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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    Ballistics and terminal ballistics in OFP

    OK, I get that part, but my question is: why it's set to 9 for 5.56 bullet? Is it only "because it was working with armor values of other units", or is there something more into it (some kind of calculation made from public ballistic data)? I bet that only BIS guys would know, but it's not the first thread about it since OFP release... OK, but then how is flightpath of the bullet set (I thought that AI behavior is affected only by aiRateOfFire[Distance])? I read that it is adjusted by initSpeed value, which is kind of artificial value, and I have no idea how it really works. But then again, when I'm back to my 9mm Luger and Makarov example, JAM settings are identical hit for both (while IRL Makarov is weaker bullet), but Mak's got smaller initSpeed - that'd suggest that Makarov flightpath is... shorter, less flat? Or maybe initSpeed simulates not trajectory but... initial speed/muzzle speed, which is naturally smaller for Makarov, and have effect on "smaller power" of this cartridge in-game (despite hit value equal to 9mm Para)? But if it's so, again we don't have control on the trajectory... Oh, I almost forgot: big thanks for working CAVS link! It'll be really helpful!
  2. Very romantic view on the latest accidents in Middle East/North Africa, but is it real or only myth? See, "revolution" in Egypt started thanks to activism of Internet-users, but look who have power there now: the military, the same one who was put in action to stop the revolution! Looks like generals took their chance and joined protestants, only to set their own government soon. I bet that if they'd act aggressive towards civilians, Hosni Mubarak would be still president of Egypt... Well, representative democracy is in the state of flux, regarding to social acceptance of it - people feel that "this won't work", and they're right! But would some more direct form of governing be better? See, every country needs government if it's not anarchy (in fact anarchy is opposite of country I'd say), with it's fiscal system (and taxes), departments residing in "big public buildings", and... forces of "legal use of violence" (as Max Weber said). So, even with direct democracy (or at least ballot democracy), it might be still a problem, and (in the worst case) we could end with far more complicated system of governing! Not that I'm against changes, I'm all for them but in what direction?
  3. krzychuzokecia

    WW2 map

    Very sad, but sometimes we have to say "enough"... Thanks for all Your work, and take care!
  4. krzychuzokecia

    Iran unveils new fighter jet - Are you watching BIS?

    Is it me, or does it's wings look like inspired by Boeing's Bird of Prey demonstrator?
  5. krzychuzokecia

    Operation Codeblue new announcements

    Brsseb's tutorial - Bible for Oxygen modelling. Fab's tutorials - also useful stuff. In fact, when You're using existing parts from two kinds of models, all You need is Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, and maybe a little moving of the vertices (points) with RMB. Have fun!
  6. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    You can also use Offtime's John Doe model, released under OFF license, which he used in OFPL WP Soldiers pack, OFPL GROM and Desert FIA addons (and which was used also in EDF pack, Serial Killer's FIA addon, and NAF mod).
  7. krzychuzokecia

    Trademarks,patents and usage

    I think it's pretty easy here: - You're making HL mod using Valve assets, and it's illegal (unless their EULA states otherwise) - You're making HK416D addon and it's legal, because You're not using any parts made by HK - it'd be hard to have real parts in virtual firearm, wouldn't it? Your model is only virtual and visual representation of real-life item, and HK can't sue You - think of all the people who're posting photos of HK weapons. The fact that weapon design is patented, I think, is not important here: You're not copying any mechanism. Problem starts when the look of weapon is copyrighted: just like Glock have patent for "black, square in shape pistol with serrations on the back of the slide" (yes, they do! And it sparkled debate among firearm makers). Or when trademark is copyrighted, and You'll be getting profit from selling the model (see BIS with "Coyota" pick-up). But what happens when I'm making HL mod from scratch, without using any assets from original game?
  8. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Well, I know only about Chinese faces in PLA mod, and DMA Facetex, which contains arabic ones. Unfortunately, You can't use faces form PLA without the whole mod...
  9. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    I think it's the same: http://www.multiupload.nl/G4DPE3GESO
  10. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    Very nice bullpup concept, though it feels very AUG A3-ish. 7.62 AUG, why not? :) BTW: there was a little misunderstanding in our conversation about sight textures, because I thought, that new textures are for sight models, not sight views ;)
  11. krzychuzokecia

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    Here ya go! What does it mean? Is the development of ARs and M1 in danger?
  12. krzychuzokecia

    "Sandy island", the island that never existed...

    Meh, it's just OFP Desert/Intro island...
  13. krzychuzokecia

    OFP: Nogovan Armed Forces

    I want to publicly say sorry for all of that, and I don't have any idea why I haven't contacted R0adki11 first - I have nothing to justify myself and I thank Max Power for letting me without any punishment. I hope that helping R0adki11 with fixing the addons will make up for the wrong I done.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    OFP: Nogovan Armed Forces

    First: thanks R0adki11 for posting this! It may be surprise to You, but in fact yours release threads had always caught attention of many people! In fact it was always one of my favorite addons, I planned to make some missions for it, but lack of time and skills prevented this... As for the fixed MiG and An I've send the files to R0adki11.
  15. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Greetings from Poland! AFAIK the only An-26 was planned for Polish Silent War Mod, long time ago in 2003, but it was never finished. Though I've heard that guys at SW do plan to make An-26, but I don't now when... Unfortunately, OFPL is long dead, and it's almost impossible to catch authors somewhere. But don't loose your faith! BRDM-2 was released under Offtime's own license which is similar to GNU-Open Source license, just read the readmes carefully. Do You plan any Slovakia-themed mod?
  16. Question regarding first paragraph of the License: Bold mine Does it mean, that I am allowed to use this pack to create content for ArmA: Cold War Assault released in 2011, which is (in fact) updated OFP: Resistance? From technical point of view it's not a problem to block OFP users from using such addon...
  17. krzychuzokecia

    Guerrilla Pack

    TBH I never encountered it earlier, but with new version of Your's addon it happens to me frequently. Though, I understand that it may not be fixed. Yes, You were right (I replaced BIS models with WW4 ones) but sights (ironsights!) were spot on! One thing that buggers me: marksmen units use the same load-outs as snipers. Was it intentional? (Now both use heavy .50 cal rifles)
  18. krzychuzokecia

    Guerrilla Pack

    Experiencing CTD when using Veteran units. Someone else, or only me? Also: SVD model changed to BIS one, what happened to the previous one?
  19. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    Very nice weapons, but... what it is? I typed "M5 SPC" in Google and it gave me BMW M5 car, and (from weapons) Sabre Def. AR-15 in 6.5mm Grendel... Will you upgrade Mk10 with improved sights? Anyway, good luck with your projects!
  20. krzychuzokecia

    WWIIEC Road to Caen Demo 0.3.3

    Very nice, dl'ing now! Have you guys fixed reload time of bolt action rifles? It was possible to shoot while reload animation was still playing. And why there are no some older ECA-tagged addons? Like T-Roc's vehicles, Horsa and 30cal? Or will they go to the final version (I believe that there will be final version if this is only demo :P). Cheers!
  21. krzychuzokecia

    Indian Army Addons

    Tejas looks very nifty, it would be great to see it in OFP. Are you planning (at some point in future) making FGFA/PMF (Sukhoi T-50 variant)?
  22. BTW: I was looking at the old C&C mod (unrl.), and if You'd ever want to make something like this, check Sennacherib's (aka Dante) Thyria: Sands of Resistance mod. His units use similar "motorcycle-style" helmet, and IIRC he lets others to use his units in other projects. Anyway: good luck with bringing C&C universe to OFP!
  23. Hi Revan! Nice work here, but I've got one proposition. As you may had noticed: when logo is put on Sanctuary's texture it's not only seen on two arms of the model (on one it's seen reversed), but it's also blurred. To prevent this, you can select some polys on model's arm (left, or right, or maybe both), copy them, deselect, paste and move new polygons a little bit from the old (but very little: one mm is enough). Then you can texture them with logo, just remember to add transparency in background. Hope you understand, I'm having now some mental blockade on writing in English :P
  24. krzychuzokecia

    Guerrilla Pack

    Ah, OK I misunderstood you. Well, I never even tried to use these two packs together, as I always treated them as "complete" and build upon very different ideas. Nevertheless - WW4 units, with different anims for different classes, and Dan's weapons... That sounds interesting!
  25. krzychuzokecia

    USSOCOM Units

    I'm diggin' the Tiger Stripe camos ;) BTW: when you're already using STGN's M4s, maybe give them to the MARPAT guys? IIRC USMC-FSOC (which combines USMC units under US-SOCOM) still use them instead of SCARs. Well, it's up to you, but I like more diversity :P And STGN's rifles really "need love"!