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Everything posted by Imperator[TFD]

  1. Imperator[TFD]

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    I've seen in very early release screenshots/media that the F-35 and MV-22 may be present in the final release. Please have the auto-hover nacelle/thrust vectoring adjustment separate to flaps control. If possible also an in-HUD indicator as to the position when adjusting.
  2. Imperator[TFD]

    SCO Joint Forces Command [ALPHA]

    I'd love to see a 2035 version of the Takistani Army who, given what we know about the A3 storyline, probably sided with Iran.
  3. Imperator[TFD]

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    The FAMAS and the HK4 series weapons are amazing! This is top notch work even for an alpha release mate.
  4. I have the same issue with my X-52. Throttle input is not detected at all until 51% or greater is used. This includes engine start. This was an issue that existed in Arma 2 for a while after the introduction of analogue throttle however one of the later patches then corrected it. Arma 2 detects full range of throttle input fro 0-100%.
  5. Imperator[TFD]

    Unlock Mod

    My issue with importing A2 aircraft is: A: They all billow smoke when spawned empty in the editor B: I can't configure my joystick controls to fly them :(
  6. Imperator[TFD]

    ARMA 3 OPFOR Discussion Thread

    Don't forget this older map from BIS.
  7. Imperator[TFD]

    Arma 3 is not going far enough with Technology

    I don't think that 2035 is far enough in the future to see radically different technology in terms of new vehicles. Systems within the vehicles themselves perhaps and probably new missile technologies but not the vehicle itself. Someone mentioned earlier the Merlin, this is a chopper that has really only just begun it's service life. Same with the V-22. In fact the only vehicle I've seen so far that has made me question BIS's choices is the L-159 we've seen in some screenshots however this is a reasonably new type and may even represent some rebel faction within Arma 3.
  8. Imperator[TFD]


    Given that the gear menu for insurgency was taken from Warfare BE, is it possible at all to update to Benny's new gear UI system? It allows users to place any object into backpacks as well as remembers what is in that backpack when players respawn (not current in Insurgency.) Placing any object into a bag is a BIS default action.
  9. Imperator[TFD]


    As someone pointed out the problem is the speed of the missile in game. See GLT mykes air weapons mod for a more realistic Tunguska. Cureent vanilla tung, especially in the hands of a player are extremely potent.
  10. Imperator[TFD]


    Tunguskas in this game are horribly overpowered and do not even roughly mimic their real life counterpart. Also your A10does not have (unless changed in latest patch) a working RWR to detect incoming missiles and allow you to pop flares. This also applies to the SU25 in game as well. Survival against these machines is low for Blufor units.
  11. Imperator[TFD]

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Well the ACR faction already has the MI-17 so I'm hoping we'll maybe see the Czech MI-24?
  12. I hope to God it's a Czech DLC, that would be awesome! I'm inclined to agree that it will be, the aircraft definitely looks more like the L-39 than the T4.
  13. Insurgency would be unreal on this map because of the better cover and elevation differences.
  14. I was under the impression this was the normal way to install betas.:)
  15. As mentioned, just make all tanks like the T-55 where the main gun cannot tab lock onto targets.
  16. Imperator[TFD]

    Inventory improvement suggestions and discussion.

    The quick dropping of backpacks is a great idea mate!
  17. The sooner the tab-lock system is gone the better.
  18. I'm actually extremely happy about this change, regardless of whether or not it was intentional or not as it prevents players from just commanding the entire tank from the drivers seat.:D
  19. Imperator[TFD]

    Weapon with a scope with a blue filter

    L85 AWS from the BAF download content.
  20. Imperator[TFD]


    That's just the Warrior for you. It's an RPG resistant vehicle with RPG 'nets' and ERA.:)
  21. So I was looking around at maps and what not for Chernarus and came across this picture. Upon showing it to another Arma 2 player he immediately said "so how did an american carrier group get into that inland sea?" I looked twice then burst out laughing. So looking at the map I can't see anyway how a carrier group would have gotten into the Caspian Sea? Is there any sought of canal that links the Caspian with the rest of the world's oceans? Interesting I thought.:)
  22. Imperator[TFD]

    Is it possible to rearm the hellfires?

    To quickly answer your question: There is only a limited number of times you can rearm your hellfires at the ammo truck.
  23. And what missions do you propose that BIS would run to satisfy the majority of players who would join?
  24. Imperator[TFD]

    FPS opinion

    The lower your FPS the worse your recoil is, from my experience.