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About theTog

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    combat sims, history, art, martial arts
  • Occupation
    unemployed and looking for work

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    Not Telling

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  • Biography
    ex-member of GoL which had a political coup - no joke. Followed most members to Havoc Co. Left Havoc for TF86 which disbanded. Joined most ex-members in Viking93.

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  1. Winning! Great job man.
  2. theTog

    Copyrighted 18th?

    Wow... So under his idea of 'copyright', I now have the right to claim every number other than 18 as my own? I guess I'm already too late for 18, so I'm gonna put down 7,12th, and 15th as my own. :rolleyes:
  3. Hexerie - possible, yes. It's all a matter of using the DAC_activation and deactivation with your create areas. Throw in camps and stuff and you can easily fill the entire island of Chernarus. I know, because I've done it. You do have to be patient however since it takes a VERY VERY long time to load. My suggestion would be to learn how it works first before you venture into the area of spawning the entire island, otherwise it can get quite messy. panther42 - Yes, DAC was added to ace as far as I know. I think a few of the test missions they released rely on DAC if I remember correctly. Coulum - from my testing, setting that first number to 0 does disable DAC's dynamic weather. If you're getting shortened view distances, I would check and make sure nothing else is causing it (most likely your actual graphics settings, I think mine were being cut short due to my setting textures down a bit during a test).
  4. theTog

    USS Nimitz

    Beautiful addon. Still minor issues to work out. Not sure if it's been mentioned or not as I haven't read the entire forum, but vehicles still seem to sink into the lifts as they go up. Might I suggest a small code or something that allows you to attach the vehicle to the elevator and then detaches it. Not sure if that's capable of being done with objects like this but figured I'd suggest it anyhow. Keep up the good work. - Tog - TF86
  5. sorry to disturb you Mandoble but I keep getting spammed with the following rpt errors whilst flying the black ka52. Haven't checked the other kamov or the other aircraft yet. Only seemed to start happening after the ACE update on Friday. I'd send the mission file but we have personal addons. //================================================== File mando_missiles\warheads\mando_missilehead1_nohe.sqf, line 35 Error in expression <= getPos _target; }; }; if ((_posl distance _pos) < 30) then { if ((_posl s> Error position: <distance _pos) < 30) then { if ((_posl s> Error Type Any, expected Number File mando_missiles\warheads\mando_missilehead1_nohe.sqf, line 42 Error in expression <h, cos(_angh)*_radh, sin(_angv)*_radv]; drop [_drop1, "", "SpaceObject", 0.1, 6,> Error position: <drop [_drop1, "", "SpaceObject", 0.1, 6,> Error Generic error in expression File mando_missiles\warheads\mando_missilehead1_nohe.sqf, line 108 Error in expression <h, cos(_angh)*_radh, sin(_angv)*_radv]; drop [_drop1, "", "SpaceObject", 0.1, 6,> Error position: <drop [_drop1, "", "SpaceObject", 0.1, 6,> Error Generic error in expression File mando_missiles\warheads\mando_missilehead1_nohe.sqf, line 108 Error in expression <h, cos(_angh)*_radh, sin(_angv)*_radv]; drop [_drop1, "", "Billboard", 1, 3, _po> Error position: <drop [_drop1, "", "Billboard", 1, 3, _po> Error Generic error in expression //======================================================= Again, sorry to disturb you. Tog - TF86
  6. its quite possible that you need to actually place waypoints for the DAC zone fun = ["z8",[8,0,0],[],[4,1,25,1],[ ],[ ],[0,99,0,6,1]] spawn DAC_Zone; ALso, check where you're placing the creation of objects (in the vehicle creator and not the infantry creator). _Unit_Pool_S = []; ---> _Unit_Pool_V = ["DSHKM_TK_INS_EP1","WarfareBMGNest_PK_TK_EP1"]; _Unit_Pool_T = ["ZU23_TK_INS_EP1"]; _Unit_Pool_A = []; This way it will have 25 places to chose from to place the objects and only have the 1 waypoint. Might just be easier to spawn empty guns and have a dac zone over them honestly. DAC does have the AI hop in the gunners seat when it feels like it needs to.
  7. theTog

    SQS --> SQF Hell!

    We finally figured it out. Took a lot of time, sleepless nights and credit to a lot of people, but Ill just leave it here. This one's for Arma2 combined ops with ACE and will probably need to be updated and cleaned out (you'll notice some vehicle mags in there I haven't weeded out).
  8. @ Norrin Not certain as to the reason behind it but I'll try and reproduce it next game I have.
  9. very nice mod. models and textures made me drool. At any rate however, I think I came across an error. Basically, after adding the ACE version to my addons list, I went in to help with some advanced training with my group and long story short, I couldn't hear them firing their weapons the entire time. We investigated a bit and confirmed the one mod we had in common was the steyr pack and when we deleted it, sounds came back. Please look in to this if possible.
  10. theTog

    Isla Duala

    same issue with pixel errors from atop the tower at location 084 070 on top of the roof of the building with all the sandbags. just look northeast. beautiful island and nice work
  11. Hello. I've been playing since OFP was released back in the day. I haven't played much online, but that's why I'm here. I am looking to join an ARMA2 division. I am a fairly good chopper pilot but prefer ground work. I'm NOT a good sniper. This computer wouldn't let me anyway. I'd prefer to join a group that works as a team. I love messing with mods but would prefer to keep them as realistic as possible. As long as it's teamwork play, I don't so much care what kind of mission it is. Training missions are just as fun if done with teamwork in mind. I also carry with me some other skills that might be useful, including but not limited to graphic design (for your squad insignia - such as my avatar logo) and infantry tactics which I've studied for a few years now (namely WW2 squad / fireteam tactics). The main reason I have not joined a squad as of yet is that I can't be there as often as I would like, but I will try. I prefer to use teamspeak for chat and MSN for out of game contact. Feel free to pm me if you are interested. Just make sure to let me know the date and times you play. Just keep in mind that I'm on GMT -7 hours. Tog of [no group listed]