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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    Huaa island by doa-decay

    BTR-T from Sebastian Muller. What do You mean by this? To make a mission (be it DM, TDM, CTF) You need only in-game editor. To make an island, You need proper tools, however AFAIK Visitor (OFP/ArmA proprietary map making tool) for A3 wasn't released yet - You have to use A2 one. But it'd be better to ask at A3 forums.
  2. krzychuzokecia

    Ukraine General

    Thing is that EU have no profit in Ukraine joining them! The profit is in Russia, so any actions against Putin's will may bring an end to "good business". Just read this (if You haven't already): BBC Buzzfeed Telegraph If EU had any profit in Ukraine, Yanukovych would sign an agreement last year and there'd be no Maidan - because the only one "power" who want Ukraine join EU are people. You may write about hundreds of Russian-Ukraine joint ventures, but in mind of typical Ukrainian these companies bring profit only to Russia (and oligarchs). They feel like Russian colony, and they want break this connection. And even political opposition of Yanukovich is not so Euro-enthusiastical - Tymoshenko's husband (an oligarch) also makes businesses with Russians. First: police is not to give revenge, but to protect ("and to serve"). Second: BTR wasn't penetrated by any AT weapon, but burned with Molotovs. And this happened after people on Maidan were shot by "revenging" police. Sorry, but this "Nazis" thing is getting old - even Josip Broz Tito (leader of communist Yugoslavia) was once called "Nazi" by Soviet propaganda. Yes, there were OUN/UPA (organization established during WWII, allied to Third Reich, and responsible for killing thousands of Poles in Wolyn Massacre) flags waving, but people who brought them there have no idea about their real meaning - for them it's only symbol their know of Ukraine without communism (or Russian influences). This is analogical to young American socialists who display t-shirts with Che Guevara or Stalin, who also sent to death many, many people. Stupidity, but at this moment it's not dangerous (it's signal that they should be educated). I think that is Putins' next step: organize referendum ("guarded" by "Russian self-defence") in which illegal* gov't of Crimea would be legalized. But where he'd stop? In Berlin once again? (Again my favorite geopolitics and importance of Germany as an obstacle for Russia to become global power/leader) *Well, if new Kiev's gov't is illegal, then new Crimea gov't is too - however I can't hear Putin crying about it. Maybe because Putin is playing his game, but refuses others to play their? But this is what Putin wants - USA may block his visa, heck, they can even block his foreign accounts (though I doubt he have one - he's the Czar, the Emperor, Russia is Putin). But this won't stop his tanks. A concentration of military forces on NATO eastern border (without going to Ukraine) would be a clear signal. (The "John Rambo" way of sending SF into Crimea would work, if there was oil :D In 2003 Poland wasn't officially part of US-UK invasion in Iraq, but GROM was fighting for Umm Qasr port where most of Saddam's oil was exported) @MistyRonin ACHTUNG! CAUTION! PRIMANYE! Polish media say that Yanukovych died on heart attack! Can anybody confirm/deny this, or is it BS?
  3. krzychuzokecia

    Ukraine General

    And again that old "agents of evil west" story... You have to understand that EU (or NATO) have no interest in Ukraine joining them! Otherwise, Ukraine would be already part of the Union. EU is interested in leaving status quo in this region - leaving Ukraine to Russia's will. Problem is that Ukrainian people don't want to be Russia ally, that's why they protest so vigorously. If "the West" helped them, then Russian Black Sea Fleet would be already fleeing to it's country... I don't say that western countries don't use their people to spark some revolts - they do (remember Libya?), but everyone knows about it. And Russia also have "their people" where they want. Heck, even in Polish Parliament we have whole party formed from former communists! But this is an effect of "going the peace way", and making deal with the regime. Oh yes, Molotov coctails (super-secret weapon made in US Skunk Works laboratory), and bullets that fly through BTR's armor (we all know that BTR is heavily protected, as much as Merkava tank)... When Maidan protest was shed with blood, I was watching western, and eastern TV. I saw police using AKMS carbines, shotguns and British AI sniper rifles. What had the "blood-thirsty" "ritual-killing" protesters? Mainly hand weapons: wooden "batons", Molotovs, infamous catapult, airguns, traumatic pistols (guns for rubber bullet, popular in Russia and Ukraine where you can't own normal handgun), very few hunting rifles (well, that's "a weapon" - hunting rifle is not much different than "military" sniper rifle). No Kalashnikovs, no shotguns - even on Russia Today! So, if someone from police forces was hit with AK bullet, my bet is that he was shoot by one of his former colleagues - even some of Berkut troops changed sides during "riots". But this whole "Maidan discussion" is now only distraction from the war going on in Crimea. West does nothing about it (apart from usual chit-chats), and this clearly shows that none of the "democratic leaders" cares for what happens in Ukraine. It's 1938 again, which leads directly to 1939. This time it may be not so bloody, but effects will be the same (well, OK, effects would be rather reminding 1945).
  4. krzychuzokecia

    Ukraine General

    Yup, but because they (Russian military) are unmarked, it makes harder to act for Ukraine - Ukraine will be treated like an aggressor. Just like in Georgia, when Saakashvili went direct into Russian trap (and started the war). While we're at it: Polish TV cites Interfax, that Ukrainian MoD said that they'll attack tomorrow, if Russian forces won't surrender. Is that true, or did the TV mixed it with Russian ultimatum? (Can't find any info on Interfax web)
  5. krzychuzokecia

    Ukraine General

    Well, maybe they (Ger. and Fra.) were right? Because since yesterday's evening all I can hear from our Prime Minister and President is "there's no threat to Poland"... If there's no threat, then NATO acting in the wake of Article 4. is both nonsense and illegal. This only shows how much current Polish gov't is dependent on Germany's will. Remember when EU slapped Ukraine, which led Yanukovych to not to sign an agreement? Our Foreign Affairs Ministrer only jokingly said "nobody want's to pay Yanukovych debts", when EU stance was criticized by opposition in Poland. He was repeating what he was told by "the west", but this thinking was wrong. Now, he's making the same mistake. No lesson learned in minds of cynical European leaders. Yesterday there was small firefight at Simferopol between "Russian self-defence"* and "masked terrorists". However photos showed that "terrorists" (in Russian media named "Ukrainian fascists" etc.) were armed with GM-94 grenade launchers (3-shot pump-type like China Lake), which is used by internal troops of Russia and is said to have been never exported. *"Russian self-defence" is also kind of a farce - they're equipped better than most of the Russian military units, including VDV. Just look at their stuff: PKP Pecheneg MGs, SVD-S and VSS rifles, AK-74Ms with all the Zenitco stuff one could buy (Zenitco - Russian manufacture of AK accessories, pricey and unfortunately unavailable in non-Russian markets), and sophisticated optical sights (including original EOTechs and Aimpoints). You can buy really good stuff in Ukrainian gun shops, but not like that.
  6. krzychuzokecia

    Ukraine General

    Do You even know who is the "supreme ruler" in democarcy? Is it government, or maybe a ballot box? No, it's the people. This is who constitutes the country, and who makes law. So, if everything is fine, they go by the book: vote and pay taxes. But when SHTF they overthrow any government they treat as "unrightful". And they have every right to do so - because they make rights. In democracy. OK, I can admit that he was "more than a puppet". Actually, he did what he could to sign an agreement with EU, but the Union wasn't interested. He was also the one who changed the bad gas deal with Russia, which was signed by Timoshenko. But Maidan wasn't about Timoshenko (when she left the prison, nobody greet her with flowers) - Maidan was about radical change - change symbolized by an Ukraine-EU agreement. When Yanukovych failed to make it, people decided to change him. And nobody cared if he did all the best, or not - he was just inefficient. Tatars are actually pro-ukrainian, because they're frightened that Russian will do to them what they did in Soviet times: mass oppression and repression.
  7. krzychuzokecia

    Ukraine General

    My thoughts exactly. The key to this situation lies in geopolitics (and history as a tool to understand it). Russia and Germany are "the best enemies" - when they're close to themselves, they start the war and pursue their targets. But when they have "something in the middle" (be it Poland in 1939, or Ukraine today), they'll team up against "that third". Truth is that EU (or Germany actually) don't want Ukraine in their "turf" - for them it's still "west of USSR". That's why EU actually slapped Ukrainians in their efforts to join (money it's not a problem here: whole EU payed for small number of falling banks, and second: money can be given in various forms, including opening the market - this is far more "frightening" than one-time donation, no matter how big it can be). French were the traditional opponent of the Germany (and thus potential ally for Central European countries), but since the Napoleon IIIrd, they've become "minor empire" - powerful country, but one that can't overcome German will. Brits, on the other hand, are powerful enough, but they also look to reinstate Russo-German conflict - it may weaken both participants, and as an effect, strengthen the UK (this is also why they're not keen on the whole EU idea - why team up with country you still see as an enemy?). As for US... Well, let me just describe what I read on political boards in the net. American left is worried, because Russian intervention may bring problems of human rights nature, but then they think that Russian "socialism" will put an end to every "empty stomach" in Ukraine (geez, if that'd be true, we'd see crowds trying to get Russian visa at an embassy!). US right is not better: Russia is going stronger (and that's a problem), but hey! It's great chance to bring back the good 'ole times of Cold War and American supremation! Not to mention that Barry will be fired! (Literally) That's what the citizens of "international policeman" think, and I bet that Obama's administration is not different: he's mad about the whole issue, but also is frightened of potential escalation. So while the West is internally divided, "the Russian Bear" is rolling and nothing can stop him. Our only answer would be like in Krycek's post:
  8. krzychuzokecia

    Operation SHOCK (Full Mod + Campaign)

    This is stunning, and I don't know what amazes me the most: effects, level design (that teleport to virtual reality!), hacking mini-game or GUI? Keep it up, You're becoming a legend! BTW: in the fusion cannon video, You're Buldozer uses simple blue background, instead of green and sky. How You achieved that?
  9. krzychuzokecia

    ArmA III Ballistics Overhaul WIP

    You may be interested (or not) in fact that Russian FSO (their Secret Service) is adopting 9x21mm Gyurza as their handgun cartridge. Are BIS prophets? ;)
  10. krzychuzokecia


    I'm unable to open .p3d's with Oxygen2Light for OFP, nor ODOL Explorer - are You using ArmA Oxygen? If so, could You upload files in OFP MLOD format?
  11. krzychuzokecia


    First mirror no luck, but second one is working. Thanks!
  12. krzychuzokecia


    Link doesn't work for me, it may be because of the "!" mark in the name - could You pack the .pbo to (for example) "Defend.rar", or something like that?
  13. krzychuzokecia

    Operation Frenchpoint GUI

    Here You go: http://www.multiupload.nl/VBXHWP8LTF I also have some 50 MB "Goodies" pack - I don't quite remember what it contains (different versions of main menu background - things You don't really need, but You may like to have ;) ), but if You want it, let me know.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    Binmod Release Thread

    Don't wait, it won't happen unfortunately:
  15. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Silent War Mod beta 2006: http://www.multiupload.nl/8VAJBKN035 Requires ECP mod.
  16. krzychuzokecia

    How many AddOns/Mods do YOU have?

    20GB* of addons - uninstalled that is. Installed, I dunno, I don't play that much these times. All in all nice collection, but still less than Zulu! :) *And these are archived addons! Unpacked would fill mine HDD three times!
  17. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    In OFP, if You're looking for city-themed islands then it's only one choice actually: Ocean Island by Pappy Boyington and Wacky Iraqi (and Pappy's flooded version for disaster "fun"). There's also Bluff city on huge Red Rock island, but: 1) it's part of Airwolf Mod (and thus dependant on it) 2) have a tendency to lag a lot - though lag disappears when You use fog (which also adds to climate!). These are the two I know. Have fun ;) Note: dl links work for me, should work for You too
  18. krzychuzokecia

    New Island PÖRRES (BETA version)

    Some more feedback. What needs some rework are tops of the hills - they're "sharp", in real life there is always some "roundnesses". I hope You'll understand waht I mean! ;) Military base at Cg31 is divided into two parts: behind the fence, and behind the wall. I'd rearrange them, so one should be forced to firstly enter the "chicken-fence" part (perimeter?), and then enter "main base" - now base behind the wall have it's own, independent, entrance. Also for this base, and the one at Dd41 I'd add barrier/gate (albeit open - only for cosmetical purposes) and (that's more important) watchtowers. Maybe also fuel depot and workshop for bigger base.
  19. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Zulu, You're irreplaceable! @Fox Well, it seems that RCWC got All The Things! ;)
  20. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    @Strelok They have indeed, in Horror Pack 3! Thanks! @Zulu Well, I know that addons already, not so much "BI stuff" :p But some will come in handy, thanks for reminding me of them! Maybe You know what happened to "Scott Tunstall's overturned bus"?
  21. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    I'm looking for wrecks of original BI vehicles (cars, tanks etc.) - was something like this ever made? I only remember destroyed Skoda in Tonal mod (original release). Isn't it the same as ORCS BMP? IIRC Manfred gave them some of his work.
  22. krzychuzokecia

    North Korea General

    Actually, BBC seems to have very short memory: when Kim The Second died, Chang wanted to be the next "Glorious Leader", and even dared to move some of his forces to vicinity of Pyongyang. So, while he may have been "mentor" of young Kim, the two were rather unfriendly to each other during last year. That makes execution of Chang natural, not surprising. Also: reformer may be, but he was the guy in charge of the last artillery barrage of South.
  23. krzychuzokecia

    Unit Names (Stringtable.CSV)

    Impossible. To edit unit screen name You've got to edit stringtable.csv file which is inside of an addon. Theoretically, You can make separate .pbo file, which will contain another stringtable, but I don't know how game will handle two stringtables referring to the same strings...
  24. krzychuzokecia

    [Normal Find]/Epic] B-2 Spirit

    Actually Gnat's B-52 contained "Virtual Bomber" script which made bombers really useful in missions (it is supposed to work with most of the bombers, IIRC it worked very well with Australian F-111 addon). OFP engine is designed to "simulate" infantry combat using also mechanized assets. In air it can "go wild", and it does - it's not Flight Simulator or DCS A-10. But even then, one can force the game to do what mission designer wants to - with scripts of course, but let's face it: most OFP missions use air assets only as "immersion-maker", no one needs realistic AI in planes, as they show only for small amount of time and they don't actually "fight". So, I don't see any problems with "script-driven bombers", apart from that mission maker must learn some script magic to use them effectively. @Strelok There are some more bombers for OFP, apart from the ones that Zulu said about, there's also Il-28 (Soviet bomber form early 1950's), and BAC Canberra/Martin B-57 - both from Footmunch, go check it out on ofpr.info or OFP Filefront!
  25. krzychuzokecia

    New Island PÖRRES (BETA version)

    As I'm still playing with Porres (probably, because it's really nice), some other issues that might be fixed in final release: - no lampposts - streets are dark at night, You could add at least 2-3 lamps in biggest village, and 1-2 in other villages (destroyed ones don't apply) - buildings in port at South are misaligned and are overlapping each other - most of the houses on this island are destroyed - while it's intentional for destroyed villages, in other ones You could replace war-torn buildings with ones in better condition (my advice is to use more assets from Resistance - CWC objects are mainly derelict and low-quality) - You could also change land textures in destroyed villages to something more burned, like on Kolguyev - near the crossroad, in western part of island, there's field however quarter of it lies on steep hill, adjust the terrain, or remove the field.