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Everything posted by Jelliz

  1. Jelliz

    Arma 2 TECH HELP! Motion Blur!

    If you have motion blur after turning off postprocessing then you might have triggered FADE.(Most likely that, because you said you were banned before, so the problem was most likely identified as FADE). FADE is the games anti piracy system, it detects an invalid serial key or a modified .exe and starts screwing up your game in various ways.
  2. Yeah, i mentioned it here because it would fit best in the same pack, but give me some days and i'll PM you a link to an updated .pbo.(It's quite an easy fix, but im kinda busy for the time being);)
  3. Mcnools, you thought about including non-camo versions of the m4's? I have one for the ironsights ready, with one minor texture flaw.
  4. True, it is a shame it was not finished by BIS. :p
  5. You can see through the sight in 3rd person, but not in 1st person. I have not been able to figure out why.
  6. How about randomising it? If you should have more types of camo, it might be cool to randomize it. Like BIS does with the Guerilla, militia and civilian models.
  7. Not sure about conditions in scripts, but this may be correct if you want it to trigger once a trigger has been triggered.
  8. Wrong, when executing .sqs scripts it should be:
  9. From the config: Some guerilla and milita models select a random texture at initialization.(also civilians). Cool stuff eh?;)
  10. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/12357 Probably related ticket. Naygul valley is full of rocks, and some of the rock models are buggy(AI stuck,spontaneous jumping etc..).
  11. Jelliz


    Moonwalk animation + Charons zombie mod = Thriller! :pet12:
  12. Jelliz

    Norwegian Forces Pack

    Nice, looking forward to this ;)
  13. To voice my opinion with the vocabulary of a standard OFP-DR fanboy: [13yearoldmode] "LOLOLOLOLOL ROFLROFLROFL LOLOLOLOL" [/13yearoldmode] Well, ill bring popcorn and beer for the launch. It was fun to watch the shitstorm on their forum the first time around, cant wait for the next one! :D
  14. Not without a mod, the portraits you get in singleplayer is attached to the model of the main characters.(Graves,Pierce, Herrera and some other guy if i remember correctly)
  15. DownLoadable Content. Cheap distribution = easier to make a profit.
  16. Im actually more annoyed that they didnt bother to include these fine models in the game, but i guess they had their reasons. Just would like to know why:p
  17. done, check PM's dude. ;) EDIT: Forgot to add the readmes and the rest to the PBO i sent you.. Sorry:p
  18. Sure i can do that, but if he edited the p3d with notepad++ or something like that, its just very important that what you replace needs to be the same character length. Like:
  19. I have managed to get the M4a3 ironsights working without crashing, also with the proper camo texture. What kind of error message do you get when it crashes? I do have huge problems with the reflex one though, but that is because of the lacking textures for the sights, and the model is of course binarized:p
  20. give them a waypoint by clicking on the building, there should be a dropdown list to select building position.
  21. Too much clutter in the editor would put off new people from using the editor, as it would appear complicated and messy. I prefer it the way it is, and it would be very much work for BIS to make fitting icons for the buildings and objects, and give them names. The time spent doing this, could be used making downloadable content that funds further development in other areas. It is not hard at all to spawn a house with a classname, and use the setdir command to set the direction of the object. No need for external script at all.
  22. Jelliz

    Editor: Add the Undo function

    Very good suggestion, +1 from me aswell. But it might not be as easy as it sounds to implement, atleast with multiple undo's.
  23. Animation viewer, contains just about every animation in the game.
  24. You should ask about this in the ACE thread, this forums section is for vanilla only. Forum description: