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Everything posted by liquidpinky

  1. It deosn't though, your RAM just sits there doing nothing. Only time I see even 50% of my 8gb being used is when the memory leak makes it constantly creep up. I got it working with splitting files up last night, mostly ones like map, roads and trees etc. Using a linking app it was a piece of cake to do and the difference is staggering, I can see why qwertz wont go back. There is no real increase in FPS max but the average FPS is miles higher and the game is smoother than a babies arse. I even had a pagefile on the RAMdisk just for the cheek of it. Also with the mklink you could technically have every separate streaming file on individual HDDs or have the load split over multiple drives to speed things up, not as good as the game fully in RAM but still another way of speeding things up. I have Game folder in C:, vehicles and Aircraft in D: and the streaming map files in my R: (RAM) drive. Finally, I get to actually put my 8gb RAM to good use. Thanks for starting this thread as I have learned some nice new tricks through the course of it. One question, how do I stuff 250gb RAM into my Striker 2 mobo? I will post up the software links and the how to later when I get home from work.
  2. Just stumbling through it myself but I will be sure to make a Dummies Guide from a dummies POV. ;) I am just trying to move the files to my second HDD for now before I try putting them in RAM, just cutting into a separate folder and moving them while adding the new destination as a mod in the exe command is a phail though. Looking into symlink creation now as that is the answer I believe. Even the splitting of the game over 2 HDDs will smooth it out, splitting between 2 HDDs and RAMdisk will really improve it. Not as much as a pure RAMdisk install but some of us don't have that option.
  3. I might actually give this method a go, I only have 8gb DDR3 Ram available but having raked through the ArmA 2 folder the majority of the map related files (not including mods) are around 3.21gb. Do you think it would be possible to split these up from the original folder and run separately as mods from a RAM drive without issues? After all it is the map loading that is causing the stuttering, 90% of the time anyways.
  4. liquidpinky

    Report: HD5870 & ArmA 2

    Try these settings: Visibility- 3000 to 4000, 10000 is not really going to do much more than overload your GPU and most vehicles and object only appear within the 3000 mark unless you use mods. Texture- high Memory- high or normal, this setting really reduces crashes a lot and doesn't affect performance much at all. Changing this from default and very high really reduced crashes to almost nil. Anisotropic Filtering- high or highest as this does make a difference on lower textures. Anti Aliasing- low or off, not really needed on 1920 res and is a performance dropper. terrain detail- low or lowest object detail- normal shadows- very high post process- low or disabled. You will probably run 60fps or higher, until you try some MP games or busy missions, then it will half. That is my setup for virtually zero crashes and solid 30fps performance for MP playing.
  5. liquidpinky

    Running Arma2 from SSD

    It isn't the camera itself, it is the switch between model details and LOD texture levels loading that cause the stuttering. The faster your disk access the less noticeable it is. It certainly still does it with a Raptor so an SSD is the the best solution to reduce/remove it even more. It is the nature of the beast, all games that have large maps continuously streaming will always benefit from good, quick and clean disk access. If not using an SSD defrag the drive regularly.
  6. liquidpinky

    Arma 2 controllers?

    Yep, takes some time to get it just right but it is worth it in the end. I just had a marathon session in the Armoury going from one vehicle to the next while setting it up and eventually got a setup I was comfortable with.
  7. liquidpinky

    Intel i7 / Gtx2xx - Crashes

    Does the same shit with a QX9650 and SLi GTX285 with 8gb RAM , lowered in msconfig to 7gb to beat the texture problem. Just takes longer for the memory leak to gub the game with the extra RAM and flushing doesn't stop it happening. Either freezes completely or drops out to desktop. ArmA.exe only shows up in the processes tab of the task manager too and not in the applications tab, it completely disappears out of there altogether. Can still hear it running through speakers as well but can't get back in. Bit pish when you are doing okay in an MP game for a change. :(
  8. liquidpinky

    Report: HD5870 & ArmA 2

    Cheers for the update, seems pretty impressive so far. BTW, guess I wasn't pushing the CPU enough, raised some settings and managed to push it to over 75% now.
  9. liquidpinky

    Report: HD5870 & ArmA 2

    What is the draw distance and resolution set at? These being the most important factors. Also, is this game really CPU dependant, my QX9650 sits at under 50% load most of the time during play no matter what my GFX settings are?
  10. liquidpinky

    Arma 2 controllers?

    I always use an Xbox 360 controller instead of keyboard, still with mouse to aim though. Means more laid back position while playing with still the mouse aiming accuracy. It works fine with ArmA 2 BTW but the trigger buttons need a programming software as they don't appear supported for digital functions, maybe work okay for analogue ones but never tested it.
  11. liquidpinky

    Jet Speed: Are they REALLY going that fast?

    The latest beta allows supersonic and higher speeds, the ArmA 1 Mig-23Flogger is good for the speed junkies and works okay in ArmA2. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4552
  12. liquidpinky

    Favourite Aircraft to fly

    Littlebird or Camel, both good for a chilled out fly around any of the maps.
  13. liquidpinky

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    Either add in -winxp to the list or edit you available RAM in msconfig to be lower than 8gb. Then you will get your textures showing up.
  14. liquidpinky

    So I got the demo...

    It certainly rains when I am mucking about in the armoury, don't know about the demo though.
  15. liquidpinky


    At least you get that far, Razor team constantly dies due to bad turbulence in the Osprey every time I start the mission, and I mean every time. Had to just use the cheat to complete the mission.
  16. liquidpinky

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    Just out of interest what sort of increase did you get? I am running pretty similar rig using the -winxp command. Specs: QX9650@4.2 1337 FSB(couldn't help myself) 2xGTX285 and 8gb RAM. OS is Vista 64bit.
  17. liquidpinky

    This game is amazing

    I have to say having had this game less than a week I agree with the OP. Sure I had the 8GB RAM problem and some tweaking to do, all works fine now with some minor bugs. Downloaded a good few mods already, as you do. Was flying a Sopwith Camel all over Chernerus on Sunday night, last night I was a Royal Marine Commando airlifted into battle in a CH-47. Then when I got out and ordered my team to disembark, while watching and listening the CH-47 leave after dropping everyone off I thought to myself "Games don't any better than this". Having come from making my own mods for GTASA, I was disillusioned by GTAIV for many reasons and have been aimlessly wandering through games like Fallout 3 etc looking for that big sandbox buzz, this one seems to tick all the boxes. I can only hope the niggles get ironed out, that would be the icing on the cake.
  18. liquidpinky

    Osprey VTOL STOL

    Taken from an aircraft forum: I have also seen on some programs about the harrier that this tank of water only actually lasts around 1 minute thirty seconds during full vertical thrust and then serious damage/failures start as a result. Another reason why they only STOL unless at air shows.
  19. liquidpinky


    I unlocked a lot so far with the BMP, it seems to be quite good for a lot of the challenges and you can accept most and use it for them. Unlocks seem to be purely point based and you unlock guns, vehicles and units etc while using one item. A good trick is to hang around the runways for when you get a distance or speed challenge start up, it is a lot easier to blast down the runway than a twisty road.
  20. liquidpinky


    While in armoury, press left shift and numpad - then release them. Type getallgear (all one word)and you will unlock all, have to do it every time though as it won't save the unlocked by cheat items.
  21. liquidpinky

    Favorite weapon.

    XM8s? Favourite, XM8 with XM320 grenade launcher as it looks good and is a treat to use on semi auto either scoped or unscoped. The GL comes in handy on occasions too.
  22. The -winxp should sort it out, didn't know about the -cpu=4 one and will be giving that a try myself tonight. Is there a definitive list of the commands anywhere? Let me guess, probably in the Read me I never read?
  23. A RAM test is in order I think, also if overclocked maybe a little extra voltage on the NB to stabilise the system.
  24. Definitely. I Have 8gb RAM and had to use the -winxp fix, I later added -maxmem=7168 after it. When I play I watch the performance monitor on my G15 and the RAM is slowly filling up as I play. The higher the GFX settings the quicker it fills, until above around 52% when the game starts to suffer a little slowdown but the RAM keeps on filling up. Around the 60% and higher slowdown is getting really bad at this point, although it took a few hours of continuous play to achieve. Ram usage didn't clear when exiting the game at this point either and a reboot was required to clear it. Like GTAIV all over again, same shit different game. I tried setting the maxmem at 4000 and eventually I get the artifacts and crashes when it gets near this limit, reverting back to a value of 6000 stopped it occurring. I will be using that flushing command now that I know it, thanks Cogar69. :) Specs: OS: Vista64 RAM: 8gb DDR3 CPU: QX9650 @ 4.2GHz GPU: 2x GTX285 in SLi Mobo: ASUS Striker II Extreme.
  25. liquidpinky

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    37 year old ARMA newbie, basically cannonfodder.