is your PC specification?
  10. krzychuzokecia

    Veni Vidi Vici Mod (Romans and Barbarians)

    Wow, siege tower is just astonishing! :eek: I'm assuming that it is movable? Are the soldiers ('pushers') fully animated? And soldiers on higher levels - they are 'cargo', yes?
  11. krzychuzokecia

    CWA 1.99 Bug reports

    Small question: after copying VoiceRH.pbo to CWA addons folder, Russians still speak with english voices. In GOTY russian voices works. Is it connected to russiannames.hpp file?
  12. krzychuzokecia

    CWA 1.99 Bug reports

    Probably not, but there are still problems with 1.99 working perfectly :) Although adopting the 'extended editor' (with bigger 'map window' like in ECP or WGL) would be nice... Red Hammer was developed by Codemasters. You can still play it in CWA by copying redhammer.pbo campaing to CWA's campaing folder and Voices_RH.pbo to Addons folder. Where is Sopwith Camel though?
  13. krzychuzokecia

    Arma: Cold War Assault

    In 1.99 troubleshooting thread this problem was mentioned. Looks like it's CWA problem - OFP don't have this problem, but I can't confirm this with my 512MB RAM :)
  14. krzychuzokecia

    CWA 1.99 Bug reports

    After 2nd hotfix it looks like fixed - dunno how it's with campaign though (chair problem). And I didn't test new commands (getMove etc.)... Unbinarised config and resource files, someday?
  15. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    JdB - is there any special occasion, because of which, you called this AOM 160 variants OFP 20/01 and OFP Mk10? Oh, wait... Nice play on their names ;)
  16. krzychuzokecia

    Arma: Cold War Assault

    Well, I'd like "only" updated set of official tools, bu this will do! Thank you BIS!
  17. krzychuzokecia

    Arma: Cold War Assault

    Happy birthday OFP! It's 10 years for Flashpoint, but only 5yrs for me playing the game so I hope it's not the end! One of the very few games which are still being played for so long after release. And I think the only one that have such community. Can you believe that there are still mods for OFP in works? So also thanks to them - the modders: addonmakers, missionmakers and everyone who made OFP so popular! Happy Birthday Flashpoint and thanks to BIS! You'll never know how we love you! :inlove:
  18. krzychuzokecia

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    Looking nice. What EOT is it exactly? And are you planning the flat-top, RISed M4 with flip-up sight, somewhere in future?
  19. krzychuzokecia

    Karbala 2004 Mod - WIP thread

    @Miho Thanks pal, good to have you back ;) At the time being I've baccalaureate exams in school. They'll took whole May. So I don't have enough time for OFP, unfortunately. But in June I'll get myself together. I hope that when Miho is back, we'll finish everything faster ;)
  20. krzychuzokecia

    Karbala 2004 Mod - WIP thread

    @F00bar No thanks, at this moment I'm discovering it by myself, and it's my favourite part of addon-making ;) But maybe later, who knows? @Sanctuary Thank you very much! Maybe it won't be useful for regular soldiers of PKW-Irak, but similar caps are used by BOR - Government Protection Bureau. Maybe we'll make them in future?
  21. krzychuzokecia

    Karbala 2004 Mod - WIP thread

    Thanks F00bar but we know about that addons ;) Offtime's and Agent Smith's OFPL is one of the classic mods out here in Poland, and Vilas is the biggest donator for our mod, as you can see above. I've heard that AGS had some unreleased MLODs that he was likely to give, but he's for long time out from community. And know for something that was shown yesterday on our site: Bulgarian Forces Iraq Early version of Bulgarian soldiers. They were lying on my HDD for quite a some time, but I wasn't satisfied with their quality. I've decided to show them to mark the 7th anniversary of the Battle for City Hall. Since Bulgarian army uses a lot of US equipment, they're more-less accurate, but they'll be modified to be even more accurate. Authors: At the time being, only me, model made using Sanctuary's WW4 Modder Resource Pack. Screenshots: For more detailed report see the WIP thread on our site
  22. krzychuzokecia

    Karbala 2004 Mod - WIP thread

    Thanks for the comments guys, it's nice to see such attention given to so few screenshots. ;) TBH I'm not satisfied with the textures quality, but then again, 512x512 is reasonable maximum for OFP engine. F00bar: At the time being, all models came with Sanctuary's WW4 Modder Resource Pack. We have some other things (thanks to Bielow), but it's hard to attach them to models without distorting it. As far as I remember, unfortunately there isn't any baseball cap, but it won't be hard to make one using Sanc's bandanna. About hidden selections - what you see on second picture was made from... one model. I'm working on some kind of script that will change the equipment randomly, because now all variants are in config. But first thing is to find out good photos of equipment used by Polish Army. I know about backpacks (I even have one at home ;) ), vests (but they're hard to model... But should come) and uniforms (question of changing the texture, but I can't make it nice...), but about pouches, magazine pockets (dunno how it's called in English), etc. - I know almost nothing. So you'll have to wait for them... First post corrected, names of authors are written
  23. krzychuzokecia

    Binmod Release Thread

    After applying patch and hotfix: - \scripts\globalinit.sqs not found (name probably not exact) - CTDs with some of HYK units and armoured vehicles. Proposition: - under EAST we have now: men, USSR inf and RF inf. Under west men and HYK categories (inf woodland 85 etc). My proposition is to replace original BIS units and categories with USSR inf and US '85, and add categories modern categories (check the groups!). This way we should see better models in original BIS missions ;) But anyway, great beta release!
  24. krzychuzokecia

    Road To Caen Demo

    WW2EC Team - thanks for top-notch work! I'm really impressed by the quality of animations, grass, units, weapons... everything! One question though: in map list I've 4x "ww2ec road to caen demo". Config messed up?
  25. krzychuzokecia

    (Unnoficial) Invasion 44 patch 2.8

    2.5 and 2.7.