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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    VAZ (2104, 2105, 2107, 2108) Pack

    I didn't know that this was abandoned, but it's great to hear that You're still fixing it! Thanks Nimravus!
  2. krzychuzokecia

    (20XX) A cold day in hell

    Holidays are over for me now :( but I'll try it next weekend - looks very promising!
  3. krzychuzokecia

    VAZ (2104, 2105, 2107, 2108) Pack

    Two things I've observed: - VAZ 2108 trunk doors are not textured from inside in EXTERNAL LOD (when opening the trunk, inside of the doors is untextured) - white cars have some weird purple stains - this happened to me when I was converting .jpgs to .paa/.pac using old TexView. To avoid this, first convert file to .tga or .png and then use TexView 2 (the ArmA one) - everything should be OK. But overall it's very nice pack! I wish someone could make proper pack of Skodas for OFP... BTW: do Alex and team plan making original Zhiguli 2101, or maybe my favorite 2111 wagon?
  4. Thank you Ivosm! Fantastic addition to Hyakushiki's US infantry addon, thanks to it OFP will be still up-to-date when it comes to military equipment represented in game - 10 years after release!
  5. krzychuzokecia

    US Army Rangers and Deltas in Multicam

    Regarding shadows: try this. About facetexes, I dunno, could you post screenshot of this problem? (in your previous addons everything was OK, so firstly try to copy head from older model to new one and see if it works)
  6. krzychuzokecia

    After Kim Jong-il: The Future of North Korea

    To be honest I don't believe we will see any hostile movement from NK. It's all about their love to, now dead, Kim Jong Il and faith into his "supernatural" powers. This propaganda lies jokingly turned into truth, and now even high communist officials believe that Kim wasn't normal man. Even normal people, who feel tight fist of the system, are really depressed after Kim's death - great respect to "mother of the Nation" (yep, they're calling him "mother") is present even among those who'd escaped from NK. So now I'd rather see their generals committing suicide than rushing their tanks to southern border. Also, don't forget that both Koreas are made upon probable war with it's neighbor. North needs South to tell people that they've to live in tragic conditions, because they have to prepare to war with Seul. South, on the other hand, made it's economic and industrial success on producing equipment that could possibly be used against North. This is the key to success of, for example, Samsung - biggest electronic manufacture in Korea. Or look at Daewoo - such giant and badly managed corporation should went bankrupt hundreds times! But it was saved by SK government because it makes rifles, ships and other equipment of Korea's army. Only thing which had changed is that Daewoo cars are now sold in Europe as Chevrolet! South needs North and North needs South - otherwise both systems will fall.
  7. krzychuzokecia

    Vaclav Havel dies age 75

    Well, maybe my comparison of Havel to Polish politicians went to far here. TBH your's thoughts about his presidency are more-less mine. But all I wanted to say is because I saw how great people can fall in Poland I could understand why Martin was so pessimistic (at least) about Havel's presidency. Our discussion about Walesa and Polish/Eastern European politics after fall of communism went to far from Havel's death topic. If you wish to continue, I could ask mods to move it into other, more appropriate, thread. Once again: RIP Vaclav Havel, we'll miss you :(
  8. krzychuzokecia

    Vaclav Havel dies age 75

    Firstly I want to say sorry for everyone who'll miss Vaclav Havel. Without doubts he was one of the most important politicians in modern Europe. He was also one of the greatest. Please, not forget that he was also an artist, author of many theater plays. RIP Vaclav Havel. Second, Maturin, I don't know from where you are, but from our point of view - Central and Eastern Europe - it's not all black-and-white. People like Havel, or our Nobel prize winner: Walesa are symbols of communism fall, but in 90s they were active politicians and... Well, for many who believed them, they've just forget about ideas and went the easy way - get money and leave. Walesa's presidency in Poland was the worst one in history (maybe apart from short presidency of communist's junta leader - Jaruzelski). Not only he allowed to sell many profitable factories to bankrupt companies for minimal stakes (like Warsaw FSO car factory which was sold to dying Daewoo), but he made deal with CIA to leave communist agents in government, and pay them extra, just to assure that they'll tell US what America wants to know about Soviet/Eastern Bloc military and intelligence (remember that USSR was still alive, just like Warsaw Pact!). Thanks to that these people are know one of the richest in Poland, and are running critical companies like televisions or energy providers. (From what I know Czechs didn't went into such deal and fired all their agents, know they have better intelligence than Poland, with 4 times smaller army) Walesa is also known from the fact that he's trying to hide his collaboration with the regime. For short time during 70s (before all the "Solidarity" movement) he was gathering information for internal security agency, which was fighting with opposition. After short cooperation he refused to continue it - and it was OK, probably he was forced to collaborate and he wasn't as good as the regime thought. But when he was president he got all documents covering his cooperation, and... now these papers are gone. Many people say that if he'd say "Yes, I was a collaborator, but look, I did nothing!", society would understand, but because he's trying to hide it - he's hated for it. Search for "TW Bolek" on the net - there's much controversy around this case. Because of that facts, many his colleagues from "Solidarity" union are now his political opponents. And many of former-regime activists see him as "one of the greatest Poles in history". He IS a symbol, but still - he lost much of his credibility (not to mention his sometimes offensive language used against his former friends). I bet that there's the same with Havel in Czech Republic - great symbol, but tragic politician.
  9. krzychuzokecia

    US Army Rangers and Deltas in Multicam

    "AI feels too!" - well, I've never heard them complaining! :p Back to the topic: I'm interested how you've done textures for vests and equipment - they look as if Hyakushiki done them in original pack! I've tried to match his textures, to make similar vest but in Polish camo (our UKO vests look almost identical), but it ended, well... not exactly as I wanted to. How you've achieved this look without having file which was called by Sanc in his resource pack wrinkles?
  10. krzychuzokecia

    Binmod Release Thread

    Over 900MB?! Wow! Will try it later, when my connection will be better, but I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun! :)
  11. krzychuzokecia

    US Army Rangers and Deltas in Multicam

    I think that in OFP kneepads, or their lack, makes no difference at all :p But speaking serious, what I meant was that kneepads are rare sight on regular US Army uniforms (simplest method: type "us army iraq" in Google image search, only one photo of soldiers with kneepads on first page, 3 photos when searching "us army afghanistan"), so I think that having them on regular soldiers is waste of polys. But still, it's only my opinion.
  12. krzychuzokecia

    US Army Rangers and Deltas in Multicam

    They look great Ivosm! But I've to agree with BronzeEagle: on regular infantry kneepads are useless IMHO. But it's your addon, do what you want to and keep up!
  13. krzychuzokecia

    Russian Flying Fortress

    Seems like inspired by Dornier Do X flying boat and Junkers G.38 flying wing. 20s and 30s were definitely crazy era in aviation! ;) NoRailgunner: As far as I know there is more then one type of ekranoplans, they vary from small ones to big. But it's really not a plane, I'd rather compare them with hovercrafts.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    VAZ (2104, 2105, 2107, 2108) Pack

    Is this the same version which was on fp.ru from some time? Or is it new pack?
  15. krzychuzokecia

    Swapping OFP addons to ARMA-coldwar assault?

    Most of the addons and mods will work, but some are dependant on either FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.exe or /HWTL folder. Example of 1st is ECP, all you have to do here is change name of CWA executable to Ofp name. 2nd situation is more problematic, it happens with mods which use .bat file installer for additional effects (sky, fire or binoc model like in OFrP) - there you've got to manually edit .bat installer (with Notepad for example) and delete all lines referring to /HWTL folder.
  16. krzychuzokecia

    STGN's WIP

    That's very nice tank STGN! Especially camo - makes it visible target for OpFor units :D According to this source, TUSK is available also for M1A1. But probably still too modern for era that STGN is aiming for.
  17. krzychuzokecia

    US Army Rangers and Deltas in Multicam

    Out of curiosity: will you use Llauma head model like in your previous addons? During Christmas holidays I'd like to release early version of my Karbala Mod units (Poles and Bulgarians in desert camo), and it'd be great if our addons were compatible!
  18. krzychuzokecia

    Iranian's release video of captured UAV

    If you'd translate that article, you'd see that they also ask this question - why it wasn't destroyed. @djfluffwug Automatic landing ability is standard in many UAVs. Thing is that this comes mainly in small planes, or ones which are not autonomous (only landing is performed self by UAV). My bet is that automatic landing after loosing connection was left in software (mistakenly, or maybe not?) before it was adopted by army. One thing we know is that Iran have working RQ-170 in their's hands. @Slatts Remember that RQ-170 is said to be an autonomous UAV - with ability to self program it's mission in whole. I think that gliding was possible only if the engine had stopped - such kind of vehicle is bound to have some kind of stabilizer/auto-pilot to maintain straight flight. On the other hand engine failure theory (without loosing contact with operator) is also possible, but then why the US haven't tried to bring the plane somewhere near Afghanistan or Iraq to capture it?
  19. krzychuzokecia

    Iranian's release video of captured UAV

    According to this source (watch out! It's in Polish!), Iranians have jammed UAV's radio or whatever it uses to communicate with base. After that, plane's computer decided to perform automatic landing (RQ-170 is said to have such ability, well many UAVs do so), and then Iranians captured it. Question of UAV being damaged - on the video we can't see bottom of the plane, probably it landed in rough terrain and could've got damaged.
  20. krzychuzokecia

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    Nice A4! I'm eagerly waiting to see them (and SPR too)! But just as Elias Pinto, I'm more into '80s - early '90s era, so I'm gonna ask: do you have any XM177/Colt Commando variants in future plans? They'd go well with your's M1A1! ;)
  21. If it'd apply only to "Troubleshooting" then yes, but... ... sometime ago I was owner of OFP:CWC 1.46. Founding BIS Forums and reading it (especially "Addons & Mods" sections) brought me into buying Resistance and then ArmA: Armed Assault. If Forums had been closed at that time, I'd probably never bought them. Oh! And for most of the time I'm reading Forums, I don't bother to log in - it's just faster when I don't have anything to say.
  22. krzychuzokecia

    =brem-1= wip

    Great! Have you thought about any script-based features, apart from being a repair vehicle, that could be part of this addon? Like towing script adapted from your's and Lex's MAZ truck?
  23. krzychuzokecia

    US Army Rangers and Deltas in Multicam

    Very nice Ivosm! Maybe on some units you could save original equipment in woodland camo (I'm not talking about uniform, only vests and pouches)? This would make them more diverse.
  24. krzychuzokecia

    STGN's WIP

    Smoke-grenade launcher would be great (it's used also in RHS and ORCS tanks, shame that AI can't handle it automatically), but maybe you can try to make commander's MG workable? RHS and Inquisitor were working on such system, where commander (while sitting outside of turret) was automatically mounting machine gun, which was defined as another vehicle. Adding MG to moving object is not so hard to do (look at Footmuch's planes and Gnat's frigates), thing is to force commander to move to MG when choosing "turn out" option.
  25. krzychuzokecia

    STGN's WIP

    Wow STGN, I was sure that under this topic I'll see another state-of-the-art AR-15 models, but this is real surprise! Will you make some older variants like M1, M1IP and M1A1? If yes, could you give them more attention? We already have decent M1A2 SEP, but nothing for 1980's era apart from BIS M1 and Sigma's ones.